
People who can stabilize their weight in this range are more likely to live to be 90 years old!

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: CCTV Life Circle

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Find out the secret of longevity behind weight stability!

People who can stabilize their weight in this range are more likely to live to be 90 years old!

Pan Zhigang

Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University

Chief Physician of the Department of General Medicine

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Weight stability and longevity?

In August 2023, a study published in the Journal of Gerontology found that people who were able to maintain a stable weight were more likely to live to age 90.

Weight is a mirror of lifestyle, people who can maintain a stable weight, in general, have a more balanced diet, more regular exercise, better sleep, and better mentality, these factors are closely related to longevity.

People who can stabilize their weight in this range are more likely to live to be 90 years old!

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, studied the association of short-term (3-year) and long-term (10-year) weight changes in older women with survival rates at ages 90, 95, and 100.

The study included 54,437 women aged 61~81 years, and their weights were measured at the beginning of the study, the 3rd year, and the 10th year. The researchers divided the participants' weight changes into 3 categories:

It was found that 30,647 women (56%) lived to be at least 90 years old.

The analysis found that women with a stable weight were more likely to live to age 90 and be.

People who maintain a stable weight: Compared with women who lose 5% or more of their body weight, they are 1.2~2 times more likely to live longer.

People who lost ≥5% of their body weight: lower association with survival at age 90, 95, and 100 years.

People who gained ≥5% of their weight: not associated with survival at age 90, 95 and 100.

People who can stabilize their weight in this range are more likely to live to be 90 years old!

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It is more important to maintain a stable weight after the age of 50

Previously, there were similar conclusions. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) also showed that it is more important to maintain a stable weight as you enter old age.

The study found that:

For older men, compared with those with stable weight (weight fluctuation within 5%), the risk of all-cause mortality increased by 33% in those who lost 5%~10% of body weight, and the risk of all-cause mortality increased by 289% in those who lost more than 10% of body weight.

For older women, compared with those with stable weight, the risk of all-cause mortality increased by 26% in those who lost 5%~10% of body weight, and the risk of all-cause mortality increased by 114% in those who lost more than 10% of body weight.

People who can stabilize their weight in this range are more likely to live to be 90 years old!

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What is a healthier range to stabilize your weight?

For the elderly, people who are a little heavier are more likely to live a long and healthy life than those who are underweight, of course, the degree of obesity needs to be grasped.

Generally speaking, for the elderly aged 60~80 years, the BMI is stable between 24~26, which is relatively healthy and long-lived.

It is recommended that you should start to adjust your eating habits and exercise habits from the age of forty or fifty, so that your health level and even the level of body mass index will be around 24.

What is the ideal weight for the elderly, who are more likely to live to the age of 90?

Male elderly man with a height of 1.7 meters:

When BMI=24:


When BMI=26:


Based on the above two values, the weight range of the male elderly with a height of 1.7 meters is 69.36 kg ~ 75.14 kg when the BMI is 24~26.

Female elderly with a height of 1.6 meters:

When BMI=24:

体重=24×(1.6×1.6)= 24×2.56 =61.44千克。

When BMI=26:


Combining the above two values, the weight range of the female elderly with a height of 1.6 meters is 61.44 kg ~ 66.56 kg when the BMI is 24~26.

Calculate your weight range according to your height~


BMI (body weight height index) = weight (kg) / height (meters) squared.

Young people are advised to control the BMI index at 18.5~23.9, and the above BMI range is limited to the elderly aged 60~80 years.

People who can stabilize their weight in this range are more likely to live to be 90 years old!
People who can stabilize their weight in this range are more likely to live to be 90 years old!

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Do these 4 points well

Better for maintaining a healthy weight

1. Self-assessment:

It is best to maintain a stable weight, but the premise of maintaining stability is to first assess whether you are too thin or too fat, if you are already in a state of being too thin or too fat, then you need to adjust your weight to a normal value first, and then keep your weight stable.

2. Balanced nutrition:

The proportion of meat and vegetables should be reasonable, not a vegetarian diet every day, and high-quality protein intake. In addition, the food can be prepared with a soft texture that is easy to swallow.

People who can stabilize their weight in this range are more likely to live to be 90 years old!

3. Take your weight regularly:

You can measure your weight once a month, and you should get up early and take it on an empty stomach for each measurement, and make adjustments if there are changes. For middle-aged and elderly people who are obese themselves, developing the habit of measuring their weight regularly will make them more self-disciplined, reduce eating and drinking, and be more conducive to weight control.

4. Moderate exercise:

For exercise, excessive exercise is not advisable, and it is not advisable to recuperate at home.

Older people can take relatively gentle exercises, such as walking, swimming, Baduanjin, etc.

If you are in good physical condition, you can exercise in a familiar environment, warm up before exercise, and relax after exercise. Those who are in poor physical condition can exercise appropriately with the assistance of their guardians.

For example, warm up first, then walk slowly, and then gradually increase the speed, after walking briskly for 5 minutes if you can tolerate it, then slowly reduce the speed, take a short rest, and then start the next cycle, you can do it 3 times a day, the cumulative time can reach 15 minutes, and do it 2~3 times a week.

People who can stabilize their weight in this range are more likely to live to be 90 years old!

1. People who maintain a stable weight are more likely to live to be 90 years old.

2. For the elderly, people who are a little heavier are more likely to live a long and healthy life than those who are underweight.

3. Maintain a healthy weight and pay attention to 4 points in life:

Do a good self-assessment; Nutrition should be balanced; Measure your weight regularly; Exercise in moderation.