
"Apple violated! Heavy penalties are coming! ”

author:896 car FM
"Apple violated! Heavy penalties are coming! ”

According to media reports on June 24, the European Commission issued an announcement on the same day, saying that after investigation, it was preliminarily determined that Apple's App Store (App Store) in the United States was suspected of violating the European Union's "Digital Markets Act". This is the "first shot" fired by the EU antitrust authorities against the tech giants after the law came into effect in March this year.

According to the European Commission, Apple's App Store rules prevent app developers from freely directing consumers to other channels for better deals on products and content. The European Commission also said it would investigate the "core technology fee" charged by Apple's App Store and the overly complicated steps for iPhone users to download apps from third-party channels.

The European Union has informed Apple of its preliminary opinion. According to the rules, Apple is now required to review the commission's findings and make a formal response. According to the schedule, the European Commission may make a final decision by the end of March 2025.

If Apple is ultimately found to be in violation, it will face a fine of up to 10% of its annual global revenue; In the case of repeat offenders, this fine can be up to 20%. However, Apple may also be exempt from fines if it can make changes that meet the requirements of EU rules.

In March, the European Union launched an investigation into Apple, Google's parent company Alphabet and Meta under a new regulation, the Digital Markets Act. That month, the European Union also imposed an antitrust fine of 1.8 billion euros (about 14 billion yuan) on Apple for abusing its dominant position in the music streaming app distribution market.

Source: CCTV Financial Editor: Hang Qi Editor: Lai Ting Review: Lu Hongmei

"Apple violated! Heavy penalties are coming! ”
"Apple violated! Heavy penalties are coming! ”

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