
Condensing the "new" cohesion in both directions, Bincheng TEDA explores the connection model of new forms of business and new employment groups

author:AI TEDA

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, continue to explore the effective path of party building work for new forms of business and new employment groups, and continuously enhance the party's appeal, cohesion and influence in emerging fields, TEDA Street has further promoted the "three new" work model of party building to lead the gathering of "new", warm "new" and "new", establish a connection model between new business groups and communities, continuously expand the volunteer service team of new forms of business and new employment groups, and promote new employment groups to actively participate in grassroots governance, showing "new" actions and contributing "new" strength.

In recent years, with the rapid development of new industries, new formats and new models of enterprises, there are more and more part-time, seasonal and temporary flexible employment groups such as real estate agents, truck drivers, couriers, nurses, housekeepers, shopping mall information workers, online food delivery workers, and security guards who are active in Teda Street, and they are an indispensable force for economic and social development, as well as an important force for serving residents' lives and helping urban development.

TEDA Social Volunteer Association innovates the "1+X" work model of volunteer service, gathers the strength of new forms of business and new employment groups, and sets up 20 "'new' heart connection" contact groups in the community, and each group arranges 1 full-time staff to connect with each other on a regular basis, establishes and improves the regular contact mechanism, timely understands the ideological dynamics, work conditions and opinions of new forms of business and new employment groups, and further improves the pertinence and effectiveness of services.

At the same time, a volunteer service team for new forms of business and new employment groups has been established to expand the scope of volunteer service. Give full play to the work advantages of new forms of business and new employment groups walking the streets and alleys and going door-to-door, and encourage takeaway riders and couriers to take advantage of the "one minute" break to become "mobile grid members", "civilized supervisors" and "safety propagandists" for grassroots governance.

As of now

There are 20 neighborhoods in the whole street

More than 2,000 members have registered for the new format

2-3 core volunteers are selected from each community

The backbone of more than 60 people has been formed

Volunteer service force of new business groups

Play a leading role in radiation

Drive more new business practitioners

Get involved in volunteering in the community

Condensing the "new" cohesion in both directions, Bincheng TEDA explores the connection model of new forms of business and new employment groups

Through the "casual shooting" of health order and the "reporting of potential safety hazards at any time", problems such as potential safety hazards, sanitary dead ends, and emergencies in residential corridors, back streets and alleys are discovered and solved in a timely manner.

Condensing the "new" cohesion in both directions, Bincheng TEDA explores the connection model of new forms of business and new employment groups
Condensing the "new" cohesion in both directions, Bincheng TEDA explores the connection model of new forms of business and new employment groups
Condensing the "new" cohesion in both directions, Bincheng TEDA explores the connection model of new forms of business and new employment groups
Condensing the "new" cohesion in both directions, Bincheng TEDA explores the connection model of new forms of business and new employment groups

Volunteers said

The establishment of the volunteer service team has allowed them to find an organization, and they will keep in touch with the community, actively participate in community activities, use their own industry advantages, and use their free time to practice "handy public welfare" and contribute to TEDA.

In the future, TEDA Street will continue to uphold the concept of "leading, serving, and uniting" new forms of business and new employment groups, further innovate working methods, integrate service resources, improve the linkage mechanism, continue to grasp the normal connection, pay close attention to service care, and grasp the integration of governance, so as to promote the new business format to become a new force for building a beautiful "Bincheng" happy TEDA.