
A responsible comrade of the Drug Treatment Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice answered reporters' questions on the work of judicial administration for drug rehabilitation

author:Qinghai popularization of law

Strive to promote the high-quality development of the national judicial and administrative drug rehabilitation work

-- A responsible comrade of the Drug Rehabilitation Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice answered reporters' questions on the judicial and administrative drug rehabilitation work

This year, 26 June marks the 37th International Day Against Drugs. Recently, on the occasion of the International Anti-Drug Day, a responsible comrade of the Drug Treatment Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice gave an exclusive interview on issues related to the judicial and administrative drug rehabilitation work.

Question: Since the full performance of the functions of drug rehabilitation, what progress and results have been made in the work of judicial administration in drug rehabilitation?

A: After the abolition of the RTL system at the end of 2013, the judicial-administrative organs began to fully perform their functions of drug rehabilitation. Over the past 10 years, the judicial and administrative drug rehabilitation system has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on drug control and drug rehabilitation, scientifically grasped the triple identity attributes of "offenders", "victims" and "patients" of drug rehabilitation personnel, adhered to the work concept of "people-oriented, scientific drug rehabilitation, comprehensive correction, care and assistance", faithfully performed their duties and responsibilities, had the courage to take responsibility, and strived to build a judicial and administrative drug rehabilitation system with Chinese characteristics. Positive results have been achieved in all aspects of the work, and they have played an important role in educating and rescuing drug addicts, reducing drug-related crimes, and maintaining social harmony and stability.

(1) Always put political construction in the first place. Adhere to the party's absolute leadership over drug rehabilitation, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards", and solidly carry out the theme education of "not forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission", the education and rectification of the political and legal team, the study and education of party history, and the theme education of studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, etc., to build political loyalty, strengthen theoretical arming, strengthen positive conduct and discipline, and strictly implement the system of requesting instructions and reporting on major matters. Conscientiously implement the Ministry of Justice's decision-making and deployment on drug rehabilitation, further grasp the deep integration of political construction and drug rehabilitation, implement political responsibility into specific work, and reflect it in actual results, continuously enhance the political and organizational functions of party organizations at all levels, and lead and ensure the comprehensive excellence of all businesses with political excellence.

(2) Persist in taking the road of development of drug rehabilitation in accordance with the law. First, the institutional system is becoming more and more perfect. In accordance with the "Anti-Narcotics Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Regulations on Drug Rehabilitation", we have strengthened the construction of supporting systems, formulated norms of conduct for drug addicts and normative documents on education and correction, drug treatment management, life hygiene, safety vigilance, information technology, etc., and jointly formulated methods, opinions and standards for diagnosis and assessment, drug treatment and medical treatment, expenditure, site construction, and admission and treatment of sick and disabled drug addicts in conjunction with the National Drug Control Office, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Health Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and other departments. Through activities such as the "Year of Standardization Construction and Promotion", we will strengthen the work of legislation, reform, abolition and interpretation. At present, there are more than 100 rules and regulations related to the work of drug rehabilitation, and a series of supporting documents have been promulgated in various localities, forming a relatively complete system and vigorously promoting the legal and standardized operation of the work of drug rehabilitation. The second is to adhere to strict, standardized, fair, and civilized law enforcement. Respect and protect the lawful rights and interests of persons receiving treatment of drug addiction, standardize all law enforcement activities and links, and exercise law enforcement power in accordance with laws and regulations. In strict accordance with the decision made by the public security organs on compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation, admit and treat drug addicts, earnestly ensure that "all who should be collected" and "treat all who should be treated", carry out daily management of drug rehabilitation personnel in accordance with the law, and standardize the work of visiting, visiting, leaving the center for medical treatment, and seeking medical treatment outside the center. Adhere to the humanistic spirit and humanistic care, and implement separate management of drug rehabilitation personnel according to gender, age, illness and other conditions; According to the treatment of drug addiction, the drug rehabilitation personnel shall be managed in stages; According to the behavior of drug addicts, the hierarchical management that gradually adapts to society is implemented, and the rights to life, health, property, and privacy of drug addicts are fully protected in the drug rehabilitation centers. Third, efforts should be made to strengthen the supervision of law enforcement for drug rehabilitation. Jointly with the Supreme People's Procuratorate, we will carry out pilot work on procuratorial supervision of compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation, further enhance the credibility of drug treatment law enforcement, and promote the effective connection between procuratorial supervision and drug treatment law enforcement. By the end of 2023, there will be 191 pilot drug rehabilitation centers nationwide. At the same time, the drug rehabilitation system has established and improved an internal supervision mechanism, and discipline inspection and supervision, police supervision and other departments supervise and inspect the law enforcement activities of the police, implement the disclosure of their affairs, and make the basis for law enforcement, the law enforcement situation, and the rights and obligations of drug rehabilitation personnel open to the drug rehabilitation personnel, their families, and the society, accept supervision from all walks of life, and promote "sunshine law enforcement".

(3) Strengthen the direction of scientific drug rehabilitation. First, we have established a work idea centered on scientific treatment. Establish a scientific concept, follow the law of treatment, according to the gender, age, physical condition, history of drug abuse, etc., in accordance with the principles and mechanisms of drug addiction, and comprehensively use education and correction, psychological correction, rehabilitation training, drug treatment, diagnostic evaluation and other treatment methods to help drug addicts carry out all-round physical and mental rehabilitation. Second, a unified basic model for drug rehabilitation has been established. Physiological detoxification areas, educational adaptation areas, rehabilitation consolidation areas, and return guidance areas have been set up in drug rehabilitation centers, and drug rehabilitation medical centers, education and correction centers, psychological correction centers, rehabilitation training centers, and diagnostic evaluation centers have been established, and the time nodes of different periods of drug rehabilitation have been reasonably divided, the objectives and tasks of treatment and rehabilitation in different periods have been scientifically determined, and the standards and procedures for the circulation between different periods have been clearly defined, and the level of standardization and specialization of drug rehabilitation work has been significantly improved. Third, a series of scientific and effective treatment methods and techniques have been formed. We have pooled the wisdom of all parties, cooperated with many universities and scientific research institutions, and continuously strengthened the research on drug rehabilitation, with more than 300 drug rehabilitation methods represented by transcranial magnetic technology, VR technology, traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, "vipassana" therapy, etc., and cultivated 69 mature and advantageous education and treatment projects, 274 ministerial-level theoretical research projects, and more than 9,000 drug rehabilitation cases online in China. In the drug rehabilitation center, we have set up educational courses such as ideological and moral, legal knowledge, drug cognition, behavior development, vocational skills training, etc., and used psychological treatment techniques such as desensitization training and motivation interview to help drug addicts get rid of addiction, and professionals guide drug addicts to carry out physical rehabilitation training. In view of the long-term drug addiction of drug addicts, complex illness, and many sudden diseases, we have vigorously strengthened the medical treatment of drug addiction, and successively deployed and carried out activities such as the "year of infrastructure construction" and "year of consolidation" of medical work, and with the strong support of the health department, we have continued to strengthen the construction of medical alliances and specialty alliances, and promoted the application of telemedicine platforms, so that the withdrawal symptoms and daily diseases of drug rehabilitation personnel have been treated in a timely manner, and up to now, more than 98% of the drug treatment centers in the country have participated in the construction of social hospital medical alliances. Fourth, conscientiously do a good job in socialization and extension. Concentrate on reintegration education for drug addicts who are about to be discharged from the center, and take the initiative to help them establish good relationships with their family members. We have strengthened the follow-up care, assistance and assistance of persons discharged from the detention center, established more than 4,000 community rehabilitation guidance stations for drug rehabilitation, and provided professional guidance in physical rehabilitation, anti-relapse guidance, legal consultation, and social integration services for persons receiving drug treatment and community rehabilitation. More than 40 drug rehabilitation centers and special areas have been built to provide professional treatment services for drug addicts in the community in accordance with the principle of voluntariness.

(4) Continuously consolidate the foundation for the guarantee of drug rehabilitation. First, we will make every effort to ensure the continued safety and stability of drug rehabilitation centers. Firmly establish the concept of "great safety", always put the prevention and resolution of risks, and the maintenance of safety and stability in an important position, constantly improve the ability of risk prediction and prevention, effectively investigate and rectify hidden dangers, and ensure the sustainable and healthy development of drug rehabilitation with a high level of safety. Through the construction of the "Safe Drug Rehabilitation Center" and the establishment of an inter-provincial police exchange mechanism, the police have gathered the strength and fulfilled the responsibilities of the police, and successfully completed the 19th and 20th National Congresses of the Communist Party of China, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and other major stability and security tasks. In the prevention and control of the epidemic for three consecutive years, we have overcome the impact of multiple waves of severe epidemics, always blocked the epidemic outside the gate of drug rehabilitation centers, and successfully achieved a smooth and orderly transition. At present, there are 27 provincial-level drug treatment bureaus that have been safe and stable for more than five years, 227 drug treatment centers that have been safe and stable for more than 10 years, and zero accidents in safe production for eight consecutive years. The second is to keep up with the trend of the times empowered by science and technology. We integrate drug rehabilitation into the development tide of the information age, adopt the overall architecture of standard guidance, data support and platform services, deeply integrate drug rehabilitation work with information technology, comprehensively use big data, artificial intelligence and other scientific and technological means to summarize and discover the objective laws of drug rehabilitation work, and verify and improve drug rehabilitation technology and methods. At present, we have formulated 13 technical specifications, issued the "Opinions on the Implementation of the Construction of "Smart Drug Rehabilitation", the provincial drug treatment management organs have all built a drug treatment law enforcement management platform and a security command platform, 53 drug treatment sites in 19 provinces have passed the acceptance of the "Smart Drug Treatment Center", and the ministerial law enforcement management platform has gathered more than 6,700 pieces of data, providing a scientific basis for carrying out treatment work and evaluating the effect of treatment. At the same time, technologies such as the Internet of Things, wearable devices, and artificial intelligence have been gradually promoted and applied in drug rehabilitation centers, and the role of "convenient technology and empowering policing" has been continuously revealed. The third is to strive to forge a strong cadre and police force for drug rehabilitation. Persist in combining strict policing with preferential treatment of police, strictly enforce ironclad prohibitions such as the "three provisions" to prevent interference in the judiciary, effectively integrate management within and outside of eight hours, fully implement various measures to benefit the police and warm the police, and carry out law enforcement service and police technical rank promotions on a regular basis, and broaden career development paths. Over the past 10 years, the vast number of drug rehabilitation cadres and policemen have been loyal, clean, responsible, dedicated, and selfless dedication to promoting the innovation and development of drug rehabilitation work with hard work and sweat, and a large number of advanced figures represented by Chen Xu, Shi Shuai and other comrades have emerged, and more than 700 collectives and more than 2,000 people have been commended at or above the provincial and ministerial levels, including 1 first-class heroic model and 16 second-class heroic models.

Up to now, the judicial and administrative drug rehabilitation system has admitted more than 1.7 million people in compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation, more than 120,000 people for drug rehabilitation and more than 350,000 people in community drug rehabilitation services.

Question: What are the new situations and challenges facing the current drug rehabilitation work?

Answer: At present, the mainland's anti-narcotics work is making steady progress, and the drug situation is stable and controllable, and the overall situation is improving. However, due to the influence of factors such as the international drug epidemic, the risk of rebound of drug-related violations and crimes in China has increased, the problem of drug substitution and abuse has become prominent, the spread of new drugs has accelerated, and the age of drug addicts has appeared, and the situation facing drug rehabilitation work is still grim and complicated. First, the new changes in the structure of narcotics and drug addicts have put forward new requirements for drug rehabilitation work. Judging from the admission and treatment of drug rehabilitation centers, the drug abuse components of drug rehabilitation personnel are becoming more and more complex, including traditional drugs, synthetic drugs, new drugs, and even a variety of drugs are intertwined and superimposed, and the difficulty of education and treatment has been significantly improved, which puts forward higher requirements for the professional ability of cadres and police. Second, the risk of safety management in drug rehabilitation centers has increased. At present, there are a large number of sick and disabled people and long-term drug addicts in the center, and it is difficult to control these people, and the probability of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, serious mental problems, and violent behaviors is high, and problems such as sudden death, suicide, escape, and cases in the center are prone to occur. Third, the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts and young people who use non-scheduled substances need to be strengthened. At present, the number of people who take non-controlled addictive substances such as new psychoactive substances and narcotic drugs continues to increase, and in the face of this situation, the drug rehabilitation system is still exploring more targeted treatment methods. Since 2020, the proportion of minors among the newly discovered drug abusers cannot be ignored, and the potential harm to individuals, families and society is great, and the physiological and psychological conditions of minors are significantly different from those of adults.

Question: Please tell us about the next step in the work of the judicial and administrative drug rehabilitation system.

Answer: At the beginning of this year, we issued the "Key Points for the Work of the Judicial and Administrative Drug Treatment System", which made arrangements for the key tasks at present and in the coming period, accelerated the construction and improvement of the "one body, two wings" work pattern with compulsory isolation and drug rehabilitation as the main body, and drug rehabilitation and guidance and support for community drug rehabilitation as the two wings, coordinated and made good use of drug treatment police forces and site resources, accelerated the high-quality development of judicial and administrative drug rehabilitation work, unswervingly followed the road of drug problem governance with Chinese characteristics, and worked for drug control work and peace in a wider field and at a deeper leveland contribute to the overall construction of the rule of law in China. The first is to strengthen the political construction of the police, unremittingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge the soul, adhere to the party's absolute leadership over the drug rehabilitation work, firmly grasp the attributes of political organs and disciplined forces, consolidate and expand the achievements of thematic education, carry out in-depth party discipline study and education, conscientiously implement the requirements of the Ministry of Justice on the deployment of large-scale military training in actual combat, and carry out in-depth training competitions around policy theory study, professional ability training and police combat training. The second is to further improve the level of refinement of compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation, carry out the "Year of Improving the Quality of Individual Education" in the whole system, strengthen the individual education of drug rehabilitation personnel, attach importance to the role of medical means in the process of drug rehabilitation, actively explore new drug treatment methods, and continue to build a scientific and professional treatment system integrating education and correction, psychological correction, rehabilitation training, drug treatment and medical treatment, and scientific research and innovation. The third is to strengthen the top-level design, provide a more perfect policy basis for all localities to carry out guidance and support for community drug rehabilitation work, and strive to help community drug rehabilitation work improve the level of specialization and standardization. Fourth, it is necessary to give full play to the role of drug rehabilitation centers, especially to strengthen research on the treatment and rehabilitation of persons who use non-controlled substances and young drug addicts, and actively guide them to receive treatment services in drug rehabilitation centers. At the same time, it is necessary to further enhance the level of legalization, standardization, and informatization of drug rehabilitation work, continue to ensure the continued safety and stability of drug rehabilitation centers, and make every effort to promote the overall quality and upgrading of judicial and administrative drug rehabilitation work.

Source: Drug Treatment Administration, Ministry of Justice

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