
After 618 impulsive consumption, more eager for "treasure debt base"? Hundreds of them have been positive for 8 consecutive years

author:SL Fund Circle
After 618 impulsive consumption, more eager for "treasure debt base"? Hundreds of them have been positive for 8 consecutive years

Consumption is a psychology! In many cases, promotions seem to save a lot of money, but in order to make up the order, you will buy a lot of unwanted things every time, which is a waste.

This year's 618 promotion ended, and it is estimated that everyone has contributed a lot. Judging from various data, there are still some major changes compared with last year.

According to the "2024 618 Inventory Observation" report, the GMV (total transaction value) of integrated e-commerce increased by 11.2% year-on-year. Among them, Taobao/Tmall GMV accounted for 49.5%, +12% year-on-year;'s GMV accounted for 19%, +5.7% year-on-year; Douyin GMV accounted for 16.6%, +26.2% year-on-year; Pinduoduo's GMV accounted for 11.3%, +17.7% year-on-year; Kuaishou GMV accounted for 3.6%, +16.1% year-on-year. Tmall canceled the pre-sale, bringing forward the sale time to May 20 for the first time.

From the perspective of content dissemination trends, with the advancement of AI artificial intelligence and other technologies, content forms have gradually diversified, and have become a means for e-commerce platforms to increase. In addition to increasing user stickiness and transaction opportunities in the form of live broadcasts, short videos, graphics and texts, there are also innovative services such as intelligent customer service and augmented reality (AR) clothing try-on, and an immersive shopping experience that makes the decision-making process more efficient.

From the perspective of sales of major categories, Jingdong has an advantage in household appliances and cleaning care, while Tmall has an advantage in beauty care, grain and oil seasoning, perfume and makeup, leisure snacks, and pet food.

From the perspective of changes in consumer behavior, everyone's attention to healthy food has increased, domestic brands have gradually taken the lead in the beauty and skin care category, and the demand for intelligent and healthy household appliances and high-quality pet food has increased, and young people have become the backbone of nutrition and health care product consumption. In short, "trade-in, trendy domestic products, and health and rejuvenation" have become the hot words of 618 consumption this year.

It is not difficult to imagine that after 618 impulsive consumption, everyone's mentality is also different! The "Moonlight Clan" is ready to tighten their belts to live, and how to break the rest of the money; However, the "wealth management family" is thinking about how to use investment income to meet this year's Double 11 promotion.

The commander sorted out the pure bond funds that have been positive returns every year in the past eight years, and listed several "scale of more than 100 million yuan, flexible subscription and redemption, and long management time of the current fund manager" to see if it can cope with the next e-commerce promotion?

Statistical time: 2017-2024 (this year's statistics are as of June 24); Multiple class shares, all selected class A; Source: Wind

223 treasure medium and long-term pure bond funds

In order of arithmetic average yield, the order is: Wanjia Xinyue Pure Bond A, Bosera Profit Increase One-year Holding A, Ping An Hejin 1-year Fixed Bond A, Great Wall Jiayu Six-Month Fixed Bond A, E Fund Fuhua A, CITIC Prudential Jiaxin 3-month Fixed Bond, Ping An Huiyue, Changjiang Espressif Pure Bond Fixed Opening, Haifutong Dingfeng Fixed Opening, Morgan Ruijin Pure Bond A, etc.

Among them, the average yield is more than 5% (inclusive), a total of 4; The average yield is between 4% (inclusive) and -5%, with a total of 46 stocks; The average yield ranged from 3% to 4%, with a total of 138 stocks. There are 35 stocks with an average yield of less than 3%, only Ping An Huiju pure bond is 1.81%, and the remaining 34 are all above 2%.

After 618 impulsive consumption, more eager for "treasure debt base"? Hundreds of them have been positive for 8 consecutive years

Wanjia Xinyue Pure Bond A: The current fund manager Zhou Qianwei, from September 21, 2019 to the present, has an annualized return of 3.61%. At the end of 2024Q1, financial bonds accounted for 82.26% and government bonds accounted for 17.74%, and the income mainly came from interest income.

E Fund Fuhua Pure Bond A: The current fund manager, Zang Haitao, has an annualized return of 3.69% since December 28, 2020. According to the positions held at the end of 2024Q1, corporate bonds accounted for 64.97%, financial bonds accounted for 31.51%, and treasury bonds accounted for 2.91%, and the income mainly came from credit spreads, followed by interest income.

Ping An Wyatt Pure Bond: The current fund manager, Gao Yongbiao, has returned 3.40% annualized since September 14, 2017. At the end of 2024Q1, financial bonds accounted for 80.71% and government bonds accounted for 19.29%, and the income mainly came from interest income.

7 treasure short-term pure debt funds

In order of average yield, the order is: Wanjia 1-3 year policy financial bond A, Bosera Anying A, GF Anze short-term bond A, Dacheng Jing'an short-term financing A, China Securities Construction Investment Jinghe short-term bond A, Wanjiaxiang short-term bond A, and Rongtong Tongyuan short-term financing A. The eight-year average yield was the highest at 3.32% and the lowest at 2.62%, and the performance was relatively close.

After 618 impulsive consumption, more eager for "treasure debt base"? Hundreds of them have been positive for 8 consecutive years

Bosera Anying Bond A: The current fund manager Huang Haifeng, from May 31, 2017 to the present, has an annualized return of 3.44%. At the end of 2024Q1, corporate bonds accounted for 84.64% and financial bonds accounted for 14.47%, with the income mainly coming from interest income, followed by credit spreads.

Wanjia Enjoy Short and Medium Term Bond A: The current fund manager, Chen Yiwen, has an annualized return of 3.13% since September 17, 2020. At the end of 2024Q1, corporate bonds accounted for 57.43%, financial bonds accounted for 33.34%, and government bonds accounted for 2.51%, with income mainly coming from interest income, followed by credit spreads.

80 Treasure Hybrid Tier 1 Bond Bases

In order of average yield, they are: Penghua Fengrong, E Fund Suifeng Tianli A, Golden Eagle Yuanqi Credit Bond, China Merchants Industry A, Anxin Target Income A, Anxin Yongli Credit A, Penghua Industrial Bond A, Dacheng Jingxing Credit Bond A, Changxin Lizhong A, Rongtong Four Seasons Tianli A, China Life Security Zunyi Credit Pure Bond, etc.

Among them, Penghua Fengrong leads with an average yield of 6.68%. The average rate of return is between 5% (inclusive) and -6%, with a total of 2 stocks; The average yield is between 4% (inclusive) and -5%, with a total of 28 stocks; The average yield ranges from 3% to 4%, and there are 35 stocks in total. There are 14 stocks with an average yield of less than 3%, and Guolian Anzengli Bond A lags behind with an average yield of 2.24%.

After 618 impulsive consumption, more eager for "treasure debt base"? Hundreds of them have been positive for 8 consecutive years

China Merchants Industrial Bond A: Ma Long, the current fund manager, has returned 5.60% annualized since April 1, 2015. At the end of 2024Q1, corporate bonds accounted for 63.63% and financial bonds accounted for 31.23%, with the income mainly coming from interest income, followed by credit spreads.

Penghua Industrial Bond A: Zhu Song, the current fund manager, has returned 6.34% annualized since March 14, 2014. At the end of 2024Q1, corporate bonds accounted for 65.43%, financial bonds accounted for 15.96%, convertible bonds accounted for 13.85%, and government bonds accounted for 4.77%, and the sources of income were relatively diversified.

13 Treasure Hybrid Secondary Bond Bases

In order of average yield, they are: China Merchants Anying A, Guofu Hengrui A, Bank of China Stable Tianli A, Huatai Berry Profit A, Nanfang Zhuoyuan A, Invesco Great Wall Four Seasons Jinli A, Haifutong Ruifeng, Invesco Great Wall Jingying Shuangli A, Tianhong Hongli A, Great Wall Steady Profit A, Bank of Communications Anxin Income A, etc. 13 secondary bond bases, with an average return difference of 2.55 percentage points.

After 618 impulsive consumption, more eager for "treasure debt base"? Hundreds of them have been positive for 8 consecutive years

Guofu Hengrui Bond A: The current fund manager Zhao Xiaodong has returned 4.92% annualized since February 4, 2016. At the end of 2024Q1, bonds accounted for 80.38% and stocks accounted for 17.33%. Among the bond assets, financial bonds accounted for 68.84%, convertible bonds accounted for 28.52%, and treasury bonds accounted for 2.63%; The top five heavy stocks are: Bairun shares, Gree Electric Appliances, Changsha Bank, Postal Savings Bank, and Xincheng Holdings.

Bank of China Steady Profit A: The current fund manager Chen Wei has returned 5.60% annualized since December 31, 2014. At the end of 2024Q1, bonds accounted for 94.55% and stocks accounted for 4.09%. Among the bond assets, corporate bonds accounted for 50.75%, financial bonds accounted for 39.43%, and a small number of convertible bonds and asset-backed securities; The top five heavy stocks are: Yili shares, China Power Construction, Wanhua Chemical, Zijin Mining, Changan Automobile, etc.

CSOP Zhuoyuan Bond A: Zheng Yingying, the current fund manager, has returned 4.25% annualized since February 9, 2018. At the end of 2024Q1, bonds accounted for 89.06% and stocks accounted for 7.78%. Among the bond assets, corporate bonds accounted for 56.02%, financial bonds accounted for 33.34%, and treasury bonds accounted for 5.37%; The top five heavy stocks are: Bank of China, Zhou Dasheng, Anhui Power, Zhejiang Power, and Shaanxi Coal.

It stands to reason that the market falls below 3,000 points, and the equity position can be more active, but in the long run, return and risk are always a pair of twins, and a reasonable allocation of large types of assets can fight against human greed. Are you ready for the next e-commerce promotion? #股市为何又面临3000点保卫战##股市不挣钱, what's the biggest reason? #

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