
North America can earn millions a year by picking cranberries, but few people dare to do it? Just because I am afraid of "workers"!

author:Hi Koko
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

If you are given 150,000 US dollars a year, about 1.08 million yuan, and you are asked to pick cranberries, would you be willing?

There must be many people who do not hesitate to say that of course they do, how difficult can it be to pick a cranberry? What's more, such a high salary is worth it! However, in Europe and the United States, cranberry pickers are hired with an annual salary of $150,000, and few people are willing to do it.

What's going on here? Is it true that everyone in North America is rich enough to earn a million dollars a year?

North America can earn millions a year by picking cranberries, but few people dare to do it? Just because I am afraid of "workers"!

Is cranberry picking a dangerous job?

Only work a few dozen days a year, and earn 30 years of wages in a few months? Working as a cranberry picker in North America is such a good pay, but in the end, you can't even recruit a mature skilled worker.

However, almost all of the jobs that are converted to one million yuan are migrant workers, and the attitude of the workers is basically not to do what they can, and the reason is that they are afraid of "workers".

It turns out that people in some European countries and regions want to find wild cranberries in swamps and humid near water.

North America can earn millions a year by picking cranberries, but few people dare to do it? Just because I am afraid of "workers"!

Even cranberry varieties that have been bred and successfully domesticated need to be kept in a low-temperature, humid environment before they can grow.

Therefore, even in Western countries with very developed agricultural technology, if they want to grow cranberries artificially, they still need to provide special cultivation places for them, and in this process, although the environment is good to create, the ensuing pest and disease problems have become the biggest problem for farmers.

As we all know, the humid environment is the most likely to breed all kinds of small insects, as long as the environmental conditions are met, people can find insects such as ants and aphids that destroy crops in the crops.

North America can earn millions a year by picking cranberries, but few people dare to do it? Just because I am afraid of "workers"!

In order to ensure that cranberries are not affected by pests and diseases, large foreign agricultural enterprises will put a large number of tarantulas around them when they are about to be picked for biological deworming!

But this creature with many legs has never been something that everyone can get used to, let alone carry toxins.

You know, tarantulas' favorite habitat is a water environment such as rice paddies, but dry fields can also be their home.

North America can earn millions a year by picking cranberries, but few people dare to do it? Just because I am afraid of "workers"!

On weekdays, its favorite food is a variety of pests in the field, and because of the greedy eating nature of tarantulas, the demand for food is also very large, so tarantulas can be said to be the best choice for insect control.

However, these tarantulas can only grow to tens of millimeters due to their small size, so they have evolved a fearsome spider venom that can cause severe pain if bitten by a person, and can even lose vital signs in less than a day.

In other words, the cranberry pickers still have to work with tarantulas as co-workers, so they have to consider whether this money is the last money they earn.

North America can earn millions a year by picking cranberries, but few people dare to do it? Just because I am afraid of "workers"!

However, this actually proves that those workers abroad who are willing to pick cranberries in the seasonal season are undoubtedly warriors in China.

Cranberries are the star fruit of North America

For human beings, most of the indicators in clothing, food, housing and transportation can be saved, but only "food" cannot be reduced. Everyone must have heard of the food kingdom and the food capital, but they haven't heard much of the clothing country.

In fact, cranberries are one of the favorite fruits of North Americans, and if you had to give them a name, they should simply be in the top three.

North America can earn millions a year by picking cranberries, but few people dare to do it? Just because I am afraid of "workers"!

The reason why cranberry can become the object of people's pursuit is also because it has a very rich nutritional value, according to scientific monitoring, people have found hyperosides, anthocyanins and other substances in cranberries, and these are actually elements that can have a beneficial reaction to the human body.

In addition to its delicious taste and unique flavor, the reason why cranberries are so popular in North America is because they have long been tied to historical development.

Going back in time, when it was discovered that the Indians were still ruling the land, they began to use cranberries to make jam and use it as a dyeing material.

North America can earn millions a year by picking cranberries, but few people dare to do it? Just because I am afraid of "workers"!

Later, in the 15th century, when foreign European colonists arrived here and suffered from various unknown diseases, the locals also used cranberries as raw materials to make anti-disease food.

Then, when cranberries sailed to England and became popular with the aristocracy, and sailors discovered that this food could cure scurvy, cranberries became the national food of all countries, especially North America.

Nowadays, although the variety of foods that people can make has been greatly expanded, and there is little need to eat any specific foods to maintain the body's nutritional needs, cranberries are still the main raw material of some foods.

North America can earn millions a year by picking cranberries, but few people dare to do it? Just because I am afraid of "workers"!

The cranberry trip to China went well

Chefs are divided into countries, but food never knows borders, and how can we not cultivate and taste cranberries that North American countries like so much? After all, we're a veritable gastronomic powerhouse.

At present, because cranberries have high temperature requirements, must be in a lower temperature environment, and they also prefer acidic soils, the higher latitudes of the continent have become the best choice for growing cranberries.

Today, Fuyuan City, Heilongjiang Province, is the main cranberry planting area.

North America can earn millions a year by picking cranberries, but few people dare to do it? Just because I am afraid of "workers"!

Speaking of which, in fact, as early as 2010, the mainland began to introduce cranberry varieties from North America for research.

By 2019, the cranberry planting industry in mainland China has reached more than 4,200 acres. Nowadays, with the cooperation of the planting base and the Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences, the cranberry varieties that are most suitable for the taste and sweetness of the Chinese population have been gradually developed.

With this unique fruit, Fuyuan City has also held a special cranberry-themed cultural festival, and to this day, the mainland is the second largest cranberry importer in the world.

North America can earn millions a year by picking cranberries, but few people dare to do it? Just because I am afraid of "workers"!

However, imported cranberries are usually sold in the form of preserved fruits, while the cranberries we grow ourselves will be put into the market in the form of fresh fruits, which can be said to meet the different needs of consumers.

In fact, the official media has also specially promoted domestic cranberries, after all, there are still many people in society who think that our country's cranberries are imported abroad.

In the program, the reporters also partnered with the pickers and experienced the joy of picking cranberries in a handful of water.

North America can earn millions a year by picking cranberries, but few people dare to do it? Just because I am afraid of "workers"!

It turns out that because cranberries are not easy to pick alone, most countries are picking them with water, in short, they actually float the cranberries to the surface of the water by buoyancy, and then the workers use ropes to bring them together and then send them to the conveyor belt.

And in this process, we don't have to worry about tarantulas in the water, after all, the capital-style black-hearted business model has no place to survive in the mainland, but unfortunately, it is difficult for our country to set up jobs with an annual salary of one million in the field of cranberries.

So, is it the happy picking law that everyone is excited about, or is the annual salary of the million-dollar picking law people yearn for?

Information sources:

Baidu Encyclopedia

The Paper 2024-01-23 The seeds of cranberries grown in the "East Pole of China" turned out to be "heavenly-chosen"!

The Paper 2021-07-03 How much do you know about cranberries?

Popular Science China 2021-12-31 Tarantula


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