
If sugar friends want to stabilize blood sugar, in addition to taking medicine, they can also eat more of these 6 things, which are delicious and can help lower blood sugar

author:Doctors say health

  In addition to taking hypoglycemic drugs to control blood sugar, diabetic patients should also pay more attention to dietary taboos, only in this way can they avoid certain harm to the body caused by blood sugar rise.

  In fact, there are many foods suitable for diabetics in life, as long as the amount of food is controlled, blood sugar can be avoided, and even blood sugar can be lowered.

If sugar friends want to stabilize blood sugar, in addition to taking medicine, they can also eat more of these 6 things, which are delicious and can help lower blood sugar

  What foods can diabetics eat?

  1. Purple cabbage

  Seaweed egg drop soup is a delicacy that many people love, and as a nutritious and delicious food, it is very suitable for diabetics.

  Because seaweed is rich in a lot of protein, fat, as well as seaweed polysaccharides, carotene, vitamins and other drinking substances, these ingredients have the effect of lowering blood sugar, so diabetic patients can usually drink more seaweed soup.

If sugar friends want to stabilize blood sugar, in addition to taking medicine, they can also eat more of these 6 things, which are delicious and can help lower blood sugar

  2. Onions

  Onion is a very spicy vegetable, so few people are willing to eat it in life, but onion contains a variety of amino acids and sulfides, so from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it has a certain medicinal value, if diabetic patients usually eat more, it can not only play a role in lowering blood sugar, but also can play an anti-inflammatory, sterilization, asthma and other effects.

If sugar friends want to stabilize blood sugar, in addition to taking medicine, they can also eat more of these 6 things, which are delicious and can help lower blood sugar

  3. Garlic

  Garlic is a relatively common condiment, which can play a role in removing odor, and it is a good food with good sterilization, anti-inflammatory, and hypolipidemic effects, but it is a good thing for diabetics to lower blood sugar.

  4. Sweet potato

  Konjac is also a common crude fiber vegetable, because the grape mannan in konjac has a hypoglycemic effect, so diabetics can usually eat more konjac.

  Moreover, this food also has the effect of delaying the absorption of glucose by the human body, which can effectively reduce the increase in blood sugar after meals in diabetic patients.

If sugar friends want to stabilize blood sugar, in addition to taking medicine, they can also eat more of these 6 things, which are delicious and can help lower blood sugar

  5. Black fungus

  As a common mushroom food on the table, black fungus contains a large number of trace elements, vitamins and fungus polysaccharides, which are simply a panacea for lowering blood sugar in the body.

  Therefore, diabetic patients can often eat fried fungus, or eat fungus as a side dish, which can not only supplement a lot of nutrients for the body, but also have the effect of lowering blood sugar.

If sugar friends want to stabilize blood sugar, in addition to taking medicine, they can also eat more of these 6 things, which are delicious and can help lower blood sugar

  6. Oats

  The nutritional value of oats is well known to everyone, as a health care product with high nutritional value, it can not only add a lot of vitamins to the body, but also for female friends who are preparing for pregnancy, eating oats regularly can also supplement folic acid for the body.

  In addition, the amino acids in oats are very comprehensive, so for diabetics, eating more oatmeal porridge can not only lower blood sugar, but also enhance the body's ability to resist disease.

  In addition, diabetics can also eat more naked oats, because this food has a very good effect on preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as well as complications caused by diabetes.

If sugar friends want to stabilize blood sugar, in addition to taking medicine, they can also eat more of these 6 things, which are delicious and can help lower blood sugar

  In fact, for most diabetic patients, as long as they pay more attention to blood sugar control, the harm of the disease to the body will be greatly reduced.

  Especially in terms of diet, as long as you pay more attention to sugar control, it will not lead to a sudden rise in blood sugar, and it can also supplement a large number of nutrients to the body, which also has unexpected effects on alleviating the harm of diabetes.