
Itchy, itchy, itchy! How to deal with this kind of "small blister" that is easy to grow in summer?

author:Know Guiyang
Itchy, itchy, itchy! How to deal with this kind of "small blister" that is easy to grow in summer?

Summers are humid and muggy

Many people are prone to growing on their hands

Small transparent blisters the size of a grain of rice

It's itching

This is actually a type of eczema

Screaming sweat blisters

Itchy, itchy, itchy! How to deal with this kind of "small blister" that is easy to grow in summer?

△ Sweat blisters


Correct understanding of dyshidrosis

Dyshidrosis is a blistering disease in the more developed parts of the sweat glands of the palms and feet, also known as dyshidrosis, palmoplantar acute eczema, and its essence is eczema. The onset of dyshidrosis is very seasonal, generally starting in late spring and early summer, worsening in summer, and often healing spontaneously in autumn and winter.

  • Children and young people have more dydrosis herpes, and it is rare to see older people develop dydrosis;
  • It is mainly manifested as needle-tip sized blisters, hemispherical, slightly above the skin surface, several or in groups, a single blister generally subsides in about a week, but new blisters are constantly formed, and there is peeling after the blisters subside;
  • It often occurs on the palms of the hands, the sides of the fingers, the backs of the fingers, and the front of the soles of the feet;
  • It is characterized by recurrent attacks, which can occur frequently over months or years, and are accompanied by varying degrees of itching;
Itchy, itchy, itchy! How to deal with this kind of "small blister" that is easy to grow in summer?


Why do I get dyshidrosis herpes?

  • Fungal infections are one of the important causes of dyshidrosis, and fungal infections in other parts (such as the feet) can cause dyshishidrosis, which is an autoimmune response;
  • exposure to certain allergens, such as metal products containing nickel and other allergens;
  • Atopic dermatitis (also called atopic eczema), especially in children;
  • People who sweat a lot may be more likely to develop sweat herpes than the general population;
  • Violent mood swings, psychological and mental stress can induce sweat herpes;
Itchy, itchy, itchy! How to deal with this kind of "small blister" that is easy to grow in summer?


Some common questions about dyshidrosis

Is dyshishidrosis contagious?

No! Although it grows in piles and looks terrible, it is not contagious, and some physical contact has nothing to do with it.

Can sweat herpes be washed off by washing your hands frequently?

Excessive handwashing will worsen the symptoms, and it is not as useful as avoiding harsh detergents and soaps.

After squeezing the water inside,

Where does the blister go?

Rumor! This is only because the growth of dyshidral blisters is relatively dense, and it happens to grow in the vicinity to create such an "illusion". But even if it's itchy, be sure to scratch less or no scratch. Be careful not to squeeze the blisters, let alone pick them with needles, otherwise damaging the skin pores will lead to the formation of more blisters, and it is also prone to serious consequences such as bacterial infection.


How is dyshidric herpes treated?

Dyshidromic herpes can heal on its own in most cases, and scratching is often the main cause of worsening and complications, so try to minimize scratching.

  • If medication is to be used, topical glucocorticoid ointment is the most common, and it can be used according to the label or according to the doctor's instructions;
  • When the itching is severe, anti-itching drugs can also be added, and menthol ointment can be applied externally;
  • Local broken purulent infection, topical antibiotic ointment can be used;
  • Oral antihistamines, such as cetirizine (as prescribed), may be tried if necessary;
  • After peeling, drying, or even cracking, skin care products such as vitamin E ointment or urea cream can be used;

If repeated treatment is not good, don't toss by yourself with your head bored, and be sure to find a doctor to re-evaluate the condition and adjust the plan.


How can I prevent it in my life?

  • Try to avoid or reduce contact with alkaline toiletries, such as laundry detergent, soap, dish soap, etc., to reduce skin irritation;

(It can be understood as doing less housework!) )

Itchy, itchy, itchy! How to deal with this kind of "small blister" that is easy to grow in summer?
  • Hand sanitizer that is less irritating to the skin should be used after hand washing, and protective ointments, such as vitamin E cream, skin cream, etc., should be used after washing hands to repair the skin barrier;
  • Form a good lifestyle, eat more fresh vegetables, strengthen physical exercise, maintain an optimistic and stable mood, and avoid mental stress and mood swings;
  • If you identify or highly suspect risky items, you should avoid them in your daily work and life, and if you can't deal with them, seeing a doctor is the best way;
Itchy, itchy, itchy! How to deal with this kind of "small blister" that is easy to grow in summer?

May sweat herpes sufferers

Have a pleasant summer without itching!

Itchy, itchy, itchy! How to deal with this kind of "small blister" that is easy to grow in summer?
Itchy, itchy, itchy! How to deal with this kind of "small blister" that is easy to grow in summer?
Itchy, itchy, itchy! How to deal with this kind of "small blister" that is easy to grow in summer?

Zhizhi Guiyang Comprehensive from Health China, Xinhuanet

Editor: Li Ping

Editor-in-charge: Liu Ya

Review: Wang Ying

Final review: Xie Tao

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