
Meng Hedalai, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our banner to investigate and guide the work of the National People's Congress

author:The right flag of Bahrain in China

On June 24, Meng Hedalai, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our banner to investigate and guide the work of the National People's Congress. Hastaogetao, director of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and Mu Ren, deputy director, accompanied him.

Meng Hedalai, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our banner to investigate and guide the work of the National People's Congress

Meng Hedalai and his entourage successively went to the Mengdong Logistics Distribution Center of Bahrain Right Banner, the shantytown reconstruction and resettlement housing and supporting infrastructure construction project area, the "People's Congress Liaison Station" of the Government Affairs Service Center, and the "House of People's Congress Deputies" in Bailing Community, Darhan Street, to learn more about the construction of the activity positions of the people's congress deputies in our banner, the role of the representatives and the implementation of people's livelihood projects.

Meng Hedalai, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our banner to investigate and guide the work of the National People's Congress

At the forum, Hastaogetau reported on the work of the National People's Congress. Meng Hedalai fully affirmed the achievements made in the work of the people's congress of our banner and pointed out that the people's congresses at the two levels of the Right Banner of Bahrain have focused on the central task and served the overall situation, actively brought into play the functions and roles of the people's congresses, and their work has bright spots and characteristics, and the deputies to the people's congresses at all levels have achieved tangible results in performing their duties for the people in accordance with the law.

Meng Hedalai, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our banner to investigate and guide the work of the National People's Congress

Meng Hedalai emphasized that it is necessary to further strengthen the construction of the "four organs" of the National People's Congress, and the members of the Standing Committee should establish a strong sense of front-line, take the lead in performing their duties and responsibilities, and strengthen their responsibility; Cadres of people's congress organs should strengthen study and practice, and continuously improve their ability to perform their duties in accordance with the law and the level of service guarantees; The Flag People's Congress should focus on the accurate selection of topics for the central work, adhere to the problem orientation, perform statutory duties, dare to discover and reveal problems, innovate ways and methods, strengthen the tracking and supervision of problem rectification, constantly improve procedures and mechanisms, and do a solid linkage between the upper and lower levels to ensure that the supervision of the people's congress achieves practical results; The people's congresses at the two levels should improve and improve the working mechanisms related to the performance of duties by service and guarantee deputies, strive to provide services and create conditions for deputies to perform their duties, and continue to enhance the endogenous motivation of deputies to perform their duties; People's congress deputies at all levels should strengthen their sense of responsibility and mission, speak for the people's performance of their duties, widely unite the overall work of the people's congresses, give better play to the advantages of the people's congress system, and contribute to the high-quality development of the economy and society.


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