
Midong District: Enterprises send warmth to help the poor and warm people's hearts

author:Midong imprint

Recently, the Midong District Federation of Industry and Commerce joined hands with Xinjiang Guoke Testing Co., Ltd., a caring enterprise, to carry out a love and warmth activity.

In the revitalization community of Yuxibuzao Village and Donglu Street in Baiyanghe Township, caring enterprises sent condolences and condolences to 20 residents in difficulty.

Midong District: Enterprises send warmth to help the poor and warm people's hearts

It is understood that Xinjiang Guoke Testing Co., Ltd. is a service-oriented company specializing in inspection and testing, technical consultation and qualification certification in the fields of environment, public health, medical disinfection and other fields.

Midong District: Enterprises send warmth to help the poor and warm people's hearts

Since its establishment, the company has carried out monitoring of environmental protection and sewage discharge of enterprises, and has served more than 2,000 enterprises. At the same time of development, the company actively fulfills its social responsibilities, carries out public welfare undertakings to help the poor many times, and transmits positive social energy with practical actions.

Midong District: Enterprises send warmth to help the poor and warm people's hearts

Li Jiaheng, the person in charge of the company, said that the company has received support and help from government departments such as the District Federation of Industry and Commerce in Midong District, and the stable development is inseparable from the hot land of entrepreneurship in his hometown.

"As an enterprise, it is a social responsibility to give back to the society with good deeds, and we do our best to help the people in need, and also hope that more caring enterprises will join in the public welfare undertakings to make our society better." Li Jiaheng said.

"The condolences are very affordable, and I am very grateful for the help of the company." Villager Uraz Khan Nazi Khan said.

Midong District: Enterprises send warmth to help the poor and warm people's hearts

Yang Gongqi, vice chairman (vice president) of the Midong District Federation of Industry and Commerce, said: "Love sends warmth, which demonstrates the social responsibility of the enterprise and enhances the confidence of families in need. The Midong District Federation of Industry and Commerce will continue to do a good job in providing services to private enterprises, promote the steady development of private enterprises, and guide enterprises to participate in love and warmth activities. ”