
In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

author:Xiaoliang health kitchen

In the blink of an eye, it is the last few days of June, after the results of the college entrance examination are announced every year, many candidates have surprises, parents are also very anxious, and the weather has been very hot recently, resulting in a very weak body, prone to heat stroke and fire, and low body immunity. In the middle of summer, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to warm up appropriately, eat less greasy ingredients, and often make soup for your family to drink, such as this vegetable stewed pork rib soup with dried figs, simply stew in a pot, the soup tastes particularly delicious, learn to give your family a taste. In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness.

In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

【The correct way to make stewed pork rib soup with dried vegetables and figs】

In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

Ingredient details: buy a small pinch of high-quality dried vegetables (dried vegetables are dried with fresh vegetables, the flavor is unique, you can eat all year round, with a pot of meat stew, it tastes particularly fragrant), about 30 grams of apricots, a number of dried figs, cold and warm water, buy about 500 grams of fresh pork ribs or pork bones (pork ribs are the most popular meat in our daily life, there are many cooking methods, after blanching and fishy treatment, you can blanch, steam or make soup), a green onion, a large piece of ginger, a little white pepper, some table salt, other condiments.

In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

The specific production process:

Step 1: Prepare dried vegetables, figs, apricots and pork ribs in advance, wash the figs first, then soak them in warm water to control the moisture.

Step 2: Put the dried vegetables in a bowl, add a little cold water to soak them, pinch off the excess parts, rinse the apricots with water, and control the moisture for later use.

Step 3: Cut the green onions into small pieces, cut the ginger into several slices, chop the ribs into pieces of the same size in advance, and rinse off the blood with running water until the water becomes clear.

In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

Step 4: Pour the pork ribs into the pot, add some cold water to overflow the ingredients, add ginger slices, green onions and cooking wine respectively, and cook the pork ribs for a while in advance to achieve the purpose of removing the fish, which is an indispensable step for stewing pork rib soup.

In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

Step 5: Put the processed pork ribs, ginger slices, apricots, dried vegetables and figs and other ingredients in the stew pot, add enough warm water, be sure to control the heat of the soup, first high heat and then turn to low heat to simmer.

In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

Step 6: Simmer for more than an hour, let all the nutrients of the ingredients boil out, cook the pork ribs until soft, and season the soup properly, only need to add salt and white pepper to let the soup simmer until it tastes.

In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

Step 7: Taste the taste of the soup, adjust the saltiness slightly, this dish is ready to eat the pork rib soup with dried figs, and you can taste it on a hot summer day.

In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

Tips for making pork rib soup with dried vegetables and figs:

In the process of making pork rib soup with dried vegetables and figs, there are a few small details and tips that can make this soup more delicious and nutritious. First of all, the key is to choose high-quality pork ribs, and it is recommended to choose pork ribs with tender meat and tight joints, so that the stewed soup base is mellow and tastes better.

In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

Secondly, the dried vegetables need to be soaked in advance. Dried vegetables are generally firm and need to be soaked in water for several hours until soft. The resulting soup not only tastes better, but also makes the nutrients easier for the body to absorb.

In the process of stewing, the mastery of the heat is also crucial. Start by boiling the soup over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer slowly. This can not only ensure that the nutrients of the ingredients are not lost, but also make the soup more mellow.

In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

In addition, you can also add some spices according to personal taste, such as ginger slices, green onions, cooking wine, etc., which can not only remove the fishy smell of pork ribs, but also increase the aroma of the soup.

Finally, the timing of the stew is also crucial. Generally speaking, simmering for 2-3 hours will allow the ingredients to fully integrate and the soup will be richer. However, the exact time will also be adjusted according to the individual taste and the performance of the saucepan.

In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

Stewed pork ribs soup with dried vegetables and figs is a very popular soup in summer, which is full of nutrients of ingredients, made of dried vegetables, figs and pork ribs stewed, simmered over low heat to integrate nutrition into the soup, drink more can replenish energy, strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, it is also good for the lungs, and it is beneficial to eat early.

In June, hurry up and drink this soup! It is more delicious than chicken soup, comprehensive nutrition, and has many benefits for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

Netizens, have you mastered the cooking skills of this dish stewed pork rib soup with dried figs? (The pictures in the article are all from the Internet)

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