
Important reminder: You can get a refund, and you can do it before the end of the month

author:Xiaogan on the cloud 0 Xiaogan Radio and Television
Important reminder: You can get a refund, and you can do it before the end of the month


Comprehensive income for 2023

Individual income tax final settlement

It will end at the end of this month (June 30).

Please hurry up

What is Annual Tax Settlement? Annual reconciliation means that after the end of the year, taxpayers need to aggregate the four comprehensive incomes of wages and salaries, remuneration for labor services, author's remuneration and royalties, and calculate the tax on a consolidated basis, and go through the final settlement with the tax authorities and settle the tax refundable or payable.

Who needs to do it?

  • The amount of tax prepaid is greater than the amount of tax payable in the final settlement and the tax refund is applied;
  • The comprehensive income obtained in 2023 exceeds 120,000 yuan and the amount of tax required for final settlement exceeds 400 yuan.

How do I know if it's a refund or a back tax? The amount of tax refundable or payable in the 2023 comprehensive income final settlement = [(comprehensive income amount – 60,000 yuan – special deductions such as "three insurances and one housing fund" – special additional deductions such as children's education – other deductions determined in accordance with the law – donations to eligible public welfare and charitable undertakings) ×applicable tax rate – quick calculation deduction] – prepaid tax. Note: The final settlement does not involve classified income such as property lease, and income that is not included in the comprehensive income for tax calculation according to the regulations.

Important reminder: You can get a refund, and you can do it before the end of the month

The following pre-tax deductions can be enjoyed in 2023, which taxpayers can fill in or supplement during the final settlement:

  • Deduction of 60,000 yuan, as well as special deductions for eligible social insurance premiums such as basic endowment insurance, basic medical insurance, unemployment insurance, and housing provident fund;
  • Eligible infant and child care under the age of 3, children's education, continuing education, serious illness medical treatment, housing loan interest or housing rent, and special additional deductions for supporting the elderly;
  • Other deductions such as eligible enterprise annuities and occupational annuities, commercial health insurance, personal pensions, etc.;
  • Eligible charitable donations.

Note: Taxpayers who obtain comprehensive income and business income at the same time can declare deduction of 60,000 yuan, special deductions, special additional deductions and other deductions determined in accordance with the law in comprehensive income or business income, but shall not declare and deduct repeatedly.

How to handle it

  • Do it yourself.
  • Handle it on behalf of the employing unit (including the unit that withholds and prepays the individual income tax on its labor remuneration according to the cumulative withholding method). If the taxpayer makes the request on behalf of the taxpayer, the unit shall handle it on behalf of the taxpayer, or train and counsel the taxpayer to complete the final settlement declaration and tax refund (supplement). If the entity handles the application on behalf of the employer, the taxpayer shall confirm with the employer in writing or electronically in advance, and provide supplementary information and materials such as comprehensive income income, relevant deductions, and tax incentives obtained outside the unit in 2023, and be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information submitted. If the taxpayer fails to confirm with the unit and asks it to handle it on its behalf, the unit shall not handle it on its behalf.
  • Entrust a trustee (including tax-related professional service institutions or other units and individuals) to handle the matter, and the taxpayer shall sign a power of attorney with the trustee. After the unit or trustee handles the final settlement for the taxpayer, it shall promptly inform the taxpayer of the handling situation. If a taxpayer finds that there is an error in the information in the final settlement declaration, he or she may request the unit or trustee to correct the declaration, or he or she may correct the declaration on his own.

Handling channelsYou can give priority to the final settlement through the mobile individual income tax APP and the website of the electronic tax bureau for natural persons (, and the tax authorities will provide you with pre-filling services for the items in the declaration form; If it is inconvenient to handle it through the above methods, it can also be handled by mail or at the tax service hall.

Forward it to a friend!

Source: Hubei 12366 tax payment service hotline, Hubei tax WeChat public account

Editor: Wang Jian

Editor-in-charge: Huang Li

Final review: Wei Baodong

Producer: Xiaogan Radio and Television Station

Important reminder: You can get a refund, and you can do it before the end of the month

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