
He's armed to do this......

author:Peace and sunrise

"I just want to know how you found me?"

This is Zhang (pseudonym) for theft

When he was arrested by the police

The first words spoken


Hecheng Police Station, Qingtian County Public Security Bureau, Lishui

Received a report from Mr. Wu, a citizen

Said its road bike was parked in front of the store

Vanish into thin air

Because it's not locked

Suspected of being stolen

It is worth more than 10,000 yuan

He's armed to do this......

After receiving the alarm

The civilian police immediately launched an investigation

Centered on where the bike was lost

Call up the surrounding monitoring and check them one by one

Found in the wee hours of the morning

A man rides his unlocked bicycle away

And the man was dressed in a black jacket

Cover your head with a black hat

Masks and sunglasses cover the face

It can be described as "fully armed"

He's armed to do this......

"The man must have committed a premeditated crime

Because he has a certain sense of counter-reconnaissance

It has brought a lot of difficulties to the detection of the case."

Ye Chenyang, a police officer from the Hecheng Police Station, said

Because the suspect wrapped his face the whole time

Police were unable to quickly confirm his identity

He's armed to do this......


Police against the man

Conduct video tracking and analysis

The man was found riding his bicycle all the way to Wenxi

Hide your bike behind a stretch of road

I took the car back to a residential building in Qingtian

The police found his place of residence

He was directly arrested and brought to justice

According to the confession of the criminal suspect Zhang

He commutes to and from work every day

will pass by the place where the bicycle is parked

Loved the bike very much

He decided to take it for himself

On the day of the incident

In order to escape arrest by the public security organs

He put on a hat and a mask to hide his eyes

I thought I was seamless

As everyone knows, it is still difficult to escape the "sharp eyes" of the police

He's armed to do this......

At present, the suspect Zhang is suspected of theft

The public security organs took action against them in accordance with law

Criminal coercive measures

The case is being further processed

Police remind

Don't stretch out your hand

Stretch out your hand and you will be caught

Please at any time

Don't leave anything to chance

Committing illegal or criminal acts

So as not to lose big because of small things


Source: Zhejiang Public Security