
Sudden leg cramps while sleeping, is it calcium deficiency? Wrong! There are also these 2 reasons, don't ignore them easily

author:Tomato health

"Uncle Zhang said to his son on the phone, this calcium tablet must be fake, and it is useless to eat it, so return it to me."

Uncle Zhang has been suffering from frequent cramps and leg pain recently, and sometimes he can't walk because of sudden cramps halfway through, which makes him particularly dislike going out.

Sudden leg cramps while sleeping, is it calcium deficiency? Wrong! There are also these 2 reasons, don't ignore them easily

After the neighbor found out about this, he asked the uncle to buy several boxes of calcium tablets, saying that it was a calcium deficiency, and he had to eat some calcium tablets to make up for it. So the uncle eats calcium tablets every day, and at the same time goes to the park every day to bask in the sun to supplement calcium. As a result, I took calcium tablets and basked in the sun for more than a month, but the symptoms were still not relieved, but became more and more serious.

In desperation, the uncle could only go to the hospital for an examination, and it turned out that there was a problem with the blood vessels in the lower limbs.

So, is cramping a calcium deficiency?

Cramps are a common phenomenon in life, especially after exercising or standing for long periods of time. Some people may think that the cramps are caused by a calcium deficiency, and the cramps may indeed be related to a calcium deficiency. Calcium is one of the most important nutrients in the human body, which is not only involved in the formation and maintenance of bones, but also in important physiological functions such as muscle contraction and nerve conduction. As a result, calcium deficiency may lead to uncoordinated muscle contractions, which can trigger cramps.

However, not all cramps are due to calcium deficiency. The causes of cramps are multifaceted and can be related to factors such as lack of water, fatigue, improper exercise, malnutrition, etc. Therefore, it is not accurate to tell if a person is calcium deficient based on cramps alone. In order to alleviate cramps, you must first find out the real cause of cramps and make targeted adjustments.

Sudden leg cramps while sleeping, is it calcium deficiency? Wrong! There are also these 2 reasons, don't ignore them easily

There are also these 2 reasons for leg cramps, don't ignore them easily

spinal disc herniation

Patients with a herniated lumbar disc often experience symptoms such as lower back pain, numbness and pain in the lower extremities. Of these, 70% of patients will experience leg cramps after the disease.

This is because the nerves in the lower back are compressed, and nerve conduction is affected, which can cause various uncomfortable symptoms. And the most common of these is leg cramps. Leg cramps are a very painful sensation, and patients often feel a sharp pain in the calf area that is unbearable.

Sudden leg cramps while sleeping, is it calcium deficiency? Wrong! There are also these 2 reasons, don't ignore them easily

Arteriosclerosis occlusion of the lower extremities

Arteriosclerosis occlusion of the lower extremities is caused by lipid deposition, fibrosis, and calcification of the inner wall of the blood vessels. This disease narrows the blood vessels and affects blood circulation, leading to ischemia in the lower limbs, which can trigger leg cramps. Leg cramps caused by arteriosclerosis occlusion of the lower extremities generally last for a long time, seriously affecting the quality of life of patients. Patients should also engage in regular physical activity, maintain an appropriate weight, and avoid bad habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Sudden leg cramps while sleeping, is it calcium deficiency? Wrong! There are also these 2 reasons, don't ignore them easily

How harmful is calcium deficiency?

1. Osteoporosis:

When the human body is deficient in calcium for a long time, a large amount of calcium in the bones will be lost, making the bones gradually become fragile and lead to osteoporosis, which is a common bone disease that usually occurs in middle-aged and elderly people. This disease causes bone density to decrease, thinning and brittle bone, making patients highly susceptible to fractures, especially in common fracture sites such as the lumbar spine, hip joint, and wrist. Fractures often result in reduced mobility or even complete loss of self-care. Prolonged bed rest also increases the chance of developing other conditions, such as pneumonia and bedsores.

Sudden leg cramps while sleeping, is it calcium deficiency? Wrong! There are also these 2 reasons, don't ignore them easily

2. Weakened Immunity:

Calcium deficiency not only has an impact on bone health, but it can also negatively affect the body's immune system. The cells in the immune system need enough calcium to maintain their normal activity and quantity to protect the body from external pathogens. However, when our body is deficient in calcium, the function of immune cells will be affected, resulting in a decrease in immunity and making people susceptible to various diseases.

Long-term calcium deficiency will put the body's immune system in a sub-healthy state, which is susceptible to various external aggressions and environmental factors. This means that even a mild pathogen invasion may not be effective for the human body to resist, leading to frequent infections and the occurrence of chronic diseases.

Sudden leg cramps while sleeping, is it calcium deficiency? Wrong! There are also these 2 reasons, don't ignore them easily

3. Cardiovascular Disease:

Recent studies have found that calcium deficiency may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. If the body lacks enough calcium, a range of problems can occur, such as increased blood pressure and hardening of the arteries. These problems not only affect the normal function of the heart, but also increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

In order to prevent cardiovascular disease, people should pay attention to dietary calcium intake. In addition, in addition to dietary calcium intake, moderate exercise can also help improve the efficiency of calcium absorption. Aerobic exercise and weight training can stimulate the absorption of calcium by bones and promote the increase of bone density, thereby reducing the occurrence of osteoporosis and other problems.

Sudden leg cramps while sleeping, is it calcium deficiency? Wrong! There are also these 2 reasons, don't ignore them easily

The physical fitness of the elderly gradually declines, and they are prone to various uncomfortable symptoms. In particular, leg cramps at night can be painful. Older people should take care of their bodies. Don't take any minor issues lightly. With proper conditioning and prevention, you can effectively reduce the occurrence of leg cramps at night and have a better quality of life