
Deepen understanding, strengthen concepts, refine opinions, and optimize the team

author:Optimistic run silently

Deepening Understanding, Strengthening Concepts, Refining Opinions, and Optimizing the Team: Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Successful Application of "One Palace and Three Tombs" on the World Heritage List (4)

[Written on the front]

History is the carrier of culture, and culture is the blood of history. Historical and cultural heritage is an important part of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, a vivid testimony of the continuous inheritance of Chinese civilization, and an important foundation for connecting national emotions and maintaining national unity.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has attached great importance to the protection of cultural and natural heritage, pointing out that "history and culture are the soul of the city, and we must protect the historical and cultural heritage of the city as if we cherish our own lives", emphasizing that "we must protect and manage the cultural relics that condense the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and at the same time strengthen research and utilization, let history speak and let cultural relics speak". The surging power of hard work.

July 1 this year marks the 20th anniversary of the successful inscription of Liaoning Province's "One Palace and Three Tombs" (the Forbidden City in Shenyang, the Yongling Tomb in Fushun, and the Zhaoling and Fuling Tombs in Shenyang).

In order to commemorate this unforgettable moment of personal experience, in order to protect, manage, publicize, utilize, and inherit the world cultural heritage, in order to further perceive the strong spiritual power and cultural connotation of the new "Liaoshen Campaign" for the revitalization of Northeast China in the new era, I have shared with my relatives and friends since June 23, 2004, on July 1, 2004, the 28th World Cultural Heritage Conference passed the documentary of "One Palace and Three Tombs" (never published in any media or network), and "China Cultural Heritage News" published the relevant articles I wrote that year. We would like to thank the great times and the world heritage left by our ancestors, strengthen the historical responsibility of cultural heritage protection, and let the cultural resources shared by mankind be inherited forever, benefit the general public, and serve the whole society.

June 26, 2024

Deepening Understanding, Strengthening Concepts, Refining Opinions, and Optimizing the Team: Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Successful Application of "One Palace and Three Tombs" on the World Heritage List (4)

Since the State Council issued the "Circular on Strengthening the Protection of Cultural Heritage" at the end of last year, the cultural relics system of Liaoning Province has conscientiously studied and implemented the spirit of the "Circular" in accordance with the requirements of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, closely integrated with the actual work of the province, and has done some solid and effective work. However, by commemorating the first "Cultural Heritage Day" in the mainland, we are more soberly aware that the study, understanding and implementation of the "Notice" is only the beginning, and the protection of cultural heritage has a long way to go.

(1) Ideological understanding should be deepened. In order to properly implement the spirit of the "Circular," we must first deepen our ideological understanding. In a certain sense, the depth of ideological understanding determines the degree of implementation of the work. It is necessary to fully understand that doing a good job in the protection of cultural heritage under the new situation is forced by the situation, required by the task, desired by the masses, and related to responsibilities.

The so-called situation is compelled, as clearly pointed out in the "Circular", "with the joint efforts of the whole society, the protection of cultural heritage on the mainland has achieved remarkable results." At the same time, we should also be soberly aware that the protection of cultural heritage on the mainland is currently facing many problems, and the situation is grim and does not allow for optimism." After enumerating the serious threat to cultural heritage and its living environment, the destruction of the overall style, the criminal activities of cultural relics have not been effectively curbed, the loss of a large number of precious cultural relics abroad, and the accelerated disappearance of national or regional cultural characteristics, the "Circular" points out that "it is urgent to strengthen the protection of cultural heritage". From "grim situation" to "urgent situation", we must enhance our sense of responsibility and urgency, and earnestly do a good job in the protection of cultural heritage in the new era.

The so-called task is required, and the "Circular" points out that "the protection of cultural heritage and the inheritance of national culture are an important cultural foundation for connecting national emotional ties, enhancing national unity, and maintaining national unity and social stability, as well as a prerequisite for maintaining the world's cultural diversity and creativity and promoting the common development of mankind." Strengthening the protection of cultural heritage is an inevitable requirement for building an advanced socialist culture, implementing the scientific outlook on development, and building a harmonious socialist society. ”

On the one hand, as our party attaches great importance to the protection of cultural heritage, the people's awareness of protecting cultural heritage according to law has been continuously enhanced, and they have deeply hated some phenomena and problems of destroying cultural relics and damaging cultural heritage, and have strongly demanded that the protection of cultural heritage be strengthened through different channels. On the other hand, with the continuous progress of society and the increasing improvement of the people's living standards, the spiritual and cultural needs of the broad masses of the people are also getting higher and higher. Satisfying the material and cultural needs of the masses of the people to the greatest extent is the topic of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and is a goal of our state and government functional departments. In order to achieve this goal, we must do a good job in all aspects, vigorously develop advanced culture, support healthy and beneficial culture, strive to transform backward culture, resolutely resist decadent culture, and strengthen the protection of cultural heritage. This is not only the sacred duty of cultural and cultural relics workers, but also reflects the high degree of responsibility of the party and the state for the cultural needs of the people.

The so-called responsibilities are related, and this kind of responsibility should be mainly reflected in three levels, one is the responsibility of each government. The second is the responsibility of the departments in charge of culture and cultural relics at all levels. The third is the social responsibility of the whole people. Although the protection of cultural heritage is a common task of the whole society, it requires the attention of the whole party and the participation of the whole people, and the key lies in the governments at all levels. However, the departments in charge of culture and cultural relics at all levels must fulfill their duties and actively coordinate all sectors of society to exercise their responsibilities of legal supervision, public opinion supervision, and mass supervision.

(2) The concept of protection should be strengthened. The "Circular" highlights the concept of giving priority to protection in its guiding ideology, basic principles, and overall objectives. In the 151-character guiding ideology, including punctuation marks, it is emphasized that "strengthen the protection of cultural heritage, build a scientific and effective cultural heritage protection system, and improve the awareness of cultural heritage protection in the whole society". Protection is highlighted in the "One Relationship, Two Policies and Three Protections" mentioned in the Basic Guidelines. The overall objective is clearer: "The protection of cultural heritage has been strengthened across the board through effective measures." By 2010, a relatively complete cultural heritage protection system will be initially established, and the state of cultural heritage protection will be significantly improved. By 2015, a relatively complete cultural heritage protection system will be basically formed, and cultural heritage with historical, cultural and scientific value will be fully and effectively protected". It is fully evident that the State Council attaches great importance to the protection of cultural heritage. The practice of cultural heritage protection tells us that the more severe the situation of protection work is and the problems are prominent, the more necessary it is to strengthen the concept of protection first. It is necessary to solve in a targeted manner the problems of some comrades, especially leading cadres, who have a weak sense of protection and a weakened sense of responsibility in charge of culture and cultural relics, strengthen the awareness of setting an example, the awareness of the overall situation, the sense of responsibility, and the awareness of laws and regulations, jointly create a good social environment for the protection of cultural heritage, and strive to create a vivid situation in which governments at all levels protect according to law, leading cadres are included in the agenda for protection, competent departments perform their duties to protect them, and all sectors of society actively pay attention to and participate in protection.

(3) The implementation of opinions should be refined. It is necessary to implement the spirit of the "Circular," focusing on transforming the guiding ideology into their own work ideas, concretely detailing the principles and requirements one by one, and implementing the clear opinions in practical work as soon as possible. In accordance with the overall requirements of the "Circular", based on the present, focusing on the long-term, overall planning, categorical guidance, highlighting key points, and step-by-step implementation. We consider that at present, the cultural relics departments and units in the province should do three things well. First of all, it is necessary to profoundly comprehend the spirit of the "Circular" and conscientiously study and implement the opinions in detail. In accordance with the requirements of the State Administration of Cultural Relics and the Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics, we should concentrate our time, energy, and personnel, profoundly study and understand the spirit of the "Circular," and do a good job in arming our minds, emancipating our minds, and unifying our minds. Efforts should be made to accurately grasp the guiding ideology, basic principles and overall goals of the mainland in strengthening cultural heritage in the coming period, truly unify the understanding with the spirit of the "Circular", and take the "Circular" as the basis, according to the implementation opinions of the provincial government on the implementation of the "Circular" issued by the provincial government on the first "Cultural Heritage Day", and form specific opinions for all units to do a good job in implementation. Secondly, revise and improve the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" for the development of cultural relics and museums. Handle the relationship between protection and utilization, need and possibility, focus and general, immediate and long-term, inheritance and development; Construct a museum construction system with reasonable distribution, complete types and perfect functions; Further integrate the province's cultural relics resources, implement the strategy of exploiting the situation, break the inter-museum exchanges, and form a new situation of "publicity and display, serving the society" of the province's museums. All units should refine this kind of work one by one in accordance with the spirit of the "Circular" and closely integrate it with the actual conditions of their own units. Third, it is necessary to seek innovation in construction ideas, operational mechanisms, and working methods. The innovation of construction ideas is to overcome and change the inherent mode of thinking and inert way of thinking, advocate creative thinking according to the characteristics and laws of cultural heritage protection and the spirit of the superiors, and improve the predictability, planning, scientificity, integrity, authenticity and effectiveness of the protection of cultural relics. Realize the leap in ideological understanding and way of thinking, and strive to find a new way of cultural heritage protection that adapts to the trend of the times, conforms to China's national conditions, and embodies the characteristics of the province. With the innovation of the operating mechanism, the protection of cultural heritage is by no means just a matter of any unit or department, but the common responsibility of the whole society. It is necessary to adhere to the working mechanism of taking the government as the leading, the cultural and cultural relics departments as the main body, and the active participation of all sectors of society. The innovation of work methods means that we should constantly adopt new countermeasures and measures in accordance with the characteristics and laws of the protection of cultural heritage under the new situation. It is necessary to proceed from reality, distinguish between situations, adapt measures to local conditions, provide guidance by category, and promote the implementation of work with scientific methods and means. In order to solve the problems encountered in the protection of cultural relics with a new way of thinking, we must work the "four changes": in the concept of protection, we should change from passive to active, and change the passive situation that we were busy dealing with in the past; In terms of protection methods, it has changed from surprise and emergency response to establishing and improving systems and forming long-term mechanisms; In terms of protection methods, it has shifted from relying solely on traditional customary practices to combining them with modern science and technology; In terms of protection forces, there has been a shift from emphasizing a small number of administrative departments to mobilizing the participation of the whole society.

(4) The talent team should be optimized. To do a good job in the protection of cultural heritage, in addition to the attention of governments at all levels, the sound system, and the guarantee of funds, the important thing is the construction of talents and teams. In recent years, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage has focused on laying a solid foundation for the sustainable development of cultural and museum work, adhered to the implementation of the strategy of cultivating talents, and successively held different types of training courses for directors of cultural relics bureaus, directors of archaeological institutes and museum directors. Practice has proved that this decision is very correct. Recently, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage has clearly expanded the training of directors of cultural relics bureaus to cultural relics directors in famous historical and cultural cities and directors of cultural relics bureaus in provincial capitals, extended the training course for museum directors to some municipal museums, and continued to hold training courses for persons in charge of world cultural heritage protection institutions. According to the actual situation in Liaoning Province, in the next step, in addition to actively sending people to participate in different types of training and study at the higher levels, we should intensify the training in combination with the work and pay attention to improving the quality of the three parts of the personnel. The first is the personnel of the department in charge of cultural relics. Under the new situation, the task of protecting cultural relics is arduous, and the comrades in charge of cultural relics at the provincial, municipal, and county levels of cultural relics shoulder important responsibilities. We should guide everyone to focus on improving their ability to lead and provide guidance at the macro level, to coordinate and do a good job in implementation, to solve specific problems, and to blaze new trails. The second is the professional backbone of the cultural relics system. As the backbone of the cultural relics team, the overall quality of the cultural relics directly affects the cultural relics work in a region. It is necessary to pay attention to the updating of the knowledge of this part of the backbone cadres and make full use of the formulation and implementation of plans for the protection of immovable cultural relics, investigation and study of special cultural relics, large-scale law enforcement actions for cultural relics, and the completion of major tasks such as the maintenance of key projects to temper cadres. It is necessary to base ourselves on the post, get close to the task, closely integrate the actual work, take the work object as the research object, transform the research results into work results, and pay attention to discovering top-notch talents from them, so as to provide them with a platform and space more suitable for their development. The third is other personnel in the cultural and museum system. It is necessary to adapt to the characteristics of the large flow of personnel and the rapid changes under the conditions of the socialist market economy, and focus on cultivating the spirit of loving and dedicating themselves to their work, studying their work, and being willing to make contributions. In terms of policies, systems, and living conditions, we will help them relieve their worries and create favorable conditions for them to grow and become talents.

Originally published in China Cultural Relics News, November 15, 2006, page 3