
Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

author:Ancient Incident

Recently, I heard such a children's song, and the lyrics made me shudder: Mom, don't go to work, Mom can't earn a lot of money even if she goes to work.

It's hard to imagine that this is actually a children's song, what is the meaning of its transmission?

The child is like a blank sheet of paper and does not understand anything. What parents need to do is to protect their innocence and let them grow up in a healthy and safe environment.

Fourth-graders, really can't understand the meaning of the lyrics? Or are adults thinking too much?

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

The host of a TV show, don't you have an image requirement?

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

There are all kinds of things on the Internet, good and bad, and parents need to sift through them.

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

Parents educate their children, why should they use "no buo" to describe it? It was very uncomfortable to listen to.

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

Friend, you said it too bluntly [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

That's what it means for parents to lead by example.

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

Some songs, the melody is particularly well written, but the lyrics are filthy [Cool]

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

This kind of song spreads so fast that children learn everything.

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

I don't care what happens to other people's children, but I will definitely educate my own children well, and patriotic education cannot be ignored.

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

What is this? Is it really the lyrics?

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

Communicate well with your child, and they will understand.

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

There are a lot of unhealthy things in the children's channel, how did they pass the review?

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

How did a hard-working mother become such an image?

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

What kind of strange thought is this?

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

A responsible teacher will definitely take care of this.

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

The children are too simple and don't understand the meaning of the lyrics, and parents should stop it in time.

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

What can ordinary people do with limited power?

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

This song is a memory of the post-80s generation and pays tribute to the childhood of a generation.

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

If you find something wrong, you can bring it up, and maybe it will improve.

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

I hate the song "Big Banana" the most, and I feel sick when I hear the melody.

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves

At that time, the song was full of smiles and the smell of spring!

Who the hell is teaching children this kind of thing? Netizen: It's very disgusting, and it should be reported off the shelves