
Ordinary is also fulfilling

author:The light of China's intangible cultural heritage
Ordinary is also fulfilling

Zhou Guoping said: Everything extraordinary in the world must return to the ordinary in the end, and its value must be measured by ordinary life.

Greatness, wonderful, and success are nothing, and life is complete only when the ordinary life is truly good.

Life can be divided into three stages: understanding the ordinariness of parents, accepting one's own ordinary, and allowing children to be ordinary.

Ordinary is also fulfilling
Ordinary is also fulfilling

The first step to becoming an adult is to understand the difficulties of parents and understand the ordinariness of parents.

Su Shi has been wandering all his life, and his eldest son Su Mai has always been by his side to take care of Su Shi's diet and daily life. When Su Mai was young, he had no fixed place to live and did not have a stable environment to grow up.

After Su Mai became an adult, Su Shi was arrested and imprisoned, and Su Mai ran around to rescue him, tasting all the suffering in the world.

After Su Mai got married, he had his own family, but Su Shi was repeatedly belittled. As Su Shi wrote in "Self-titled Portrait of Jinshan": Ask Ru Ping's life achievements, Huangzhou, Huizhou, Danzhou.

Ordinary is also fulfilling

From Huangzhou all the way to the deserted and miasma-ridden Hainan Island, Su Mai was able to abandon his family and business and go to the degraded place to take care of his father.

As Su Shi's son, Su Mai was lucky that he had a father who went down in history. Similarly, as Su Shi's son, Su Mai was unfortunate and was implicated by his father all his life.

Despite this, he never complained. He knew that in the face of fate, his father was just a mortal.

Tolerating the mistakes of parents and forgiving them for their ordinariness is the most basic practice for children.

Ordinary is also fulfilling
Ordinary is also fulfilling

Su Shi was twenty-one years old and inscribed on the gold list, and in the same year, his younger brother Su Zhe was also a high school jinshi, and the two of them were famous in the capital for a while. He wrote in "Qinyuan Spring":

At that time, there were guests in Chang'an. It seems that the second continent is a young man. There are thousands of words in the pen and 10,000 volumes in the chest, to Jun Yaoshun, why is this difficult?

At this time, Su Shi had the world in mind and had lofty ideals, when he was about to show his ambitions, his mother died suddenly, and he wanted to return to his hometown for three years to keep filial piety.

Three years later, Su Shi took the examination and entered the third class (the highest level in the assessment of officials in the Song Dynasty), the first in a century.

Unexpectedly, he was framed by the villain, and because of the "Wutai Poetry Case", he was demoted to Huangzhou. In Huangzhou, Su Shi weeded and planted wheat every day, raised cattle and sheep, and reclaimed a piece of wasteland into a famous "eastern slope" in history.

Ordinary is also fulfilling

Su Shi's "Book of Answers to Li's Ceremony": Since the offense, he has been deeply self-occluded, flat boats and grass shoes, wandering between mountains and rivers, and miscellaneous places with woodcutters and fishing, often being pushed and scolded by intoxicating people, and his self-congratulation has gradually become unknown.

From the top of the court to the village husband, even if he was pushed and scolded, Su Shi did not feel embarrassed, but was glad that others failed to recognize him.

He accepted his ordinariness and enjoyed the ordinary life of the market wholeheartedly.

Su Dongpo said: "Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian. "In the vast sea of people, I am an ordinary person like everyone else.

Many people have never experienced Su Shi's ups and downs in their lives, nor do they have Su Shi's talent, but they are pretentious and blindly complain about the injustice of fate.

Ordinary is also fulfilling

The courage to admit and accept one's ordinariness is the true sincerity of life. Only by accepting our own ordinariness can we truly plan for the future rationally.

Wang Xiaobo wrote in The Golden Age:

In the golden age of my life, I had many extravagant expectations. I want to love, I want to eat, and I want to be a half-light cloud in the sky in an instant.

Later, I learned that life is a slow process, people get old day by day, and luxury hopes disappear day by day.

Accepting the ordinary is not to compromise with fate, but to reconcile with oneself. Accepting the ordinary is not about doing nothing, but about knowing what you can do.

When a person begins to accept his ordinariness, it is the beginning of living his own life.

Ordinary is also fulfilling
Ordinary is also fulfilling

Allowing children to be ordinary is a must for parents. Parents are always looking forward to their children's future:

As soon as the child can ride a wooden horse, parents can't help but fantasize that their child can become a general in the future; When the child is the first in the final exam, parents begin to think about whether their child will go to Peking University or Tsinghua University in the future.

However, the two generations of the Su family have been fathers, but they have done the opposite.

When Su Shi was eleven years old, his father Su Xun wrote an article "Famous Second Son", telling the meaning of the names of Su Shi and Su Zhe.

The article wrote: Spokes cover the wheel, all have jobs, and Shi is alone and has nothing to do. Although, I didn't see the end of the car.

Ordinary is also fulfilling

The spokes, canopy and rim are all important components of a horse-drawn carriage. And Shi is nothing more than a crossbar used as a handrail on the carriage.

Compared to other components, Shi does not have much effect. But without Shi, it is impossible to form a complete carriage.

As parents, most of them expect their children to be the dragon and phoenix among others. And Su Xun's words seemed to mean to say to his son, you can also be an ordinary screw.

When Su Dongpo had a son himself, he finally realized his father's good intentions.

Ordinary is also fulfilling

In one of his poems, he wrote:

Everyone has adopted a son to be smart, and I have been mistaken by being smart all my life.

I hope that the child will be foolish and reckless, and there will be no disaster and no difficulty to the minister.

Don't impose your unfulfilled wishes and expectations on your children. Ordinary and safe are the best wishes of parents for their children.

"The Mean" begins with the words: The mandate of heaven is sexuality, and the spontaneity is the Tao.

The path of life is different, and to live according to your own nature, as long as you can do your best, ordinary, it is also complete.

Accept the ordinary, and on the basis of acceptance, temper the ability to grab happiness from the ordinary life. Ordinary days can also have poetry and distance.

Ordinary is also fulfilling