
There are 28 students in the class, 100% of them go on to higher education! 100% Scholarship!

author:Shiba Bay


Held by China University of Mining and Technology

Class of 2024 Commencement Ceremony

There is such a graduating class

He was named and praised by the principal at the ceremony

This class is:

Safety Engineering (International Class)

Class of 2020-5

There are 28 students in the class, 100% of them go on to higher education! 100% Scholarship!

This class won "4 100%"

There are 28 students in this class

100% of all staff go on to higher education

100% scholarship coverage

Level 4 pass rate 100%

100% participation in the competition

There are 28 students in the class, 100% of them go on to higher education! 100% Scholarship!

Study committee member Hou Dusong said

"The learning atmosphere in our class is very strong

There is no need for outside supervision

Everyone spontaneously learns"

In Cao Lei's opinion

"Don't worry about whether you're going to succeed or not

It's about giving it all and soul day in and day out."

this class

A group of students with excellent character and academic performance have emerged

5 people have won the National Scholarship

5 winners of the National Encouragement Scholarship

18 students were awarded the university-level scholarship

Mao Zihao, Gu Junyan and other classmates

Successively obtained

Weighted ranking of the first in the major

They also focus on what they have learned

Put it into practice

All members of the class participated

"Challenge Cup", "Internet +" and other competitions

Many students have won national and provincial honors

Mao Zihao

There will be more than 30 competition awards at or above the school level

In the bag

There are 28 students in the class, 100% of them go on to higher education! 100% Scholarship!

"The cohesion of our class

That's super strong."

The squad leader Ma Chuanheng is quite proud of this

The various activities carried out by the class

Everyone is always enthusiastic to sign up and actively participate

While learning has spare energy

Students are actively engaged in volunteer service

Also in their respective areas of passion


Chen Baojun has been in school since he entered the school

Celebrated every year

will participate in the activities of the cycling club

Cycling the corresponding kilometers to celebrate the birthday of the alma mater

Zhou Jing who loves traditional culture

He is the president of the Chinese Studies Society

He is a grade 10 piano player

He often accompanies the piano for others in performances

Encourage each other and learn from each other's strengths

It's their norm

During the period of the insurance research

It's the norm for you to chase me

But in this class

More commonly:

Everyone gets together

Share information and provide advice on school choice

Some are still there

"Xueba Classroom" and "Pre-exam Emergency Station" activities

Serve as the keynote speaker

Take the initiative to help your classmates solve problems

in the same dormitory

Fu Liangliang, Mao Zihao, Cheng Yuhang, Yu Zijian

The two of them are straightforward, and all of them are guaranteed to study

Three of them have been awarded national scholarships

"We always encourage each other

Learn from each other's strengths"

"Stress is inevitable

But I'm not averse

Because pressure motivates me to keep moving forward."

"When we learn, we study hard

It's fun when you play."

There are 28 students in the class, 100% of them go on to higher education! 100% Scholarship!

Gathering is a fire

Scattered is full of stars

I wish the graduates a happy graduation