
Wary! Fake "ordering", what a scam!

author:Huzhou Police

"Hello boss, I'm xx school teacher"

"I want to order 50 boxed lunches for 5 consecutive days"

This rare "big order"

Does it make you feel excited?

Don't rejoice too soon

This could be a trap elaborated by scammers!

Wary! Fake "ordering", what a scam!

Recently, Ms. Wu, who runs a restaurant, was swiping Douyin

Encounter a strange private message

Ask if you can order a group meal

Ms. Wu then added the other party's corporate WeChat

The other party claimed to be a teacher at a certain school

You need to order more than 100 boxed lunches

Book for 5 consecutive days

Wary! Fake "ordering", what a scam!

After communication

Ms. Wu gives the menu

After the two sides reached a preliminary agreement

The other party proposed

Need Ms. Wu's help to purchase a certain Buddha jumping over the wall gift box

And push the supplier's WeChat to Ms. Wu

Wary! Fake "ordering", what a scam!

Due to exposure to relevant anti-fraud propaganda content

Ms. Wu kept an eye on it

You need to ask the other party to submit a deposit first

I didn't think that the other party would disappear directly

When you contact the other person again

The other party has been banned

No losses were suffered

○ 诈骗方法分析 ○

Wary! Fake "ordering", what a scam!

Buying trust with large orders

Fraudsters usually disguise themselves as school teachers, and use food delivery platforms, telephones, WeChat, etc. to contact restaurant and convenience store owners with the help of food delivery platforms, telephones, WeChat, etc., so as to lead victims to fall into the "trap" of scammers.

Buy designated products on behalf of you

After gaining the victim's trust, the fraudster will claim that they also need the help of the store to purchase certain products, and designate the store to go to the "supplier" to buy it, the most common being the product that is not always in stock, such as "Buddha jumping over the wall".

Falsification of transfer records

Fraudsters will use screenshots of fake transfer records to add credibility and cover up the fact of fake transfers under the pretext that they will arrive in two hours. In fact, today's large-value transfers are basically instantaneous.

In order to fulfill this large order, or to avoid the loss of food preparation, many victims will choose to help with the purchase, thus falling into the trap carefully woven by the scammers.

Disappears after transfer

If the victim has a weak sense of anti-fraud and believes the fake screenshot of the transfer, or advances the funds, the scammer will block him immediately after receiving the payment, and then lose contact.

Refusal of advance funds

Attention merchants on all platforms! When receiving an order from a strange call, stay sober, don't be confused by the fraudsters' words, and don't advance money even if there is a screenshot of the transfer without a clear certainty.

Identify screenshots of transfers

At present, most bank transfers are received in real time, if someone sends a screenshot of the transfer and claims that "it will arrive in two hours", it is likely to be a scam!

Identifying "Suppliers"

State organs, government departments, and public institutions, including schools, have professional and standardized processes and channels for purchasing materials, and it is impossible to choose WeChat private chat "suppliers". If you have any doubts, you can trace the source of the original supplier's official store for consultation.

Source: Changxing Public Security

Editor: Xiao Qi