
What concepts must be understood when filling in the volunteer? What are the misunderstandings to "avoid pits"?

author:Look at Suzhou

Recently, the results of the college entrance examination have been released one after another.

and organize voluntary filling.

What concepts should I clarify before applying?

What are the 9 misunderstandings to avoid when applying for the college entrance examination?

Voluntary filling is imminent,

These knowledge points have helped you sort it out↓↓

May all candidates get into their ideal universities as they wish,

Learn your ideal major!

What concepts must be understood when filling in the volunteer? What are the misunderstandings to "avoid pits"?
What concepts must be understood when filling in the volunteer? What are the misunderstandings to "avoid pits"?
What concepts must be understood when filling in the volunteer? What are the misunderstandings to "avoid pits"?
What concepts must be understood when filling in the volunteer? What are the misunderstandings to "avoid pits"?
What concepts must be understood when filling in the volunteer? What are the misunderstandings to "avoid pits"?
What concepts must be understood when filling in the volunteer? What are the misunderstandings to "avoid pits"?
What concepts must be understood when filling in the volunteer? What are the misunderstandings to "avoid pits"?
What concepts must be understood when filling in the volunteer? What are the misunderstandings to "avoid pits"?
What concepts must be understood when filling in the volunteer? What are the misunderstandings to "avoid pits"?
What concepts must be understood when filling in the volunteer? What are the misunderstandings to "avoid pits"?
What concepts must be understood when filling in the volunteer? What are the misunderstandings to "avoid pits"?
What concepts must be understood when filling in the volunteer? What are the misunderstandings to "avoid pits"?

There are 9 common misunderstandings about filling in the college entrance examination

It is convenient for candidates and parents to "avoid pitfalls" in time


Myth 1: One mind goes to a prestigious school

This method of filling in the volunteer is inconsiderate and undesirable. Not all majors in "brand-name" universities are advantageous majors, and some majors in ordinary colleges and universities also have characteristics and strong strength.

Myth 2: Only fill in popular majors

There is no so-called "hot and cold" in college majors, and what suits you is the best.

Myth 3: Choose only by the name of the school (or major).

Some majors have the same name, but there are certain differences. When looking at a major, it is necessary to understand its connotation, such as what the main courses are, whether there are master's and doctoral programs, what position is in the same kind of majors in China, employment prospects, etc.

Myth 4: Thinking that obeying the adjustment will suffer

Think about it as a whole. Obeying the adjustment can increase the chances of being admitted, but you should also be prepared to be admitted to a major you don't like. If you do not comply with the professional adjustment, you may lose the opportunity to enter the school.

Myth 5: Copy the admission scores of previous years to apply for volunteers

There are fluctuations in the cut-off scores for college admissions. To analyze the admission situation in several years, you can also pay attention to the difference between the score line and the batch line, and the "position" of the candidates corresponding to the score line.

Myth 6: Do not set up volunteer gradients

It is very important to create a gradient between different volunteers in the same group of schools. Taking the six college volunteers as an example, the principle of volunteering should be in line with the principle of rushing, stability, protection and cushioning, that is, candidates are required to reasonably combine volunteers to improve the effectiveness of each volunteer.

Myth 7: There is no risk in parallel volunteering

Whether it is parallel voluntary admission or sequential voluntary admission, there are two main risks for candidates to withdraw from the file. First, the candidate's college entrance examination score does not reach the admission score of the reported major and does not obey the major adjustment; Second, the candidate does not meet other requirements stipulated in the college admissions regulations.

Myth 8: Parallel volunteering does not need to consider the order

Candidates should reasonably arrange the order of volunteers based on their full understanding of the admission positions and changes in the rankings of relevant colleges and universities in recent years.

Myth 9: Only look at the score and not the ranking

The test score is the basic factor for candidates to be admitted, and it is also the fundamental basis for voluntary filling. On the basis of mastering their college entrance examination scores and the score ranking of the province, candidates need to screen the batches and school levels and types that can be filled in based on the distribution of results and admissions in previous years. Don't just look at the score and not the ranking.

Source: China Education Daily

Editor: Xiao Zhang