
The 15th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 19th County People's Congress was held

author:Slightly white river
The 15th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 19th County People's Congress was held
The 15th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 19th County People's Congress was held

On June 25, the 15th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 19th County People's Congress was held. Gao Fuhong, director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech, and a total of 31 members of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, including Yan Bin, Zha Ping, You Yilin, and members of the Standing Committee, attended the meeting. Zhang Linchong, deputy head of the county government, Fang Jinghai, vice chairman of the county CPPCC, Yang Haibin, president of the county court, Ma Jijun, chief procurator of the county procuratorate, responsible comrades of the county government office and the county supervisory committee, the chairman of the town people's congress who is not a member of the standing committee of the county people's congress, and five county people's congress deputies attended the meeting as observers.

The 15th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 19th County People's Congress was held

The meeting organized and studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the 14th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important article "Creating a New Situation of High-quality Development in the Mainland". listened to and reviewed the report of the county people's government on the improvement of the county's rural human settlements; heard the report of the county people's government on the implementation of the deliberation opinions of the "Anti-Telecommunications Network Fraud Law" and the report of the county people's procuratorate on the implementation of the deliberation opinions of the public interest litigation procuratorial work; reviewed and adopted the "Decision of the Standing Committee of the Baihe County People's Congress on Strengthening the Tracking and Supervision of the Rectification of Outstanding Problems Identified by Auditing"; The relevant personnel bills were voted and passed, and a constitutional oath-taking ceremony was held.

The 15th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 19th County People's Congress was held

Gao Fuhong pointed out that the improvement of the rural living environment is the most basic, direct and effective livelihood project for the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. It is necessary to conscientiously study and apply the experience of Zhejiang's "Ten Million Project", focus on the rural toilet revolution, domestic sewage and garbage treatment, and the improvement of the appearance of the village, adhere to the "grasp the point of demonstration, promote the surface with the point, and promote the overall progress", continue to consolidate the results of the special action of "sweeping, tidying, changing dry toilets, and removing sewage and silt", improve the long-term management and protection mechanism, improve the civilized quality of the masses, promote the continuous improvement of the county's rural living environment, and strive to create a livable, workable and beautiful rural "Baihe model".

Gao Fuhong demanded that all relevant departments should accurately grasp the new changes and trends of the current telecommunications fraud crime, coordinate and promote the work of "crackdown, prevention, control and publicity", further consolidate the main responsibility of supervision in the financial, communications and other industries, and build a work pattern led by the government, department heads, industry supervision, and relevant departments to grasp and manage together, and make every effort to protect the people's "money bags". It is necessary to focus on key areas such as the protection of the ecological environment and resources, food safety, and public safety, and continue to increase the force of public interest litigation to protect the public interest to the greatest extent.

Gao Fuhong stressed: Strengthening follow-up and supervision over the rectification of problems found in auditing is an important measure to deepen the NPC's function of examining and supervising the final budget accounts, standardizing the financial and economic order, and improving the efficiency of the use of financial funds. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the requirements of the "Decision of the Standing Committee of the Baihe County People's Congress on Strengthening the Tracking and Supervision of the Rectification of Outstanding Problems Identified in Auditing", strictly and practically promote the implementation of rectification of problems found in audits, and do a good job in the "second half of the article" of auditing with high quality.

The 15th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 19th County People's Congress was held

Author: County People's Congress Office


Editor-in-Chief: Wang Yinchun Editor-in-charge: Tang Guohui Proofreader: Liu Chuan Submission Email: [email protected]

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