
The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

author:Arcade era

I don't know what everyone's first reaction was when they saw Amma, the god of death in "Death Note"? It must be all fear! After all, her insect appearance basically dissuaded most of the audience. And after watching this work, you will fall in love with this elegant, empathetic, and gentle Death Reaper Amma.

Just the act of eating grapes has vividly interpreted the elegance of women.

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

It is precisely because of this that how many viewers feel sad because of the passing of Amma, the god of death.

There are many classic characters in the anime and games we are familiar with, and as long as they are outstanding in the plot, they will be recognized by players even if they look strange. On the contrary, if the plot is not very likable, no matter how well the characters are designed, we will feel that there is a fly in the ointment. The popularity of "Demon Slayer" in the past two years proves this point.

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

Nowadays, we can see the votes for the popularity rankings on all major websites, and the powerful but retained the human nature of the Zodiac has absolute popularity and ranks first, the ruthless Black Death Mou ranks second, You Douzi ranks third, and then there is no misery. Although these ghosts retain the image of humans, they have little to do with humans.

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

The same is true for "One Punch Man", where the popularity of dragon-level monsters such as Poros, the Great Snake King, Black Sperm, and Elder Centipede is relatively high. In particular, after the fusion of Sykes and Orochi, it has almost reached the peak of popularity. But let's not forget.,The mosquito girl that the teacher first shot also has a super high popularity.,There are still various fanworks flowing out.。

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

I always thought she was dead, but after checking the anime repeatedly, I found out that Saitama knocked her into the belly bag that was just filled with blood after she was slapped, and she flew out and disappeared into a "star".

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

This is true for anime and games, as long as the popularity is high and the plot is good, the monsters and protagonists that appear in it will attract much attention, and even become hot searches at the time.

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

Today, I will recall with you those strange creatures whose popularity is unexpected.


When we visit the website, we often see a mysterious keyword in some special areas, isn't this slime?

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

To be honest, when I first saw this word appear in the ranking of the most popular girls in the 3D section, I performed the same as you do now.

Slime! You said that goblins, I still believe that slime, a thing that doesn't even have hands and feet, how can it break through the limits of thinking?

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

Slimes appear quite a lot in the action games we are familiar with! Every time it appears as the lowest-level mob, it will be hacked to death with two knives, and it will definitely not explode any important props and weapons, and it would be good to be able to explode some food. (Of course, there are some high-level slimes, but they are more hidden)

The first slimes I came into contact with were in "Bomberman" and "Dragon Quest", and now I play "Dragon Quest: Genesis 2" to slash and kill slimes, they have oil on them, and they are used to make torches. In the later stage, go to a cave to cut metal slimes, and one has more than 10,000 experience points.

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

Driven by curiosity, I searched for slimes and couldn't sleep all night. This slime has been built into an artificial girl! Any type of girl can be made through the slime's coat, which is clearly taking advantage of the slime's ability to change at will to drive the car!

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

Although the shape of the slime has not changed much in the game, its ability to transform has players thinking about it. That's how it can take its place on the search platform. I believe that there will be more games in the future.


We have the impression that goblins will always appear in various adventure-themed action games, and they have been found in many games on the FC, MD, SFC, SS, NDS, and PCE platforms in the past.

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

It's the same as the slime.,It's the lowest-level monster.,It's basically a knife at a time.,If there's an elite monster, you need to cut two more knives.,There's a high probability that there won't be any props.。 I don't know how many times I've died in DNF.

In many games, goblins and goblins are indistinguishable.

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

Originally, it was the monster that players looked down on the most, but with the emergence of "Goblin Slayer" and "Gray and Fantasy Grimgar" in recent years, the weak goblin gradually turned into a fierce and cruel elite monster.

The original players dare not think and can't look at the plot are all interpreted once.

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

Whether it is a warrior saint or a mage, the fate of falling into their hands is almost the same, this kind of plot is really ruining the three views! Who would have thought that those cartoons that could only be watched secretly in the early years could now enter our sight in a grand manner.

Why is such a cruel thing so popular? That's because there are female goblins! In the cartoons that make players feel uneasy, there are relatively few portrayals of female goblins, perhaps to highlight the ferocity of male goblins!

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

The goblins that appear in today's games and anime are cute. After all, only games full of "love" and "peace" can be accepted by more groups! So there were a lot of girls Gothrin.,Humans took away their homes and hate humans.,But after contact with the male owner, it gradually changed.,The original strong-willed and arrogant they began to integrate into human society.。

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

Even among the optional characters, a female goblin has been added as the main character.

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

In fact, female goblins only have different skin color from humans, and their bodies seem to be no different except for their ears and nails.


Nani? Puff-shroom? Does this also have someone YY?

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

Puff-shroom, one of the key plants in Plants vs. Zombies, must be woken up with beans during the day and more energetic at night. The attack range is relatively short, but it can penetrate, so many players are attracted to it.

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

Why is Puff-shroom mentioned today?

This brings us to that strange request ten years ago. In 2013, a netizen plucked up the courage to ask about the small book of the big puff mushroom on Island A (A station forum), and most of the audience at that time regarded it as a bad taste and ignored him. Who knew that he was so angry that he set up a FLAG on the spot, saying that the big puff-mushroom would be "controlled" by the players one day.

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

Originally, this page was over. But this player didn't expect that the level of boredom of netizens was unimaginable.

The FLAG of "One day everyone will control Puff-Shroom" has become a famous meme in "Plants vs. Zombies", and it has gradually spread in exchange groups and other forums. As the exchange became more and more popular, a group of big puff-mushroom enthusiasts were developed, and offline gatherings were even held.

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

Over time, instead of being drowned, the meme became more widely known. And the fanworks about it have gradually increased.,There are even a lot of senior artists who have created fancomics specifically for this meme.。 This is something that the publishers didn't even expect back then!

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

I've always wondered if so many Puff-Mushroom-related peripherals on the market today are all from this stalk back then? If that were the case, a small request from this player would have changed the landscape of an era.

The weirder the more excited, the female monster with a great body in the game

The memory of the Internet is relatively short-lived, and many memes disappear after a few months of explosion. It is rare to be able to develop into a phenomenon like "Puff Mushroom" and continue to live for more than ten years!

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