
Guiyang County carried out the National Digital Literacy and Skills Improvement Month and the centralized online law popularization publicity activities

author:Red Network Chenzhou Station

Red Network Moment News, June 25 (Correspondent Li Xiaohu Wu Lihua) On the morning of June 25, in the Cailun Culture, Sports and Leisure Square in Guiyang County, a unique national digital literacy and skill improvement month activity and "understanding common sense, abiding by routines and becoming normal" online law popularization concentrated publicity activities were held here. The event was led by the Internet Information Office of the Guiyang County Party Committee, and more than 10 units, including the County Public Security Bureau, the County Justice Bureau, the County Civil Affairs Bureau, the County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the County Association for Science and Technology, the Youth League and County Committee, the County Women's Federation, and the County Disabled Persons' Federation, jointly participated in the event, aiming to improve the digital literacy and cyber security awareness of residents in the county.

Guiyang County carried out the National Digital Literacy and Skills Improvement Month and the centralized online law popularization publicity activities

On June 25, the National Digital Literacy and Skills Improvement Month Activity and the "Understanding Common Sense, Observing Routines, and Becoming the Norm" Online Law Popularization Centralized Publicity Activity was held in Cailun Culture, Sports and Leisure Square in Yang County.

At the event site, all units popularized network security knowledge, digital skills application and related laws and regulations to the masses through various forms such as setting up publicity display boards, distributing publicity materials, and on-site consultation and answers. The staff of the Internet Information Office of the Guiyang County Party Committee combined the "Guiyang County Digital Literacy and Skills Improvement Manual", "Cyber Security Interpretation of the Law with Cases Publicity Manual", "One Picture to Understand the Regulations on the Protection of Minors Online", and "Hunan Provincial Cyber Security and Informatization Regulations" to publicize and explain digital literacy improvement, network security protection and other related knowledge to the public. The police of the Guiyang County Public Security Bureau explained in detail to the public the common types of cybercrime and the preventive measures, while the staff of the Guiyang County Judicial Bureau focused on publicizing the legal responsibility and ways to protect rights of online infringement.

Guiyang County carried out the National Digital Literacy and Skills Improvement Month and the centralized online law popularization publicity activities

Guiyang County Civil Affairs Bureau, Guiyang County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and other departments introduced how to enjoy more convenient social security and employment services through digital means around the application of digital technology in the field of people's livelihood services. The Guiyang Youth League County Committee, the County Women's Federation, the County Disabled Persons' Federation, the County Association for Science and Technology and other departments have also carried out targeted digital literacy education based on the characteristics of their respective industries and fields, helping special groups such as teenagers, women and people with disabilities improve their digital skills and better integrate into the digital society.

Guiyang County carried out the National Digital Literacy and Skills Improvement Month and the centralized online law popularization publicity activities

Through this activity, Guiyang County not only improved the people's digital literacy and cyber security awareness, but also further promoted the wide application of digital technology in various fields of society. The Cyberspace Administration of the Guiyang County Party Committee said that it will continue to increase publicity efforts, innovate publicity methods, promote the in-depth development of the National Digital Literacy and Skill Improvement Month, and contribute to the construction of a digital Guiyang.

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