
76 cases were found in 1 school! It can be paralyzed!

author:Gaoyou release

What is Scoliosis?

Not many people knew about it before

But with morbidity and society

Increasing attention to the health of adolescent students

Scoliosis screening is currently included

Among the physical examination items for elementary and junior high school students

Seventy-six cases were detected in one school

Standardized treatment can be improved

According to Chao News and Qian Bao Health Station, Chen Sulan, director of the Physical Examination Center of Jianqiao Street Community Health Service Center in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, said that there were 76 cases of abnormal screening at the Banghe Campus of Hangzhou Tiancheng School.

Students with abnormal physical examinations were further screened and sorted on site, and 39 people with an ATR (trunk rotation angle) greater than or equal to 5 degrees or more will be enrolled for various interventions.

"When parents learn that their child's scoliosis is in a hurry, it can be improved through correct understanding and standardized treatment." Dr. Wang Xiaorong from the Acupuncture and Tuina Department of the Jianqiao Street Community Health Service Center said.

76 cases were found in 1 school! It can be paralyzed!

Courtesy of the hospital

Many sports celebrities suffer from the "same disease"

In recent years, abnormal spinal curvature has become an important problem that endangers the health of children and adolescents.

76 cases were found in 1 school! It can be paralyzed!

"Although the incidence of scoliosis is not low, the degree of its impact on life and sports mainly depends on the degree of scoliosis." Chief Physician Wang Yue, Deputy Director of the Department of Orthopedics of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, said, "People with scoliosis within 20 degrees basically have little impact on daily life, except for the mild abnormality of the appearance such as shoulder inequality, which does not cause functional impairment. ”

"The incidence of idiopathic scoliosis in adolescents is about 3%, which is not negligible!" Wang Yue said that idiopathic scoliosis often occurs in people aged 10 to 20 years old, and it is common in girls, with an incidence rate of about 1:4 in men and women.

Zhang Yufei, a swimmer who previously won the honor of "Moving China 2023 Person of the Year", was publicly reported by the media to suffer from scoliosis. Previously, in training, Cui Dengrong, the coach of the Chinese swimming team, found that she had a problem with her swimming style - the correct butterfly stroke, the sides of the body should be completely symmetrical. After Zhang Yufei went into the water, his arms and shoulders, one in front and one behind, one shallow and one deep, were found to be caused by scoliosis.

Not only Zhang Yufei, but also "Flyer" Bolt also suffers from scoliosis, and NBA player Maddie also suffers from scoliosis.

Wang Yue said that for ordinary people, mild scoliosis will certainly not have a big impact, but for competitive athletes and athletes who are going to international competitions, scoliosis may cause them some trouble.

Stilted legs, bent sleeping position can also cause scoliosis?

The truth may be more complicated than it seems.

Wang Yu, chief physician of the Department of Spine Surgery at Peking University First Hospital, said that the incidence of scoliosis is as high as 3%, and the severity is 1‰. The cause of scoliosis is not simply incorrect sitting and sleeping posture, and the causes of scoliosis vary from age to age.

In children and adolescents, idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type, and its specific cause is unknown, but it may be related to genes or some intrinsic factors in growth and development. In addition, congenital scoliosis is related to the influence of physical and chemical factors during pregnancy, while scoliosis in the elderly is related to the aging and deformation of the lumbar spine.

Scoliosis progressively worsens with age, affecting balance, breathing, heart function, and even paralysis in severe cases.

76 cases were found in 1 school! It can be paralyzed!

How do you self-test for scoliosis?

How should parents judge

Does your child have scoliosis?

Children can be allowed to perform forward bending experiments

That is, keep your feet together and shoulder-width apart

Point your fingers on your toes and bend over 90 degrees

Observe whether the height of the two sides of the back is the same height

76 cases were found in 1 school! It can be paralyzed!

If you notice that the two sides of the back are different in height

It is advisable to go to the hospital

Further diagnosis is made

What should I do if I find scoliosis?

Department of Spine Surgery, Beijing Jishuitan Hospital

Deputy Chief Physician Xiao Bin introduced

In general, consider the degree of scoliosis

76 cases were found in 1 school! It can be paralyzed!


Children who are in the range of 25° to 45° and are in the growing stage are recommended to have a scoliosis brace.


If the power is relatively small, below 20°, these children are advised to observe regularly and do some rehabilitation exercises.


If the degree of scoliosis is greater than 45°, the appearance of the deformity is obvious, the body may be unbalanced, and there is a tendency to worsen, this situation is recommended for surgical treatment.

Netizen comments: It is better to detect and treat early

Regarding scoliosis, netizens also have a lot to say.

Little ripples in the world V: I found out that I should have intervened earlier, this thing is amazing, I am 33 years old this year, and now my back pain has affected my normal life.

Lao Shi said decoration: a posture can't be too long, and it is very important to exercise at ordinary times.

_No bones_: It's really important to pay attention to posture, spinal problems are really too painful.

Qingqing Zijin 0219: I have this problem, almost 40 years old, it's just that my body is blocked, and there is no big problem.

Source: Yangzhou Evening News

76 cases were found in 1 school! It can be paralyzed!

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76 cases were found in 1 school! It can be paralyzed!

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