
Taiwan media said that the United States set a trap to trick the People's Liberation Army into firing the first shot at Taiwan, and the mainland took advantage of the situation to play a trump card

author:He Wenping

According to the Observer Network, some British media revealed that the United States is tricking Chinese mainland into using force against Taiwan in order to undermine cross-strait peace and curb the mainland's development. In their reports, the Taiwan media extended the argument that "the United States has set a new trap in the Taiwan Strait" and sorted out the three major characteristics of the United States' release of information on Taiwan's decision-making, that is, the United States took the initiative and deliberately revealed through anonymous sources, and the timing of the release of the information was very delicate, and the purpose was to put pressure on China.

Taiwan media said that the United States set a trap to trick the People's Liberation Army into firing the first shot at Taiwan, and the mainland took advantage of the situation to play a trump card

In the "Cross-Strait" program, You Zixiang, a professor at Taiwan's Shih-Hsin University, as a special guest, also put forward his own views, holding that the United States' actions are all encouraging cross-strait confrontation, which runs counter to its emphasis on attaching importance to peace in the Taiwan Strait. The United States knows that the biggest threat to peace in the Taiwan Strait is "Taiwan independence" and that what will help peace in the Taiwan Strait is to expand cross-strait consensus and exchanges, but it has constantly sent wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" and created obstacles to cross-strait exchanges. You Zixiang also pointed out that the US side is keen to set a timetable for a conflict in the Taiwan Strait, and what it reveals is to incite cross-strait confrontation and stimulate the mainland to take action, so as to consume the "yang scheme" of Chinese mainland, a strategic rival.

From a macro point of view, the "new trap theory" put forward by the Taiwan media on the US strategy on the Taiwan issue does have a certain degree of credibility. Judging from the actions of the United States in constantly selling arms to Taiwan and instigating the DPP authorities to confront Chinese mainland, the United States is indeed pressing step by step, constantly touching China's red line, and intending to force Chinese mainland to use force against Taiwan. One of the intuitive manifestations of this is that Lai Qingde issued a new "two-state theory" in his inaugural speech.

Taiwan media said that the United States set a trap to trick the People's Liberation Army into firing the first shot at Taiwan, and the mainland took advantage of the situation to play a trump card

Chen Binhua, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, bluntly said at the time that Lai Qingde's inaugural speech was "Taiwan's own white book." What is well known is that the content of Lai Qingde's speech was communicated with the US side in advance. That is to say, the US side knows that the "Taiwan alone white book" may cause strong reactions and dissatisfaction on the mainland, but still agrees with Lai Qingde's publication, which is enough to show that the United States has the intention of forcing Chinese mainland to use force on the Taiwan issue.

However, I am afraid that the US side did not expect that China did not play its cards according to common sense, but legally and morally dealt an unprecedented blow to the "Taiwan independence" forces and diehard "Taiwan independence" elements on the island, that is, issued the "Opinions" on punishing "Taiwan independence." The effect of this approach can be seen from the actions of the United States and Taiwan, and Lai Qingde asked the United States for help, hoping to pressure Chinese mainland not to draw a red line against Taiwan. The United States can only condemn and call on China not to change the so-called status quo.

Taiwan media said that the United States set a trap to trick the People's Liberation Army into firing the first shot at Taiwan, and the mainland took advantage of the situation to play a trump card

The United States has shouted countless times about not changing the status quo, but the current situation in the Taiwan Strait is obvious to all, and Chinese mainland has always held the initiative and guided the situation in a direction favorable to reunification. It may be precisely because of this that the US side has to intensify its provocative activities and try to force Chinese mainland to use force against Taiwan in order to obtain a "reasonable" excuse to gather allies to completely blockade Chinese mainland and thus gain a competitive advantage over China.

As far as Chinese mainland is concerned, the U.S. strategy of trying to make China blindly use force against Taiwan is fundamentally impossible to hold. The key point is that time is on the side of Chinese mainland. The US military spending is rising year after year, but its combat strength is declining instead of increasing, and local forces such as the Houthis dare to launch missiles at the US aircraft carrier. And the tonnage of the PLA's ships and fleet has grown, like dumplings, and even US officials admit that China's shipbuilding capacity is more than 200 times that of the United States.

Taiwan media said that the United States set a trap to trick the People's Liberation Army into firing the first shot at Taiwan, and the mainland took advantage of the situation to play a trump card

Under these circumstances, the United States, as the largest external interference force in the Taiwan issue, only has a stock advantage over Chinese mainland militarily, and sooner or later it will be surpassed by the PLA. This also means that when China's military is strong enough, the so-called "new trap" of the United States will not exist. China and the United States are currently in a stage of strategic stalemate, and for China to deal with the Taiwan issue, it needs to act at its own pace and not be easily influenced by external factors.