
You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

author:Seven Mile River release

Sour plum soup is a thousand-year-old traditional Chinese drink that is loved for its unique sweet and sour taste and multiple health benefits. The history of sour plum soup can be traced back to the Shang and Zhou dynasties, when people already knew that plum was used to extract sour flavor as a drink. Its recipe originated from the imperial tea house of the Qing Dynasty, when the sour plum soup was popular in the court, especially loved by the Qianlong Emperor, and later introduced to the people, the main raw materials include black plum, hawthorn, tangerine peel, osmanthus, licorice and rock sugar.

Sour plum soup has a sweet and sour taste, rich color, is an excellent choice to cool off and promote appetite in summer, and has the effects of removing heat and sending coolness, relieving pain, expelling phlegm and relieving cough, dispelling epidemics, and quenching thirst.

Sour plum soup

Graphic author | Gourmet world

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

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Sour plum soup is a traditional summer drink in old Beijing, refreshing and delicious, and is one of everyone's favorite drinks. Drinking a cup of sour plum soup from time to time can not only remove oil and relieve greasy, but also appetize and strengthen the spleen, refresh the mind, and is a rare health drink in the hot summer. The main raw materials are black plum, hawthorn, osmanthus, licorice, rock sugar and other materials. In particular, the authentic sour plum soup must be made with rock sugar.

Raw material:

30 grams of black plum, 30 grams of hawthorn slices, 15 grams of tangerine peel, 2 grams of licorice slices, 6 grams of roselle, 120 grams of rock sugar, 3 grams of osmanthus, 2 liters of purified water.


You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

1. Ingredients: black plum, hawthorn, osmanthus, licorice, rock sugar, etc.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

2. Wash off the floating dust with water and remove the black plum, dried hawthorn slices, tangerine peel, licorice slices, and roselle.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

3. Put it in a soup pot, add purified water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

4. Add rock sugar, stir until melted, and turn off the heat. Add the osmanthus and stir well and simmer for 10 minutes.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

5. After cooling, filter the sour plum soup, put it in a bottle and refrigerate, and serve.


1. In daily life, you can make sour plum soup with different flavors at home according to different tastes. For example, it can be added such as red dates, wolfberries, mung beans, etc.

2. In terms of the nutritional composition of sour plum soup, the organic acid content in sour plum is very rich, such as citric acid, malic acid, etc. Among them, there is a special citric acid, which can effectively inhibit lactic acid and drive away harmful substances that cause blood vessels to age. High levels of lactic acid in the body are an important cause of fatigue. Therefore, when you are tired in summer, drinking a cup of sour plum soup can have a good refreshing effect and rejuvenate your muscles and vascular tissue. In addition, so many acidic substances can also promote the secretion of salivary glands and gastric glands, not only to quench thirst, but also to avoid motion sickness when going out, or to sober up after drinking too much.

Homemade sour plum soup

Graphic author | Red Macro

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

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Raw material:

10 black plums, 8 black dates, an appropriate amount of hawthorn, 2 slices of licorice, an appropriate amount of orange peel, 3 rose eggplants, a little dried osmanthus, 1 piece of old rock sugar, 2000ml of water.


You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

1. Prepare the ingredients.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

2. Wash all ingredients with water.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

3. Put all ingredients into a filter bag.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

4. Tie the filter bag tightly and soak in a casserole with about 2000ml of water for two hours.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

5. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat to low and cook for half an hour.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

6. Prepare a piece of old rock sugar and dried osmanthus.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

7. Turn off the heat and melt the rock sugar.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

8. Add a little osmanthus to drink after cooling, and it is better to drink after refrigeration.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

9. Finished product drawing.


It tastes better when refrigerated.

Sour plum soup

Graphic author | Chen Yu

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

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Raw material:

25g of sour plum, 10g of hawthorn, 10g of rose eggplant, 5g of orange peel, 5g of mulberry, 5g of licorice, appropriate amount of mint, 1500g of water, 100g of rock sugar.


You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

1. Prepare the ingredients: black plum, hawthorn, rose eggplant, orange peel, mulberry, licorice, mint.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

2. Rock sugar.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

3. Wash the ingredients.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

4. Put it in a health pot and add 1500ml of water.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

5. Activate the Herbal Tea button.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

6. Add the icing sugar towards the end of the time.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

7. When the time is over, the sour plum soup is cooked. I like it to be refrigerated, sweet and sour.

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!

8. Finished product drawing.

Author: Meipang Source: Food World APP

You must know the holy products to cool off the heat, the detailed method is here! Instantly dispel the summer heat and regain your vitality!