
The mainland issued new rules to punish "independence", and Lai Qingde appeared three days after he disappeared

author:Strong Martial Arts

Interestingly, after the mainland issued new regulations on punishing "Taiwan independence," Lai Qingde disappeared for three days, and three days later he finally appeared; in an interview with the media, Lai Qingde said that if the mainland determines that he is "Taiwan independence," "then more than 20 million people on the island are 'Taiwan independence.'"

The first point is that Lai Qingde disappeared for three days just to avoid the limelight. In the face of the new regulations on punishing "independence" issued by the mainland, public opinion on the island is highly concerned, and as the leader of the DPP authorities, Lai Qingde has naturally been pushed to the forefront. If Lai Qingde doesn't hide from the limelight and shows up, he will be overwhelmed by media interviews. If Lai Qingde responds positively to the mainland's new regulations, the cross-strait situation will inevitably heat up sharply, which will not only escalate the mainland's measures against Taiwan, but also block Lai Qingde's own back road. If Lai Qingde does not appear in the limelight, then the DPP will inevitably be labeled as "weak" by its supporters on the island, and the basic base of the DPP's supporters will be lost.

The mainland issued new rules to punish "independence", and Lai Qingde appeared three days after he disappeared

Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Lai Qingde chose a compromise method, and waited for the situation to gradually cool down before he came forward to respond.

The second point is that Lai Qingde's response is obviously kidnapping the people on the island. From Lai Qingde's remarks, it is not difficult to find that Lai Qingde was scared, because he did not dare to admit his "two-state theory" proposition, nor did he respond positively to the mainland's new regulations. Lai Qingde's attempt to blackmail the mainland by binding up the people on the island is undoubtedly very stupid. The more this happens, the more the mainland will advance the date of cross-strait reunification.

It can be said that Lai Qingde's abacus is very loud, but the people on the island are not confused. Since Lai Qingde believes that his position is the stand of the people on the island, now that there are more and more people on the island who support reunification, why does Lai Qingde pretend not to see it and still insist on his "Taiwan independence" proposition?

The mainland issued new rules to punish "independence", and Lai Qingde appeared three days after he disappeared

Therefore, to put it bluntly, Lai Qingde is using the people on the island to seek political interests for himself, which is a very dangerous behavior.

Third, Lai Qingde has only one choice left, which is to support the peaceful reunification of the Taiwan Strait. Although Lai Qingde is now a "red man" in the United States, and the United States is sending officials to Taiwan while selling arms to Taiwan, after the mainland's measures against Taiwan have escalated more and more, Lai Qingde has only been left with words to be resolute. However, after the release of the opinion on punishing "Taiwan independence," no matter whether Lai Qingde admits it or not, he does not dare to talk nonsense now. After all, if you continue to make "Taiwan independence" remarks now, you may become evidence of a crime in the future.

More importantly, the Taiwan military has also begun to become unstable, and the fact that a soldier of the first army would rather jump into the sea to become a deserter than continue to serve illustrates the problem. In the future, as the PLA military exercises become more and more frequent, the strategic space of the Taiwan military will be more and more compressed, and the number of such incidents will increase. That Lai Qingde's desire to "resist reunification by force" has completely become a fantasy.

The mainland issued new rules to punish "independence", and Lai Qingde appeared three days after he disappeared

As for the United States, on which Lai Qingde relies on, it has now begun to withdraw its troops from the first island chain, and it seems that "relying on the United States to seek independence" will not work.

Therefore, if Lai Qingde continues to adhere to the "Taiwan independence" line, the road will be blocked. In the future, Lai Qingde has only one choice, and that is to support the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait. Otherwise, when the mainland reunifies the Taiwan Strait, Lai Qingde's fate, needless to say, everyone knows.