
In life, in the face of people who are yin and yang, as long as this one thing is good

author:Xiao Ming talks about emotions

In our lives, we will always meet such a kind of person, who will always attack us with yin and yang weird words. These words are sometimes round-the-beaten-path.

If you were a simple person, you might not have been able to hear them at all. I waited for a while and remembered it before I understood what they meant.

Oh, yes! Such people will not directly clash with you, but they will always squeeze us with some weird words.

In life, in the face of people who are yin and yang, as long as this one thing is good

It's like in life, we have all encountered such a situation, that is, some people say "jokes", but these "jokes" sound very uncomfortable.

The reason why they feel uncomfortable is that the words they say are not really "jokes", they just cover up the yin and yang weird words and sarcastic words with "jokes".

For example, in life, you bought a relatively expensive item in order to reward yourself for completing it, and you came to the office with this item.

When the yin and yang weird people saw it, they would start to shout: "Oh, the life of rich people is different, this commodity has caught up with the monthly salary of our ordinary people." ”

If you argue with him at this time, he will say, "I'm just joking, I didn't mean that, isn't that envy?" ”

At this time, if we are struggling, we will be seen by others as people who can't make jokes. But we care about every single one of his words.

In life, in the face of people who are yin and yang, as long as this one thing is good

In the final analysis, this kind of yin and yang weird words, the person who said it knew in his heart what he wanted to express, and the words he said were obviously aggressive. It's just that he won't admit it.

So, what should we do in the face of such people? That is, you must express your true feelings and your attitude at the beginning, not because the other party said that it was just a joke and it ended.

We need to say "no" to such behavior, let the other person know what their attitude is, and let the other person know that they are not easy to mess with. That way, the next time the other person knows that you are not someone to be easily messed with.

For example, in our work and life, when the other party says some yin and yang words, we can directly say, "Are you talking about me?" ”

If the other person doesn't admit it, we can say, "If you're talking about me, then I want you to say it to your face, directly." ”

In life, in the face of people who are yin and yang, as long as this one thing is good

Of course, the easiest way is to follow the other person's words, and then we can also respond to the other person in a way that is clear and confused.

Especially when he doesn't admit it, we can just say: "Ah, it turns out that I thought too much, since it's not me, I'm a little bit of a villain." ”

The reason why this is done is to let the other party understand that the other party's yin and yang weirdness is useless to him, because he will ask at that time. Let him have nothing to say.

There is also the recognition of other people's approval. Indeed, there are people in life who mock us with compliments. For example, they will say, "You know so much!" There's nothing you don't know. ”

At this time, we accepted it calmly, and admitted our own advantages, and said to him: "I know a lot, I just like to read more, and I sincerely thank you for your compliment." ”

Of course, there are also people who will use the way of pulling low and stepping high to yin and yang you, for example, he will say: "You see he bought another luxury car last month, you have to work hard." ”

In life, in the face of people who are yin and yang, as long as this one thing is good

At this time, we can reply: "I've been working hard recently, it seems that this matter is very simple for you, why don't you lend me a little, and I will achieve it." ”

In short, when we meet people who always like "yin and yang" us in life, we must learn to fight back, don't think too much, don't feel that this is not good, after all, these words are not straightforward.

If we give in like this, then in exchange for the other party's intensification. Therefore, in the face of the malicious yin and yang of others, we must fight back correctly, and it is useless to blindly tolerate it. For this kind of "hidden", it is necessary to fight back against the past.

Text: Ming Fusheng

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