
A friend persuaded the famous anti-Japanese general Lu Daoyuan to return to the People's Liberation Army, and after pondering for a long time, he said: Loyal ministers do not matter to the two masters

author:History is a bit windy

At the beginning of 1949, with the end of the three major battles, the defeat of the Kuomintang was a foregone conclusion, and after the battle of crossing the river, the living force of the Kuomintang was wiped out.

At such a critical moment, many Kuomintang generals chose to revolt and submit to the People's Liberation Army, but there was a famous general who made great contributions in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, but he chose to decline politely, and said: "Loyal ministers do not matter to the two masters"

A friend persuaded the famous anti-Japanese general Lu Daoyuan to return to the People's Liberation Army, and after pondering for a long time, he said: Loyal ministers do not matter to the two masters

This person is a famous anti-Japanese general from Yunnan, Lu Daoyuan.

During the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War, Sun Liren, Xue Yue and other generals were all famous big names, and on the battlefield, they were invincible and invincible, but in literature, they were somewhat lacking.

And Lu Daoyuan is not only very outstanding in military affairs, but also has certain achievements in literary creation, but because everyone pays more attention to his achievements on the battlefield, his literary works are unknown.

A friend persuaded the famous anti-Japanese general Lu Daoyuan to return to the People's Liberation Army, and after pondering for a long time, he said: Loyal ministers do not matter to the two masters

Lu Daoyuan is a native of Changning, Yunnan, at the end of the Qing Dynasty, in the face of the turmoil of the empire, Lu Daoyuan set up the principle of "saving the country and saving the people" since he was a child, and later, he was admitted to the most famous military school in modern China, Yunnan Lecture Martial Arts Hall.

Zhu De, the head of the top ten marshals of New China, graduated from Yunnan Jiangwutang, that is to say, Lu Daoyuan and Marshal Zhu De are actually "alumni"

After graduating from the military academy, Lu Daoyuan embarked on the road of joining the army without accident, he joined the Yunnan Army, served in Tang Jiyao's army, because he was able to fight well, coupled with his own bravery, so he was promoted quickly, and within a few years, he was already a regiment commander.

And when he was 30 years old, he became a major general and division commander, and in the entire Yunnan army, Lu Daoyuan was already famous.

A friend persuaded the famous anti-Japanese general Lu Daoyuan to return to the People's Liberation Army, and after pondering for a long time, he said: Loyal ministers do not matter to the two masters

After Long Yun mastered the Yunnan army, he paid special attention to Lu Daoyuan, during which Lu Daoyuan led his troops to fight against the Red Army, which became a "black spot" in his military career

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Lu Daoyuan used all his strength to wash away this "black spot", and when the nation was in danger, he opened the highlight of his military career.

At that time, the Yunnan Army was reorganized into the 58th Army, Lu Daoyuan served as the commander of the new 11th Division, the first Battle of Changsha, the 58th Army and the 60th Army were ordered to block the Japanese army in Jing'an, Zhangjiashan, Maxia, and Huibu west of Fengxin, Lu Daoyuan commanded the troops to kill the enemy bravely, fearlessly, which greatly boosted morale.

After the war, he was promoted to deputy commander for meritorious service, and during the Second Battle of Changsha, the 58th Army was ordered to go to Jiuling, Tongcheng County, Hubei Province.

At this time, Jiuling was being invaded by two wings of the Japanese army, coincidentally, at this time, Lu Daoyuan's old illness relapsed, but in the face of such a critical situation, he couldn't take care of his body, and immediately set off, and arrived at Xiajiadong two days later to command the front-line operation.

A friend persuaded the famous anti-Japanese general Lu Daoyuan to return to the People's Liberation Army, and after pondering for a long time, he said: Loyal ministers do not matter to the two masters

On January 4, 1942, the Japanese army attacking Changsha was completely defeated, and Yingzhu Mountain became the only way for them to escape, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the troops stationed in Yingzhu Mountain to make comprehensive preparations to carry out a devastating blow to the Japanese army, and if it failed, let the Japanese army evacuate successfully, and directly shoot the commander.

At this time, the troops in Yingzhu Mountain included Lu Daoyuan's 58th Army and the 20th Army, and for the sake of insurance, Chiang Kai-shek also sent the 73rd Army, the 4th Army and other brother troops to come to the rescue.

In the face of this group of invading enemies, Lu Daoyuan ordered the soldiers to fight fiercely in this battle, and in the end, the Chinese army won the victory and achieved the great result of destroying more than 33,000 enemies, and it is worth mentioning that only the 58th Army commanded by Lu Daoyuan destroyed more than 10,000 enemies.

At this point, Lu Daoyuan has undoubtedly become a well-known anti-Japanese general in the Chinese army.

A friend persuaded the famous anti-Japanese general Lu Daoyuan to return to the People's Liberation Army, and after pondering for a long time, he said: Loyal ministers do not matter to the two masters

After the Battle of Yingzhu Mountain, Lu Daoyuan also wrote a work called "Shadow Pearl Mountain Martyrs Tablet Song", which was widely circulated at that time and won the love of the soldiers.

In 1943, Lu Daoyuan was ordered to go to Changde to participate in the battle, when Lu Daoyuan arrived in Changde, the Japanese army had broken the city, in the face of such a crisis, Lu Daoyuan was not afraid, he sent troops to adopt roundabout tactics in only 5 days, and entered the city, and the Japanese army launched a new round of street fighting.

In order to recover Changde, Lu Daoyuan ordered the troops to insist on not retreating, just like that, the Japanese army could not resist in the end, and could only retreat, Lu Daoyuan successfully recovered Changde, after the war, Lu Daoyuan was awarded the third-class Yunlu Medal for meritorious service.

Decades later, CCTV's "Centennial Martial Arts" program praised Lu Daoyuan's spirit of serving the country in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression with the title of "Ambition for a Thousand Years".

A friend persuaded the famous anti-Japanese general Lu Daoyuan to return to the People's Liberation Army, and after pondering for a long time, he said: Loyal ministers do not matter to the two masters

During the entire eight-year War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Lu Daoyuan led his troops to participate in more than 500 large and small battles, and achieved brilliant achievements, which also laid the foundation for him as a generation of famous anti-Japanese generals.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Lu Daoyuan's status was noble, he was arranged to go to Jiangxi, accepted the surrender of the Japanese army in Jiujiang and Nanchang areas, and the head of the Japanese army in this place, Lieutenant General Yukio Kasahara, presented his two swords to Lu Daoyuan as trophies of the Chinese army.

Yukio Kasawara said to Lu Daoyuan, "My family is a family of shoguns with a history of 800 years, and this saber is handed down from our ancestors. Hand it over, and my family's 800-year-old bushido spirit ceases to exist. If I hadn't had to return to Japan and give an account to the emperor, I would have already cut my stomach. ”

A friend persuaded the famous anti-Japanese general Lu Daoyuan to return to the People's Liberation Army, and after pondering for a long time, he said: Loyal ministers do not matter to the two masters

At the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Lu Daoyuan participated in the battle with our army, in the face of the offensive of the People's Liberation Army, Lu Daoyuan could not parry, and the 58th Army under his command was also annihilated by our army.

Lu Daoyuan's friend, Zhang Zhen, then chairman of Henan Province, advised Lu Daoyuan to follow Lu Han's example, but Lu Daoyuan pondered for a long time and said: "Loyal ministers do not matter to the two masters. ”

Zhang Zhen had no choice but to give up.

Later, Lu Daoyuan followed Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan and spent the rest of his life.