
After the age of 60, if you have both children, please stop doing these 4 things immediately to avoid regrets

author:The cottage of the summer of the rosewood

With the passage of time, after the age of 60, life begins to enter the second half. At the age of 60, the children have basically become married, and some have also been promoted to become grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents.

Although some people have experienced a lot of things, they have seen a lot as they get older, and they have become more mature and wise. However, some old people are easy to make mistakes in some small things when they get older.

If you have children and daughters at home, it's best not to do them after the age of 60.

After the age of 60, if you have both children, please stop doing these 4 things immediately to avoid regrets

1. Don't sow discord among your children

Psychologist Wu Zhihong said: "The different functions of each child determine the different ways in which parents treat them, resulting in different outcomes. ”

While most parents love their children, it is undeniable that in families with many children, parental love is also hierarchical. Some parents are partial to their sons, and some parents are partial to their daughters.

When the children reach the age of starting a family, the parents are afraid that the eccentric child will not have a good life, and they are eager to give them all the good things.

I have seen some parents who are good to their sons and daughters, but after their children get married, they are good to their sons-in-law, but they look down on their daughters-in-law, and they always feel that their daughters-in-law are not worthy of their sons. even provoked the relationship between daughters-in-law and daughters, distorting the facts.

Some daughters do not have a correct view of right and wrong, and when they hear that their parents have been wronged, they don't care whether things are right or wrong, so they stand on the side of their parents, and after a long time, it leads to family disharmony and contradictions.

There are also parents who favor their sons and look down on their daughters. No matter how much her daughter does, she feels that she doesn't pay enough, and she doesn't hide her dissatisfaction with her daughter in front of her son and daughter-in-law.

Watching people serve dishes is one of the weaknesses of human nature, parents look down on their daughters, how can their sons and daughters-in-law be grateful for her efforts?

Whether it is a son or daughter-in-law, or a daughter and son-in-law, if the effort is not reciprocated, the respect received is not equal.

After the age of 60, if you have both children, please stop doing these 4 things immediately to avoid regrets

2. Don't interfere too much in your children's lives

When people are old, they should pay attention to themselves and don't interfere too much in the lives of their children. Some elderly people worry about their daughters when they are young, and they can't be idle when they are old, and they always feel that they have more experience in life, so they interfere in the lives of their children, hoping that they will live their own way.

From where to buy a house, what kind of car to buy, what kind of job is better to find, to what to eat today, what not to buy, and so on.

If parents always make decisions for their children, after a long time, children feel that their parents are in charge, and they will slowly develop dependence and no opinions.

If parents interfere too much, daughters-in-law and sons-in-law will also have opinions. Because times are changing and society is developing, the experience of the previous generation may no longer be applicable to the current life.

In addition to worrying about their children and wanting to help share the burden, part of the reason why some elderly people interfere with their children's lives is because they lack a sense of security. I hope to find a sense of existence by interfering in my children's lives, so that my children can value themselves.

In fact, when the children grow up, parents should not care too much. Children have their own lives, and if they are too lenient and disgusted by their children, no matter how much they pay, they are just moved by themselves.

To truly love children is to maintain a sense of boundaries, let them go through, fight, and experience, whether they succeed or not, it is an experience.

After the age of 60, you live your own life, allow yourself to be yourself, allow others to be others, and allow everything to happen.

After the age of 60, if you have both children, please stop doing these 4 things immediately to avoid regrets

3. Don't always reject your children's wishes

When the children grow up, they want to buy something for their parents or give red envelopes to express their filial piety. Parents should not always refuse, but learn to accept their children's hearts.

Some parents always complain that their lives are hard, how much they suffered when they were young, and when they are old, their children want her to enjoy happiness, take her to buy delicious food, and go on a trip, but she is distressed about money, either picky about this, or picky about that, and the child's kindness has been wiped out.

After the age of 60, people should be interested in learning to integrate into the lives of young people. Children invite you out to eat, don't always ask how much, eat generously if you want. Take you to the movies and enjoy them.

Children are willing to spend money and spend time to accompany their parents, and if they are still complained by their parents that they are wasting money and will not live, I think no child is willing to spend time to please their parents, right?

Children are usually busy with work and have to take care of a small family, so it is inevitable that they will be a little negligent to their parents. Buying something for their parents or giving pocket money is a way for children to express their guilt. Parents are receptive, and children feel less guilty.

You know, no one wants to listen to complaints all the time. When people get older, there is too much negative energy, which will only make their children avoid it.

If you want to mingle with children, you need to learn to accept the lifestyle of young people. If you can't accept it, please respect them and don't always point fingers.

People of every age have different lifestyles, children respect their parents, and parents should respect their children.

After the age of 60, if you have both children, please stop doing these 4 things immediately to avoid regrets

Fourth, don't over-save in order to save money

Some people save most of their lives, and when they get older, they don't have a pension, so they live more economically. I am reluctant to pour the usual leftovers, and the clothes from decades ago are still worn, and I am reluctant to buy new ones.

When you go out, you can walk without riding, and you can ride without riding a bike, so you have to save a lot.

Thrift is a virtue, but excessive thrift is not good. You only live once in life, don't live too depressed. In fact, the food you want to eat is not so expensive, and it is a very happy thing to treat yourself occasionally and eat something good.

If you want to make friends, you can go out and walk more, and it is also rare to have nothing to chat with friends and take a walk.

If you are not feeling well, don't endure not looking at it because you feel sorry for the money. Where it is uncomfortable, see it early and treat it early, if you drag a small illness into a major illness, it is not worth it.

Health is the capital of the revolution, and without health everything is empty talk. Therefore, after the age of 60, we should pay more attention to physical health. Reasonable diet, moderate exercise, and regular physical examinations are all indispensable. Only when we are healthy can we better enjoy our old age and reduce the burden on our children.

Although people get older, their physical functions decline and they are not interested in many things, but as long as they have a flat mind and are willing to accept new things, they can live a colorful life.

Some elderly people did not have time to do what they liked when they were young, and when they got older, they began to learn to dance, practice calligraphy, knit sweaters, etc., find what they like to do, and transfer their energy from their children to themselves.

In short, cherish the present moment and live each day well. Don't wait until you're old enough to move and regret that you haven't lived for yourself. For the rest of your life, be kind to yourself.