
Long Yao: Carry out publicity activities for the International Anti-Drug Day

author:New media in Hebei

On the occasion of the "International Anti-Drug Day", on June 25, the market supervision department of Longyao County, together with the anti-drug brigade of the county Public Security Bureau, the county procuratorate, Xinhua community and Ren Ao community, launched the International Anti-Drug Day publicity activity with the theme of "preventing drug abuse among young people" in Tianyi Square, the county's home paradise.

Long Yao: Carry out publicity activities for the International Anti-Drug Day

During the activity, the staff and community volunteers distributed publicity materials such as the Drug Administration Law and the Drug Control Law to the general public, and combined with the knowledge of drug use, the harm of drug abuse, and which drugs may be abused, the general public was warned to refuse drug abuse, improve their ability to resist the harm of new drugs, and stay away from the harm of drugs. At the same time, they also used the electronic display screen of the shopping mall to scroll and broadcast anti-drug propaganda slogans to expand the publicity area, enhance the publicity effect, and create an atmosphere for everyone to participate.

Long Yao: Carry out publicity activities for the International Anti-Drug Day
Long Yao: Carry out publicity activities for the International Anti-Drug Day

It is understood that more than 500 copies of drug knowledge color pages and 13 publicity banners were distributed in this publicity, and more than 120 people answered questions and doubts for the masses on the spot. (Pan Zhifang, Zhang Guojiang, Xue Liqian)

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