
It's so hard! I thought that the Air Force would go home, but I didn't expect the peak to turn around and harvest a bucket of good goods

author:The bald head said fishing

With the arrival of summer, the weather is too hot, and it is really difficult for anglers! Check the weather forecast every day to see if there are any cloudy or rainy days, because the fish are generally better on cloudy or rainy days in summer

Yesterday I finally looked forward to the cloudy weather, I got up at half past 4, and set off on my small tricycle after washing, and it is more convenient to live in the countryside on a tricycle, and some country roads can also pass.

The fishing spot is in the neighboring village, it is a small pond in the village, this small pond is actually not small at all, about 7-8 acres in size, the pond is connected to the drainage ditch outside the village, leading to a river in front of the village.

It's so hard! I thought that the Air Force would go home, but I didn't expect the peak to turn around and harvest a bucket of good goods

Friends who have lived in the countryside probably know that in the last century, the drainage facilities in the countryside were very good, and there were generally several ponds connected to the small river outside the village.

However, in the year 2000, as the groundwater dropped sharply, some of the small ponds in the village had long since dried up, some of the small ponds were filled in, and some of the small ponds were planted with crops.

However, in some villages, the small ponds are deeper and larger, so they have survived to the present day. This is the case of this small pond in my neighboring village, which is relatively large and deep, so there is water and fish in it, unlike the small pond in my village, which is only 30-40 cm deep due to drought!

It's so hard! I thought that the Air Force would go home, but I didn't expect the peak to turn around and harvest a bucket of good goods

It was only 5 o'clock when I arrived at the pond, but I didn't expect that there were already 5-6 fishing friends, asking about the fish, and learned that they had just come. Anglers are like this, as long as they don't catch a fish, they just came, haha.

Half of this small pond is planted with lotus roots, and lotus flowers are in full bloom very beautifully. I found an old fishing position, there are aquatic plants next to this fishing position, which should be a good place to hide fish.

When adjusting the drift, I found that this fishing position is quite deep, using a 3.9-meter crucian carp rod, the water depth is about 1.5 meters, and the line group is 0.8+0.4, which is very suitable for crucian carp fishing in this season. Don't think about fishing for big fish, there are a small number of carp in this pond, and other than that, there are only crucian carp and blackfish.

It's so hard! I thought that the Air Force would go home, but I didn't expect the peak to turn around and harvest a bucket of good goods

Mix and bleached a little wine rice, whether it is useful or not, the sense of ritual is sufficient, and the rest is left to luck! However, what I didn't expect was that I had been fishing for half an hour, and the float was like being thrown into a water tank and motionless.

Fishing friends next to him came to ask if there were any fish to eat the hook, he said that it is usually very good to fish at this time, today I don't know why there is no fish to eat the hook, but a fishing friend on the right said: Last night was electrified.

At that time, I was stunned, and you still came to fish after being electrified? The fishing friend said: Anyway, there is nothing to do, it is best to have fish to eat the hook, and there is no fish to eat the hook and go home for breakfast in a while!

Speechless, it turns out that his family lives next to the pond! I came early in the morning, and this is the rhythm of the Air Force. Anglers have this mentality, and they can't sit still if they already know the result!

It's so hard! I thought that the Air Force would go home, but I didn't expect the peak to turn around and harvest a bucket of good goods

At the water's edge, I forwarded a lot of big snails, this snail fishes herring as bait is very good, and there are not many people who eat snails in the countryside, no wonder they grow so big, pick up one and look at it, I was really shocked, it turned out to be a crispy snail, I thought it was an ordinary snail of a large individual, but I didn't expect it to be a crispy snail.

Immediately return to the fishing position, pick up the fishing bucket, if you can't catch a fish, touch some snails home, some of these snails can be seen on the shore, the individual is really oversized, some can't be seen, but reach into the water, grab a handful.

This is really cooler than fishing, a small bucket was fished out in a while, and a bucket was still not enjoyable, so I immediately picked up the bait plate, and fished another plate in a few minutes, which is really too much.

It's so hard! I thought that the Air Force would go home, but I didn't expect the peak to turn around and harvest a bucket of good goods

I didn't expect the fish to be caught, and I caught a good deal. This kind of crispy snail used for fishing herring sells very expensive, if you buy it alone, the merchant does not sell, you must match it with the field snail to sell, I didn't expect so much here, I looked at the time before 7 o'clock to collect the rod home.

More than 5 o'clock to the river, fishing to almost 7 o'clock, a fish was not caught, fishing a bucket of snails is only more than 7 o'clock, so far today's fishing trip is over, although no fish was caught, but this snail is much better than crucian carp.

Finally: I advise all anglers, or friends who like to catch fish, to protect the ecological environment of fish, not to fish with all their might, sustainable development is the last word, and not to covet temporary enjoyment, so as to exterminate fishing.