
The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

author:A Compendium of History

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The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army


He was Chen Geng's servant, and was the same brigade commander as Chen Geng during the Anti-Japanese War, and was almost elected as a general, but was killed by the Soviet army.

His name was Lu Dongsheng, and he was a pioneer of the early revolution of our party.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

Lu Dongsheng came from a humble background, but he had lofty ambitions, he was sold into Chen Geng's family as a servant, but he formed a deep friendship with Chen Geng, like a brother, and finally embarked on the revolutionary road under the influence of Chen Geng.

He rescued Chen Geng from danger several times, served Zhou Enlai and He Long as bodyguards, participated in the establishment of the revolutionary base in western Hunan and Hubei, walked through the 18,000-mile Long March, and finally devoted himself to the anti-Japanese resistance.

However, he fell on the eve of the victory, and instead of dying at the hands of the enemy, he was killed by one of the Soviet soldiers.

Chen Geng sighed: "If Dongsheng is still there, Gao Gao is a general."

What kind of legend is Lu Dongsheng? Why did he die a tragic death?

When it comes to Lu Dongsheng, we have to talk about Chen Geng first.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

Chen Geng is a native of Xiangxiang, Hunan, born in a wealthy family, when he was 12 years old, a thin boy named Lu Dongsheng came to the Chen family.

Lu Dongsheng is 5 years younger than Chen Geng, because of his poor family, 7-year-old Lu Dongsheng was sold by his grandmother to the Chen family as a servant and herded cattle for the Chen family for a living.

In the old society, there were mostly families who were rich and unkind, but Chen Geng's family was kind-hearted and progressive, and the whole family felt very sorry for this half-grown child, especially Chen Geng, because of his similar age, he was closer to Lu Dongsheng, and after getting along for a long time, Chen Geng regarded Lu Dongsheng as a younger brother.

After completing his private school studies, Chen Geng left home to continue his studies at the county school. This is a new-style school, and the knowledge and principles taught are more enlightened and innovative. Every time Chen Geng came back from vacation, he told Lu Dongsheng what he had learned in class.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

In Chen Geng's place, Lu Dongsheng knew for the first time the unheard of concepts of equality, freedom, and friendship, and through Chen Geng, this little cowherd saw a larger world.

Once, Lu Dongsheng went to the county primary school to deliver daily necessities to Chen Geng, but was bitten on the leg by a fierce wild dog on the way, and limped until it was dark before walking to school.

Chen Geng was distressed, squatted down to clean his wounds, and let Lu Dongsheng stay overnight at night. The two sleep in the same bed and cover the same quilt, and their relationship is as good as brothers.

In 1916, Chen Geng's parents held an arranged marriage for Chen Geng, Chen Geng was a new youth who had received education, he categorically refused, in order to escape from feudal bondage, Chen Geng resolutely abandoned his pen and joined the Hunan army, and since then he has fought in the north and south.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

After Chen Geng left home, Lu Dongsheng lost an elder brother, inspired by his brother, Lu Dongsheng realized that a good boy had ambitions in all directions, and also resigned to the Chen family and went out alone to make a living.

But how can it be so easy to make a living in the old society, not everyone is as kind-hearted as the Chen family.

During the time when he was a servant in the Chen family, the Chen family never owed a penny, and they cared for Lu Dongsheng. But after leaving the Chen family, Lu Dongsheng worked as a blacksmith and a porter, and all he met were black-hearted bosses who ate people and didn't spit out bones.

They squeezed the workers as a matter of course and deducted their wages, and Lu Dongsheng also chose to join the army in a fit of anger and joined Tang Zhisheng's Hunan army.

In January 1927, due to the reorganization of the troops, Lu Dongsheng and Chen Geng were both incorporated into the Second Front Army of the Eighth Army of the National Revolutionary Army.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

At this time, Chen Geng had already been selected as one of the "Three Heroes of Whampoa", and was an old party member who had joined the party for 5 years, and he knew that Lu Dongsheng was clever, practical and reliable, so he transferred him to the special service battalion as his deputy, and the childhood buddies have since become comrades-in-arms in the trenches, fighting together to protect the family and defend the country.

No one thought that this little shepherd boy in the past had great magical powers, he repeatedly performed miraculous feats, did his best for the Chinese revolution, and was promoted all the way to the brigade commander during the Anti-Japanese War, and Chen Geng was on the same level.

Not only that, Zhou Enlai also cast an appreciative eye on Lu Dongsheng, and He Long directly followed the dignitaries of the Party Central Committee and appointed Lu Dongsheng as his right-hand man.


He was Chen Geng's servant but he made it all the way to the brigade commander, he was about to see the dawn of victory, but he died tragically under the guns of the Soviet army.

Chen Geng was grief-stricken and said: "If he is still alive, the general will have his place."

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

Lu Dongsheng has been a shepherd boy in Chen Geng's family since he was a child, and under the influence of Chen Geng, Lu Dongsheng also embarked on the road of joining the army to serve the country.

Just how inspiring was his military career?

In July 1927, Chen Geng escorted Zhou Enlai to Nanchang, and took the lead along the way, doing his best, leaving a deep impression on Zhou Enlai.

Subsequently, Lu Dongsheng followed in the footsteps of Zhou Enlai and He Long and participated in the Nanchang Uprising, and Lu Dongsheng was transferred to He Long as the battalion adjutant, and the battalion commander was his good brother Chen Geng.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

In August 1927, the rebel troops moved south, and the first battalion of Chen Geng and Lu Dongsheng was responsible for opening the road. In mid-August, a battalion was attacked by the enemy near Huichang in southern Gansu.

During the battle, Chen Geng was seriously wounded, his tibia and fibula were broken, and he was shot three times in his left leg, completely incapacitating.

Chen Geng was afraid that his life would not be long in coming, so he used his last strength to persuade Lu Dongsheng to evacuate as soon as possible.

However, Lu Dongsheng insisted on staying to protect Chen Geng. He dragged Chen Geng to the depths of the grass to hide, and the two escaped by pretending to be dead.

In the evening, Ye Ting's troops sent people to the rescue, and Lu Dongsheng carried the dying Chen Geng to the city for treatment.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

Zhou Enlai, He Long, and Zhou Yiqun rushed to hear the news and highly praised Lu Dongsheng's behavior of never giving up and guarding his comrades. Chen Geng was even more grateful to Lu Dongsheng, and said when he met people: "If there was no Dongsheng, I, Chen Geng, would have confessed to the past." ”

In 1928, Chen Geng, who was unable to recover from a leg injury, was left in Shanghai and joined the Central Special Branch as the chief of the intelligence section. At this time, He Long had secretly come to Shanghai from Guangdong, and Zhou Enlai sent Lu Dongsheng to take Mr. He to the Central Military Commission.

After the meeting, He Long asked to return to Hunan and Hubei to organize the Red Army, develop base areas, and prepare for armed struggle, which was approved by the Party Central Committee.

Zhou Enlai ordered Lu Dongsheng again and asked him to pretend to be a businessman and escort He Long and his party back.

In the spring of the following year, He Long's troops on the Hunan and Hubei borders were heavily damaged by the enemy, and He Long sent Lu Dongsheng back to Shanghai to ask for help from the Party Central Committee.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

Lu Dongsheng only carried 6 copper plates with him all over his body, worked part-time all the way, slept on the floor, and evaded the enemy's search, and finally arrived in Shanghai against all odds.

Lu Dongsheng found the Party Central Committee and reported the situation in Hunan and Hubei in person, and the Party Central Committee quickly gave instructions and asked Lu Dongsheng to return immediately, and passed it to He Long word for word.

In that era when communications were blocked, communications were difficult, and the enemy was around, Lu Dongsheng's appearance undoubtedly relieved the urgent need of the Red Army Soviet area in a remote corner.

In the years that followed, Lu Dongsheng traveled back and forth between Shanghai and western Hunan and Hubei many times, transmitting information for the party organization, incarnating as a loyal "carrier pigeon", and successfully completed the task every time, never made a mistake, and never missed.

Lu Dongsheng's cleverness made He Long greatly appreciated, he was 100 satisfied with Lu Dongsheng, 1,000 relieved, he directly wrote to the Party Central Committee, asking Lu Dongsheng to stay in Hunan and Hubei to work.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

The Party Central Committee was also very happy to have such a talent as Lu Dongsheng and approved He Long's request.

As a result, Lu Dongsheng settled down in Xi'an, Hunan, Hubei and became a revolutionary veteran of the revolutionary base area in western Hunan.

He was wise and brave, dared to fight, and made outstanding achievements, and was promoted from company commander to battalion commander, regiment commander, and finally to the position of commander of the Red Third Division. Everyone knows that the Red Third Division has a powerful general named Lu Dongsheng.

The former cattle herding baby has grown into a powerful Red Army division commander, but Lu Dongsheng has never forgotten Chen Geng's kindness. If Chen Geng hadn't broadened his horizons in his childhood, Lu Dongsheng might have been in a mess.

The two brothers are separated from each other at this time, one is in Shanghai and the other is in western Hunan and Hubei, but they will soon meet again.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

No one expected that this would be the last reunion, Lu Dongsheng fell on the eve of the victory of the revolution, died tragically under the guns of the Soviet army, and failed to participate in the award of titles with Chen Geng.

So, why was Lu Dongsheng, who came over with strong winds and waves, killed by the Soviet army?


He was Chen Geng's servant and brigade commander, but he did not live to be awarded the title of 55 years.

Lu Dongsheng was deeply appreciated by He Long, and was hand-picked to stay in western Hunan and Hubei to establish a base area, and rose all the way to the commander of the Red Army, with a bright future.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

However, just after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Lu Dongsheng was caught off guard, what happened?

In March 1935, Lu Dongsheng was wounded in the leg in a battle, and he refused to go to the battlefield desperately, and was forcibly carried down by the guards. Since then, Lu Dongsheng, like his good brother Chen Geng, has suffered from leg disease.

When the Long March began, Lu Dongsheng dragged his stump over the snowy mountains and crossed the grassland, and relied on amazing perseverance to complete the long journey, and arrived in Huining, Gansu Province in October 1936, where he successfully joined forces with the Red Army.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, Lu Dongsheng finally saw Zhou Enlai and Chen Geng again after a long absence, Chen Geng took the lead in rushing up and gave Lu Dongsheng a strong hug, and the brothers could fight side by side under the leadership of the party.

After the start of the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Geng and Lu Dongsheng were both brigade commanders, Chen Geng led his troops to the front line to kill the enemy, Lu Dongsheng did not recover from his leg injury, and temporarily stayed in the rear and entered Yan'an Anti-Japanese Military and Political University to study.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

Chen Geng and Lu Dongsheng waved goodbye again, and agreed that after the victory of the war, they would drink celebration wine together.

At the end of 1937, the Party Central Committee arranged for a group of military and political cadres to go to the Frunze Military School in the Soviet Union for further study, and Lu Dongsheng was among them.

Four years later, Lu Dongsheng successfully graduated and served as an officer in the Soviet Red Army, which was formed by the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army.

In August 1945, the Soviet Red Army sent troops to the Northeast, and Lu Dongsheng returned to China with the large army, participated in the takeover of the Northeast, and served as the commander of the Harbin garrison.

At this time, the Northeast is at the time of the alternation of the old and the new, and the fish and dragons are mixed and the order is chaotic. In 1946, Chen Yun, a representative of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, came to the Northeast to preside over the overall situation.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

After Chen Yun presided over the work meeting, he remembered that the salute was still in the working committee organ, and he did not have time to take it.

Originally, Chen Yun's secretary was going to pick it up, but Lu Dongsheng took the initiative to stand up and said that he knew Russian and it was more convenient to communicate, so he volunteered to do it for him.

Unexpectedly, on the way to pick up the luggage, Lu Dongsheng encountered several Soviet soldiers who were blocking the road and robbing the people's money.

Those Soviet soldiers were not things, Lu Dongsheng let them go, but they were afraid that Lu Dongsheng would report and expose them to his superiors, so when Lu Dongsheng turned to leave, he suddenly opened fire, the bullet passed through his back, and Lu Dongsheng suddenly fell in a pool of blood and unfortunately died.

The servant of Chen Geng's family, the two were equal in rank during the Anti-Japanese War, but they were later killed by the Soviet army

The bad news reached Chen Geng's ears, Chen Geng couldn't believe that his good brother who was born and died died in vain, he cried bitterly and was grief-stricken.

After He Long heard the bad news, he was so distressed that he didn't eat or drink for several days, and smoked bag after bag of cigarettes.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, every time Chen Geng and He Long met, they always talked about the old man Lu Dongsheng, and a smile appeared in front of the two of them, and the two old heroes couldn't help but have red eyes.

In 1955, when the People's Liberation Army conferred the title, Chen Geng sighed with regret: "If Dongsheng is still there, he must be a general." ”

Fate makes people sink into the sand, but his contribution to the motherland is always worth remembering, some people die, but they will always live in people's hearts. Salute to Lu Dongsheng!

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