
The Russian army has achieved a major victory, shooting down an American military plane over the Black Sea, who said that it would not dare to make a move against NATO?

author:Captain Long Yan

After receiving authorization from Western countries, the Ukrainian army began to frequently use NATO weapons to launch attacks on the Russian mainland. Recently, the Ukrainian army launched a US-made tactical missile attack on Crimea, causing a large number of civilian casualties, which undoubtedly touched Russia's backlash.

The Russian Ministry of Defense immediately set the tone for this matter, determining that the Ukrainian armed forces had launched a terrorist attack. After that, the Russian side urgently summoned the US ambassador to Russia to express its strong dissatisfaction.

Suffering dumb losses is obviously not the Russian style. Russia saluted first, then soldiers, and after protesting at the diplomatic level, it immediately began to prepare for revenge. Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov warned the United States that the United States will face the consequences of providing weapons to Ukraine to kill Russian civilians.

The Russian army has achieved a major victory, shooting down an American military plane over the Black Sea, who said that it would not dare to make a move against NATO?

Sure enough, less than 24 hours after Russia's warning, the United States suffered heavy losses.

According to a number of foreign media confirmed, a US RQ-4 "Global Hawk" strategic unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was shot down by the Russian army over the Black Sea. The Russian army has long hated the US unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and this time in the attack on Crimea by the Ukrainian army, it was the US military drone that carried out the guided strike, which eventually led to a tragedy.

According to the words of the Russian side, all the information on the strike coordinates obtained by the Ukrainian army was provided by American military personnel, and the United States has long known that the targets of the missiles are a large number of civilians, but the United States has no mercy. It is reported that a number of children were also killed in the Crimean attack.

Russian media said that the United States is very likely to flatly deny the Russian army's shooting down of the US RQ-4 "Global Hawk" strategic unmanned reconnaissance plane. It is not only a matter of face for the US military, but also a deliberate attempt to avoid US military intervention in the situation in Ukraine and cover up the truth about providing direct military strike support to the Ukrainian army.

At the same time, the Russian side also pointed out that it is not ruled out that the US military will send fighter jets to escort the drone and continue to provide intelligence support to Ukraine, but the Russian army is fully prepared to shoot down the US military plane again.

The Russian army has achieved a major victory, shooting down an American military plane over the Black Sea, who said that it would not dare to make a move against NATO?

A person close to the Russian military said that the shooting down of the US strategic unmanned reconnaissance plane was a major victory, and that the Russian soldiers who participated in the strike mission that day would receive a national medal, and they were all heroes of Russia.

The RQ-4 Global Hawk is a high-altitude long-endurance unmanned reconnaissance aircraft with extremely high flight altitude and long-duration flight capabilities. Its advanced reconnaissance equipment and communication systems make it a very important means of spying intelligence for the U.S. military.

However, the Russian army managed to shoot down an RQ-4 Global Hawk drone, which is of great significance for Russia.

The Russian army successfully shot down the RQ-4 "Global Hawk" drone, demonstrating the technical strength and combat capabilities of the Russian army. Being able to shoot down a high-flying drone requires a combination of high-precision strike systems and superior electronic warfare capabilities, suggesting that the Russian military has made a major breakthrough in this area.

At the same time, this downing will undoubtedly make the US military doubt and worry about the safety of its reconnaissance plane. The RQ-4 Global Hawk UAV needs to fly at high altitudes for long periods of time during missions, and if its safety is not guaranteed, it will have a significant impact on the tactical operations of the US military.

The Russian army has achieved a major victory, shooting down an American military plane over the Black Sea, who said that it would not dare to make a move against NATO?

For the United States, the RQ-4 Global Hawk costs up to $220 million, which is more expensive than stealth fighters such as the F-22 and F-35. Even the wealthy US military has only 32 planes, and now there is one less one shot down.

More importantly, the Russian army's direct destruction of the American drone this time is sending a clear combat signal to NATO member states. Western countries' meddling in the Ukraine issue has begun to constantly cross Russia's bottom line, and the Russian army's move can knock the mountain and shake the tiger. Let's see who still dares to think that the Russian army will not dare to attack NATO.

Previously, the United States and Western countries frequently carried out reconnaissance around the Black Sea to provide intelligence support for the Ukrainian army to strike the Russian S-400 air defense system. In order to avoid a head-on conflict with NATO, the Russian side has always been very restrained.

However, with the support of the US-led West for Ukraine, even the civilian population is spared, and Russia can no longer exercise restraint. Russia's shooting down of a US military plane at this time is reasonable and reasonable. This time, the United States will either let go of its hands and feet to interfere with Russia, or it will have to swallow its anger.

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