
The mother came out with the boy's college entrance examination score, with a score of 698, and successfully went ashore

author:Poetic starry sky in Jiangsu

Everyone still remembers that after the college entrance examination, a big boy in Anhui was interviewed and said confidently: "I feel that I will definitely be able to pass the examination, I am very confident, I hope that my mother and mother are expensive by virtue of their son!" The face is full of sunshine and confidence.


I saw on the Internet today that the results of the college entrance examination came out, the boy scored 698 points, and he successfully went ashore, and he really did it, making his mother and mother more expensive than her son.

I really want to see this boy's mother, what kind of mother can teach such a sensible sunny son? In good conscience, who wouldn't want such a child? Anyway, I am very envious, and I have tears in my eyes when I see the sentence that I hope my mother is more expensive than her son. There is such a child, no matter whether the child can go ashore or not, the mother is happy from the bottom of her heart.

The mother came out with the boy's college entrance examination score, with a score of 698, and successfully went ashore

Look at the mythical beasts of your own family, they are like deaf people in everything, and they disagree with me every day. Look at other people's children, I really want to slap myself twice.

The mother came out with the boy's college entrance examination score, with a score of 698, and successfully went ashore
The mother came out with the boy's college entrance examination score, with a score of 698, and successfully went ashore

There are also people on the Internet who say that the boy's score is 598 points, whether the boy's score is 598 points or 698 points, the boy is excellent, just by virtue of your sentence, I hope that my mother and mother will have won by virtue of the child, and you will have a smooth future in the future.

The mother came out with the boy's college entrance examination score, with a score of 698, and successfully went ashore

Let me tell you about a person I know, I have a friend's husband who was accompanied by his mother from kindergarten to high school graduation. At the end of the college entrance examination, her husband also said that he hoped that his mother could rely on her son, and his mother's efforts over the years were in his eyes and in his heart, and his mother was happy to cry at that time. My friend's husband was later admitted to the Key One.

After marriage, my friend said that his husband was really filial, and every time the two of them went out on a trip, he would bring gifts to his mothers on both sides. I will often transfer money to my mothers on both sides, worrying that my mother has no money at home. My friend's monthly salary is more than 5,000, her husband's annual salary is more than 300,000 yuan, the two of them are really happy to bubble, often go out to travel, and the children do not need to be brought by them, and the parents-in-law help them take them.

I hope that mothers all over the world can have such a child who makes their mother and son expensive.

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