
What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

author:Andrey's note

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In recent years, Japan's "cosplay culture" has become more and more prevalent in major cities in China, and everywhere we go, we can see young people dressed in fancy clothes and wearing colorful wigs.

And most of these cosplay enthusiasts are teenagers aged 12-18, and this phenomenon is more concentrated and obvious at the comic con scene. Many minors wear short skirts, crop tops and other revealing clothing, and even wear earrings and heavy makeup, which is in strong contrast with their actual age.

Japanese culture is becoming more and more popular among mainland teenagers, which makes us wonder what kind of values this is promoting to mainland teenagers.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

The source of this article comes from the official media, and the specific link is repeated at the end of the article, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Japanese culture has poisoned the youth of the mainland

As we take a closer look at the cosplay phenomenon, some disturbing details emerge. Many of the participants looked cold and detached in their eyes, as if they were disconnected from the real world.

Their movements are often exaggerated and even appear contrived and unnatural. What's even more worrying is that some cosplayers' makeup tends to be scary and weird, over-pursuing the visual impact effect and ignoring the essence of beauty.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

In addition, the design and use of some props are also uncomfortable, and some even have violent or bloody elements, which are incompatible with the values of a harmonious society.

These phenomena raise questions about the future development of the country. Young people are the future and hope of the country, and their values and behaviors are directly related to the long-term development of the country.

If the younger generation is overly addicted to this kind of detached role-play, ignoring the cultivation of their own capabilities and the assumption of social responsibility, then the country's innovation momentum and development potential will be seriously affected.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

The deeper concern lies in the possible decay of the nation. The 5,000-year history of civilization of the Chinese nation has forged a profound cultural heritage and excellent traditions, which are the foundation for the prosperity of our nation.

However, when more and more young people are keen to imitate foreign cultures and are indifferent to their own cultural traditions, we have to worry about the inheritance and development of national culture.

If this trend continues, it may lead to the gradual disappearance of national characteristics, the loss of cultural self-confidence, and ultimately the cohesion and vitality of the nation.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

In the face of these phenomena, we need to seriously think about how to guide the healthy growth of young people, and how to maintain the cultural foundation while being open and inclusive.

This requires not only the joint efforts of families and schools, but also the correct guidance of the whole society.

We should encourage young people to understand and love traditional Chinese culture, cultivate their cultural self-confidence and national pride, and at the same time help them correctly understand and treat foreign cultures, and find a balance between tradition and modernity.

Only in this way can we ensure the continued prosperity of the country and the longevity of the nation.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?


The influence of cosplay culture on young people is becoming more and more significant, which has aroused widespread attention from all walks of life. Some students who are addicted to cosplay often skip school in order to participate in activities or prepare costumes and props, which seriously affects their learning progress and grades.

More worryingly, this subculture seems to fuel rebellious feelings among some teenagers, who begin to resist parental and teacher discipline, believing that adults are unable to understand their interests and pursuits.

In addition, long-term immersion in virtual characters can cause some young people to become indifferent to real life.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

They are more willing to invest time and energy in role-playing, neglecting communication with family and friends, and even showing an indifference to learning and future planning. This situation has caused great distress to many parents.

Parents worry about their children's academic performance, as well as their mental health and future development, but often feel powerless to make a difference.

In the face of these problems, we have to re-examine the importance of education. Education is not only about imparting knowledge, but also about cultivating students' values and outlook on life.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

Schools and families need to work together to help young people develop a positive worldview and guide them to manage their time wisely and balance their studies and hobbies.

At the same time, we should encourage students to participate in more wholesome extracurricular activities instead of over-indulging in a single interest.

More importantly, we need to make a strong call for a focus on traditional cultural education. Traditional Chinese culture contains rich wisdom and profound philosophy of life, which has important guiding significance for the growth of young people.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

Through systematic traditional cultural education, we can help young people build cultural self-confidence and enhance their sense of national identity.

This can not only resist the influence of some bad cultures, but also provide them with a broader vision and deeper foundation for their life development.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

The social climate is becoming more and more negative

The negative impact of cosplay culture is becoming increasingly apparent, causing deep concern in all sectors of society. Many young people are overly immersed in the virtual world and gradually disconnected from real life.

They spend a lot of time and energy imitating fictional characters, neglecting their own growth and development.

Not only can this behavior lead to the loss of self in the individual, but it is more likely to cause serious harm to mental health. Living in the gap between the virtual and the real for a long time is prone to identity confusion and even psychological problems.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

In the face of this situation, we call on the relevant departments to take measures to rectify the social atmosphere. The management and guidance of cosplay activities should be strengthened to ensure that these activities do not have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of adolescents.

At the same time, we need to pay more attention to guiding young people to develop patriotic feelings. Through carrying out a variety of patriotic education activities, young people will be cultivated with a sense of national pride and responsibility, so that they can closely integrate their personal interests with national development.

In addition, we have to question the actual contribution of the cosplay industry to the development of the country.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

Although this industry may bring certain economic benefits in the short term, in the long run, does it really promote the country's innovation and development and cultural soft power improvement? We should pay more attention to those industries that can promote scientific and technological progress and promote social development.

In particular, it is worth reflecting on whether it is necessary for us to vigorously promote Japanese anime culture.

While cultural exchange is necessary, excessive reverence for foreign cultures, especially in countries with complex historical ties to the mainland, may affect young people's values and sense of national identity.

We should pay more attention to and develop the excellent culture of our own country, and cultivate young people's self-confidence and love for Chinese culture.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

Potential harm to mainland youth

The potential harm of Japanese animation to teenagers has become increasingly prominent, which has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life.

Many teenagers unconsciously imitate some bad actions after watching anime, which may not only affect their behavior, but also lead to safety hazards.

At the same time, the emotional depiction in some animation works can easily trigger the puppy love tendency of teenagers, which affects their learning and physical and mental development.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

More worryingly, many anime works have obscure content that contains adult topics, which are often beyond the comprehension of teenagers and may have a negative impact on their value formation.

Some anime also spread bad values such as violence, revenge, etc., which can mislead teenagers and affect the formation of their outlook on life and worldview.

In addition, there are erotic innuendos in some anime works, which is extremely uncomfortable for teenagers and teenagers who are in the process of puberty. Long-term exposure to such content can lead to misconceptions about the relationship between the sexes.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

At the same time, the idealized world depicted in anime can easily detach teenagers from reality and immerse themselves in an illusory world, affecting their ability to adapt to real life.

Some anime also spread pseudo-scientific and superstitious ideas, which is not only not conducive to teenagers establishing a correct view of science, but may also affect their ability to think rationally.

What's more, some dark anime can easily trigger depression in viewers, posing a potential threat to the mental health of teenagers.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

In this context, cosplay activities are seen by some as a means of cultural invasion. They believe that this is an elaborate cultural infiltration strategy by Japan to destroy Chinese youth.

By attracting young people to imitate anime characters, they unconsciously influence their values and behaviors, so as to achieve the goal of weakening the next generation of China.

At the same time, some have accused teenagers of being fond of cosplay.

They believe that these young people have over-esteemed Japanese culture and neglected the charm and value of traditional Chinese culture. Such tendencies may not only lead to the loss of national self-confidence, but may also affect the cultural security and national identity of the country.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?


In the face of increasingly severe cultural challenges, we must re-examine and vigorously promote the value of traditional Chinese culture. We should actively promote national costumes and encourage young people to show the charm of Chinese culture in their daily lives.

At the same time, we should continue to emphasize the profound heritage of China's 5,000-year-old culture, so that the younger generation can deeply understand where our nation's cultural self-confidence comes from.

Many elements of traditional Chinese culture, such as calligraphy, Chinese painting, opera, martial arts, etc., are our precious cultural heritage. These unique cultural treasures can not only cultivate sentiments, but also cultivate a sense of national pride and cultural identity among young people.

What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

We should innovate ways to bring these traditional cultural elements to life in modern life.

In general, we must resolutely oppose the excessive promotion of foreign cultures, especially those that may have a negative impact on young people.

Protecting the healthy development of young people is our top priority, and we have a responsibility to create a healthy and positive cultural environment for them.

At the same time, we should pay more attention to and vigorously promote traditional Chinese culture, which is not only related to the personal development of every young person, but also related to the cultural security of our country and the future of the nation.


What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

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What kind of values does Japan Comic Con want to promote to the Chinese people when it is held in various cities in China?

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