
What is more worrying than the "rise in oil prices" is that there are these 3 situations in the automobile market!

author:Raven-kun's first aid workplace

Since entering June 2024, oil prices have reached new highs:

According to data from major cities across the country, No. 92 gasoline has climbed to 7.8 yuan/liter, and No. 95 gasoline has entered a new era of 8 yuan/liter.

Recall that 20 years ago, the price of 92 gasoline was only 2.3 yuan / liter, which is not too cost-effective; And now, the rising oil prices are really unaffordable...

However, the surge in oil prices is only the tip of the iceberg, and what is more worrying is this: China's auto market, these three situations have appeared recently, have you noticed?

What is more worrying than the "rise in oil prices" is that there are these 3 situations in the automobile market!

First of all, it is the hype of intelligent driving, which is almost blowing into the sky.

First of all, a technology company made an astonishing statement, saying in public that "it is difficult to hit if you want to" and "driving 1,314 kilometers without takeover"; Later, some "folk videos" that were edited and pieced together circulated on the Internet... It's hard to tell the real from the fake.

Therefore, it creates an illusion that intelligent driving is "very mature" and completely unnecessary.

As a result, many users believe it and compete to imitate:

For example, the owner of an ideal car, the driver leaves the driver's seat and lets the car drive automatically in the "driverless" state, and the co-pilot has a child who is not wearing a seat belt;

The owner of the M7 fell asleep on the highway after turning on the intelligent driving function;

There are also owners of Xiaopeng Motors, after turning on the intelligent driving mode, while eating melon seeds, while watching TV intently...

What is more worrying than the "rise in oil prices" is that there are these 3 situations in the automobile market!

Not to mention whether they are responsible for themselves, have they considered the safety of others for such behavior?

Don't forget, no matter how much the current car companies blow, the current intelligent driving is only at the level of L2, and it is a very elementary stage from L5, and there is still a long way to go.

Otherwise, why should car companies optimize algorithms, upgrade hardware, and develop 4D radar? It's because I'm immature!

To put it bluntly, whether it is a car company or a user, you must have a sense of awe, don't brag nonsense, you can "use intelligent driving", but you can't "blindly and blindly believe" - otherwise, it will harm others and yourself!

What is more worrying than the "rise in oil prices" is that there are these 3 situations in the automobile market!

Secondly, in the era of smart cars, how to protect privacy

For example, just a few months ago, it was first rumored that the private video of the owner of Gaohe Automobile was leaked, and then Li Auto was reported, and indecent photos taken by the camera in the car were leaked.

Although Gaohe and Ideal, they all denied the above online content and thought it was untrue!

But the reality is that as cars become more and more intelligent and more and more user information is recorded, how to protect personal privacy? Who exactly owns the vehicle?

This is not unfounded.

Recently, an ideal car owner posted on the community forum that his community account was suddenly locked by the administrator, resulting in the inability to unlock the vehicle through the APP, which directly affected his normal use of the vehicle.

What is more worrying than the "rise in oil prices" is that there are these 3 situations in the automobile market!

On the surface, this is just a skirmish between car companies and users.

However, a closer look reveals that the privacy issues involved behind this are very serious.

To put it bluntly, if the car company can control the owner's account, it can control the vehicle and even all the on-board information.

What's more, once a vicious incident occurs, the car owner may not have time to save the information, and the car company can directly "destroy" the relevant data.

Not only that, but in the process of driving, will the car company suddenly "lock the car", or even control the vehicle on behalf of the owner? These are issues of serious concern.

Therefore, with the continuous progress of smart car technology, both the state and enterprises need to promote a clear division of rights and responsibilities to promote the healthy development of the industry.

What is more worrying than the "rise in oil prices" is that there are these 3 situations in the automobile market!

Finally, there is a growing lack of attention to "key technologies".

If you continue to pay attention to the automobile market, you will often find that there are few car companies in China that insist on pure electric vehicles.

More and more car companies, because they are unable to compete with Tesla, have turned to develop extended-range vehicles.

After all, it is easier for consumers to accept Tesla's edge, and the profit is high and the technical difficulty is low.

Although this is a natural differentiation and choice of the market, it is not a good thing from the perspective of the development of Chinese automobiles.

Because to put it bluntly, range extension is a transitional technology, and from the perspective of the development of new energy, it will eventually reach the pure electric stage, or a more stable "hybrid".

Looking at the world, in fact, this trend is also the same: whether it is Volkswagen, Ford, Toyota, Honda, there is no peace of mind about extending the range.

All companies with a little ambition are insisting on pure electric vehicles, or making hybrid technology excellent and mature.

Now, our car companies have begun to "take shortcuts", which can certainly make a lot of money.

But what about continuing to develop? Other people's pure electric technology has won breakthroughs, but your "three-electric technology" is not good, and energy consumption management remains high, how to compete with others?

What is more worrying than the "rise in oil prices" is that there are these 3 situations in the automobile market!

In general, the "rise in oil prices" is certainly worrying, but in addition: the hype of intelligent driving, the privacy of smart cars, and the importance of "key technologies" may be more worthy of our attention.

After all, the fluctuation of oil prices only affects our wallets in the short term, and these deep-seated problems are related to the future development of the automotive industry and our long-term interests.


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