
All you have in your eyes is money! Naturalized Big Fish had a showdown with the Football Association and refused to play in the round of 18 without giving 15 million

author:Viestrophic sports world

After the pie fell from the sky and smashed on the head of the national football team, and after being unexpectedly carried into the round of 18, the Football Association also restarted a new round of naturalization, and even had the momentum of pinning all the qualifications on the naturalized players. So far, judging from the official and unofficial news, there are dozens of naturalization targets, but there are very few naturalized players who are actually operable, among which the most popular among fans and media is Oscar, who is currently playing for the Cangzhou Lions, after all, it has been regarded as a naturalization target many years ago, but it has never taken a substantial step.

All you have in your eyes is money! Naturalized Big Fish had a showdown with the Football Association and refused to play in the round of 18 without giving 15 million

Now that the hope of the national football team to impact the World Cup is placed in front of it again, the Football Association did not hesitate to extend an olive branch to Oscar, hoping that the latter can join the Chinese men's football team and represent the team in the upcoming round of 18. It is reported that in such a hurry as the Football Association, Oscar did not hesitate to open his mouth and directly asked for an annual salary of 2 million euros, and if he did not give it, he would refuse to represent the national football team in the round of 18. I have to say that Oscar only has money in his eyes and no emotion.

All you have in your eyes is money! Naturalized Big Fish had a showdown with the Football Association and refused to play in the round of 18 without giving 15 million

To tell the truth, in terms of the strength shown by Oscar and his performance in the Chinese Super League, it is not worth 2 million euros at all, after all, his current annual salary is only 400,000 euros, and now he directly asks for an annual salary of 2 million euros, just to take the opportunity to make a sum of money. In fact, Oscar's performance in recent seasons is really average, and there is no explosive performance when he first entered the Chinese Super League, with goals and assists only in single digits, and he is not as good as most local strikers in terms of efficiency.

All you have in your eyes is money! Naturalized Big Fish had a showdown with the Football Association and refused to play in the round of 18 without giving 15 million

Although the Football Association's naturalization is a bit rushed, compared with the previous series of brainless operations, the requirements of the Football Association have now become very simple, that is, the naturalized players need to be paid without compensation, that is, they do not just choose naturalization for money, but also have emotional factors for China or the World Cup. If the naturalized player Lion opens his mouth to make an unreasonable request, the Football Association will most likely choose to refuse, after all, for the current Chinese men's football team, the impact of whether there are naturalized players or not is not too great.

All you have in your eyes is money! Naturalized Big Fish had a showdown with the Football Association and refused to play in the round of 18 without giving 15 million

According to Oscar's requirements, the annual salary of 2 million euros is about 15 million yuan, which means that if you don't give this money, you will refuse to represent the Chinese men's football team. To tell the truth, this figure is absolutely astronomical for the Football Association, and it will definitely not agree to such a nonsensical request, and Oscar will completely cut off the possibility of playing for the Chinese men's football team. In addition, Oscar's unreasonable request may also help the Football Association, because it can take the opportunity to put pressure on the national football coach Ivan, and naturalized players are difficult to find and can only cultivate young players.

All you have in your eyes is money! Naturalized Big Fish had a showdown with the Football Association and refused to play in the round of 18 without giving 15 million

Judging from the performance of the second phase of the second round, the performance of the young players in the national football team is not bad, and even better than many old players, among which the most eye-catching is Baihelam. I believe that there will be a second of these young players in China, since it is unlikely to qualify for the World Cup, and naturalized players are unreliable, why not directly use young players? It may bring unexpected surprises. Even if there are no accidents in the end, it can be said that it is ready for the next World Cup in advance, so that young players can have more and richer experience in the tournament.

All you have in your eyes is money! Naturalized Big Fish had a showdown with the Football Association and refused to play in the round of 18 without giving 15 million

Baihelam did not have a foothold in the Chinese Super League, but he never thought that he could become the core of the national football team, and even scored a golden goal. Perhaps Chinese football has never lacked young stars, but it just lacks a discerning Bole, and it can be said that it is more reliable than naturalized players. If the planned naturalized players are unreliable, why not boldly bring in more young players in the round of 18? Isn't it more reliable than a foreign player who only has money in his eyes and has no feelings?