
Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

author:Read the micro-notes
Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined


For a long time, the mainland's attitude towards gambling has been resolutely cracked down, but when we have no choice, some countries around us have adopted a legal attitude towards gambling, which has made many rich people not hesitate to leave the country and gamble twice at the poker table.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

However, the real casino is not as drunk as we see in the movie, on the contrary, entering the casino is tantamount to entering a magic cave, and you can't get out of it at all.

But do you know what happens to people who lose money in casinos? And what causes them to keep leaving the country and participate in illegal gambling activities?

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

An irresistible temptation

For a long time, our country has been constantly publicizing the harm of gambling, but every year there will still be a large number of people arrested for gambling, and even under the high-pressure situation in the country, they do not hesitate to go abroad to participate in gambling activities.

Every year, because of gambling, there are not a few Chinese who go bankrupt in many countries in Southeast Asia, and even suffer because they can't afford to gamble.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

But even so, there is a steady stream of people who travel to these countries to participate in gambling, all thinking that they can make money in the casino and return with a full load.

Just like Lao Li, a former gambling participant, because of the introduction of a friend, and said; You don't need to bring money to the casino, and you can borrow as little as 100,000 yuan when you get to the casino, and you can also provide air tickets for food and accommodation.

So Lao Li went to Laos, which borders Yunnan, where they began to smuggle, in fact, at this time they can still turn back, and there is a warning sign on the side of the road that "Chinese are prohibited from entering and leaving the gaming hall".

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

But how could he, who was already addicted to gambling, care about this signboard, or resolutely stepped his feet out of the country and walked into the trap carefully woven for them.

After staying in the star-rated hotel specially provided by the casino, they simply ate, and several people went to the casino non-stop, and indeed as my friend said, they borrowed money very easily. In the first day of gambling, Lao Li seemed to have good luck and won 20,000 yuan directly.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

Sister Xia, who had a similar experience to Lao Li, had better luck, she went to the casino without bringing money, and then borrowed money to gamble in the casino, but Sister Xia won a huge sum of 110,000 yuan in just half an hour!

At this time, Sister Xia wanted to repay the 100,000 yuan she had borrowed before, but it was too late, because the casino had regulations on the time for repayment, and Sister Xia couldn't even repay the money before the time for repayment.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

At this time, Sister Xia chose to enter the casino again, and this time Sister Xia also lost her good luck, and lost all the money she earned before, including the money she borrowed.

Even Lao Li, who had won 20,000 yuan before, also lost all his 120,000 yuan a few days later. At this time, the casino also showed its true face, and it was no longer as radiant as the gambler's heart.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

Purgatory on Earth

In fact, it can be imagined that since they have come to the casino, it is impossible to bring the money out, and the equipment of the casino must have been passive for a long time, and the casino has always been out of thousands.

Although the casino didn't look like anything before, there were always some security guards, and when they lost money, they were severely restricted by the security guards.

They are even locked up in a separate small house, divided into a single room, a forced single room, and a dead single room, in which their families will know that they have been controlled, so as to blackmail their family members to ransom people here.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

If the money is not given at this time, then what awaits them is to keep punching and kicking, taking videos and sending them to their homes, forcing them to send money to the casino.

They were also made to kneel in the aisles, tortured in front of everyone, and some of the victims were beaten with their fingernails pulled out alive and nails inserted into the knuckles of their fingers.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

While waiting for the tortured to die, they will be sent to a convalescent room to recuperate, and continue to receive their torture after they have recovered.

And Lao Li once entered the dead single room, waiting for him in the dead single room was only four hours of sleep every day, and the rest of the time was basically spent in beatings, until he was rescued and returned to China for an interview, just thinking back to this experience, Lao Li couldn't help crying.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

When they were beaten, Lao Li was directly beaten to a coma and sent to the hospital, waiting for them not only physical but also psychological endless torture and humiliation.

When dealing with female gamblers, they are also locked up with the opposite sex, and sometimes when they beat women, they will be stripped of their clothes, and even sold them in exchange for greater compensation.

This kind of torture is specially set up for gamblers who come to the casino, in order to hollow out their family funds little by little, and some people pay tens of millions for it.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

At this time, even if they were discovered by the local police department, it would have no effect at all, because they had already signed an IOU for the casino, and no one could take them out at this time.

Even if there are negotiations between the country and the local people, they are greeted by a beating by the local police, and then they still need to pay back the money they owe.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

If the family really can't pay back, they have another option, which is to trick their friends over and continue to be cheated.

That's how they themselves were tricked, and then they paid back the money they owed so they could get out of here.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

After experiencing these incidents, they were lucky enough to return to China and were determined not to touch gambling again, and immediately called the police, and this criminal gang was also successfully eliminated, only to know at this time that this casino was actually a trap specially set for Chinese.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined


For gambling, the mainland has always banned it, but some neighboring countries have listed gambling as a legal industry, targeting Chinese. And they will also ban citizens of their own country from entering.

But when foreigners enter, they welcome them and drain them of all their value.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

In the overseas gambling industry, everyone who participates in it will initially think that this is an opportunity for themselves to turn over, but they never think that this is just a trap prepared for themselves.

After being rescued, they will also think back to their itinerary, in fact, whether the casino is out of thousands or not, when they leave their hometown, what awaits them is a scam.

Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

And this scam will completely drain their families, and even they will lose their lives.

There is a saying called ten gambles and nine cheats, when you are not willing to make money on the ground, but rely on gambling, you have fallen into an unfathomable abyss.


Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined

Information sources:

Social Visibility - Crazy Casino
Girls strip naked for auctions, boys get their nails pulled, and real border gambling is far more terrifying than imagined