
There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it

author:Shandong Internet Police

Fraudsters come up with fraud tricks

It's like a girl's new clothes

Keeping up with trends, constantly renovating and changing

It's dazzling and overwhelming

But no matter how many tricks

It is also the same

That's cheating you out of your money

There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it
There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it

Let's take a look

There are several common scams in telecom fraud

There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it

(1) Impersonating an identity to commit fraud

There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it

1. Impersonating a secretary

Criminals pretend to be the secretary of a superior leader and call the person in charge of a subordinate unit, and ask the deceived unit to pay the subscription price, handling fee, etc., on the pretext of selling books and commemorative coins, etc., to carry out fraudulent activities.

2. Pretending to be a friend or relative

When criminals video chat with people, they take screenshots of the other party, and then use Trojan horse programs to steal the other party's information, and use the video screen to pretend to be the person to chat with relatives and friends, and then ask for remittance for various reasons to commit fraud.

3. Pretending to be the CEO of the company

Criminals break into the company's internal communication group to understand the information between leaders and employees, and then impersonate leaders to defraud employees by disguising WeChat accounts.

4. Subsidies and grants

Criminals pretend to be staff of education, civil affairs, disabled persons' federations and other departments, call or text students, citizens, and disabled persons to claim that they can receive relevant subsidies or relief funds, and induce victims to send money through ATMs or other channels, thereby committing fraud.

5. Pretending to be a public prosecutor's phone

Criminals pretend to be public security staff and ask victims to transfer their funds to safe accounts to cooperate with the investigation on the grounds that the victim's identity information has been stolen or suspected of committing a crime, so as to commit fraud.

6. Falsifying a specific identity

Criminals disguised themselves as Gao Fushuai, Bai Fumei, etc., and deceived the victim's trust through love and other means, and then defrauded the money for various reasons such as financial constraints and family difficulties.

7. Medical and Social Insurance

Criminals pretend to be medical insurance and social security workers, claiming that the victim's account is abnormal, and trick the victim into sending money to the so-called safe account.

8. "Guess Who I Am"

The criminals called the victim and asked him to "guess who I am", and then pretended to be an acquaintance and borrowed money from the victim for various reasons.

(2) Shopping fraud

There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it

9. Counterfeit Purchasing Agent

Criminals use discounts, discounts, overseas purchasing agents, etc. as bait, and after the buyer pays, they demand continued payment on the grounds that "the goods have been detained by the customs and have to pay additional tariffs", or simply block and do not deliver the goods, so as to commit fraud.

10. Refunds

Criminals pretend to be online store customer service, make phone calls or send text messages, falsely claim that they are out of stock, want to refund the victim, lure buyers to provide bank card numbers, passwords and other information, or scan the designated QR code, so as to commit fraud.

11. Online Shopping

Criminals set up fake shopping websites, and after the victim placed an order, they said that the system failed and needed to be reactivated, and sent a fake activation URL to ask the victim to fill in personal information to commit fraud.

12. Shop at a low price

Criminals defraud money by publishing transfer information such as second-hand cars, second-hand computers, and items confiscated by customs, and by paying deposits, transaction taxes, and handling fees.

13. Release of instalments

Criminals pretend to be staff of shopping websites, claim that the banking system is wrong, falsely claim that the victim has been handled by installment payment and other services, lure the victim to operate in front of the ATM, and use the English interface to commit fraud.

14. Collections

The criminals pretended to be the collection association, printed invitations and mailed them to various places, saying that auctions would be held and leaving contact information. Once contacted by the victim, a fee is charged under various pretexts and the victim is required to transfer money to a designated account.

15. Courier Signature

Criminals pretend to be couriers to contact the victim, saying that they have a courier that needs to be signed for but cannot see the information clearly, so as to obtain the victim's information. It is then delivered to the door, and the victim is threatened to pay after signing for the delivery, otherwise it will cause trouble.

(3) Activity-related fraud

There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it

16. Posting false love transmissions

Criminals fabricate love posts such as searching for people, poverty alleviation, and loss of admission tickets, and take advantage of the kindness and love of netizens to deceive and forward, but in fact, the contact number left in the post is not real, and even personal information will be obtained through the phone or website.


Criminals pretend to be merchants to publish "likes and rewards" information, asking participants to provide their names, phone numbers and other information, not only that, but after obtaining enough personal information, criminals will also ask victims to remit money on the grounds that they need to pay a deposit for winning a prize.

(4) Profit temptation fraud

There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it

18. Impersonating a well-known company to win a lottery

Criminals pretend to be well-known enterprises, print a large number of fake winning scratch cards, deliver them, and once someone is fooled, they will charge fees for various reasons.

19. Winning a prize in an entertainment program

The criminals sent a group message to the victims in the name of the popular program group, saying that they had been selected as lucky viewers and would receive huge prizes, and then committed fraud under the pretext of paying a deposit or personal income tax.

20. Redeem Points

Criminals falsely claim that the victim's mobile phone points can be exchanged for prizes, and trick the victim into clicking on the phishing link, once the information is clicked and filled, the victim's bank card number, password and other information will be taken.

21. Scan the QR code

Criminals use price reductions and rewards as bait to let victims scan the QR code to join members or receive discounts, but in fact, they come with Trojan viruses. Once scanned and installed, the Trojan steals the victim's bank account number, password, and other personal information.

22. Spend a lot of money on children

Criminals lure victims into being deceived by using heavy money as bait to ask for children, and then commit fraud on various grounds such as paying earnest money and inspection fees.

23. High-paying recruitment

Criminals send mass messages through various channels, under the guise of high-paying recruitment, etc., asking victims to go to a designated place for an interview, and then commit fraud in the name of paying training fees, clothing fees, security deposits, etc.

24. Email Wins

Criminals send winning emails through the Internet, and once someone is fooled, the criminals will ask the victim to remit money for various reasons such as paying personal income tax and notary fees.

(5) Fictitious dangerous fraud

There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it

25. Fictional car accidents

The criminals falsely claimed that the victim's relatives and friends had been involved in a car accident and asked the victim to transfer money on the grounds that they needed to deal with the traffic accident urgently.

26. Fictitious kidnapping

The criminals falsely claimed that the victim's relatives and friends had been kidnapped, asked the victim to transfer money, and threatened not to report to the police, otherwise the ticket would be torn up. Criminals usually choose to call home during working hours, and the middle-aged and elderly people who stay at home are often overwhelmed and easily deceived.

27. Fictitious surgery

The criminals falsely claimed that the victim's children or parents had a sudden illness and needed emergency surgery, and asked the victim to transfer money for treatment. Victims are often worried and anxious, so they transfer money according to the instructions of the criminals.

28. Seek help in a fictitious distress situation

Criminals use social media to publish false information such as serious illness and life difficulties, so as to win the sympathy of the majority of netizens and accept donations.

29. Fictitious parcels containing drugs

The criminals commit fraud by falsely claiming that the victim's package was found with drugs, asking the victim to transfer money to a so-called safe account for investigation.

30. Composite photo blackmail

Criminals collect photos of victims through various channels, use computers to synthesize bad pictures, and attach the receiving account number to mail to the victims to threaten and intimidate and extort money.

31. Impersonating a specific person

Criminals send mass text messages and falsely claim that they have a specific relationship with the other party, defraud money on the grounds of pregnancy and other reasons, and use coincidence and the mentality of "family ugliness should not be publicized" to lure victims to transfer money.

(6) Fraud in daily life consumption

There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it

32. Text messages impersonating a landlord

Criminals pretend to be landlords and send mass text messages, falsely claiming that the landlord's bank card has been changed, and asking for rent to be transferred to other accounts.

33. Arrears

Criminals pretended to be staff members to make group calls, saying that the victims had water, electricity, gas and other types of arrears, and asked the victims to make up the arrears to the designated account.

34. Tax Free Shopping

On the pretext that they can apply for tax refunds for shopping, criminals trick victims into transferring money at ATMs and using English interfaces to commit fraud.

35. Ticket Changes

Criminals pretend to be the customer service of the airline, and trick ticket buyers into making remittance operations many times on the grounds of "flight cancellation, providing refund or change services", etc., to carry out serial fraud.

36. Booking Tickets

Criminals create fake booking pages and publish false information to lure victims into falling for them at low prices. Subsequently, the victim was asked to remit money again on the grounds of "unsuccessful booking" and other reasons, committing fraud.

37. ATM Notices

Criminals manipulate the ATM card exit and paste a fake customer service hotline to contact the user after using the abnormal, so as to obtain the password.

38. Credit Card Purchases

On the grounds that bank card consumption may leak personal information, criminals pretend to be UnionPay centers or public prosecutors to set up traps to obtain bank account passwords and other information.

39. Inducement of remittances

Criminals directly ask the other party to transfer money to a bank account in the form of mass text messages, and if they encounter a victim who happens to need to send money, it is easy to be fooled, and it is often easy to believe without verification.

(7) Phishing and Trojan virus fraud

There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it

40. Pseudo base station

Criminals use fake base stations to impersonate official platforms to send users false information such as online banking upgrades and mobile phone points redemption, and add links to them, and once the victim clicks, they will implant a Trojan horse on their mobile phones to obtain personal information, so as to further commit fraud.

41. Phishing Sites

On the pretext of upgrading online banking, criminals require victims to log in to phishing websites prepared in advance, so as to obtain victims' bank accounts, online banking passwords and other information to commit fraud.

(8) Fraud in the provision of specific services

There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it

42. Traffic Handling Violation SMS

Once the victim clicks on the link in the text message, the Trojan virus will be implanted, which will cause the loss of phone bills caused by mass text messages, and the personal information such as bank cards and electronic accounts will be stolen, causing huge losses.

43. Financial Transactions

In the name of a securities company, criminals falsely claim to have inside information and disseminate it through the Internet, telephone, text messages, etc., and once someone is deceived, they will guide the victim to operate on the fake trading platform they have built, so as to defraud the victim of funds.

44. Apply for a credit card

Criminals spread advertisements through various channels, claiming that they can apply for high-value overdrawn credit cards, and once someone believes it, they will ask victims to pay various fees for various reasons.

45. Loans

Criminals sent mass messages, saying that they could provide loans with low monthly interest rates and no guarantees. Once the victim believes it, the other party will commit fraud in the name of prepaid interest, security deposit, etc.

46. Copy the SIM card

Criminals send mass messages, saying that they can copy mobile phone cards and listen to mobile phone call messages, and once the victims believe it, they will be defrauded of money by the other party in the name of buying duplicate cards and making advance payments.

47. Fictitious Pornography Services

Criminals disseminate phone numbers that provide sexual services in various ways, and once the victim contacts them, the criminals claim that they need to pay for the services first, and once the victim sends money, they disappear.

48. Provide exam questions

Criminals will make phone calls or send text messages to candidates who are about to take the exam, claiming that they can provide exam questions or answers, and many candidates will find out that they have been deceived after transferring money to a designated account.

49. Brush up on credibility

Criminals pretend to be merchants to publish job postings, claiming to help sellers brush up their reputation and earn commissions from them. The victim made several purchases to improve his reputation according to the other party's request, but was unable to contact them again, and only then did he realize that he had been deceived.

(9) Other new types of illegal fraud

There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it

50. SMS link to School Newsletter

Criminals send fraudulent text messages with links in the name of "School Communication", and once the link is clicked, the mobile phone will be implanted with a Trojan horse program, and there is a risk that the bank card will be stolen.

51. Electronic Wedding Invitations

Criminals send electronic invitations to induce users to click to download, so as to steal bank account numbers, passwords, address books and other information, and then steal bank cards, or send fraudulent text messages to relatives and friends in the address book.

52. Photo album Trojan

Criminals impersonate various identities to lure victims to click on electronic photo albums, and the implanted Trojan viruses will obtain users' online banking information.

53. Impersonating the underworld for extortion

The criminals claim to be the underworld, intimidate the victim that someone wants to harm them, but also claims that they can destroy the wealth and eliminate the disaster, and then provide the account number to ask the victim to send money.

54. Copycat WIFI in public places

Criminals set up free WIFI to lure users to connect, and once connected, through the transmission of traffic data, hackers can easily steal photos, phone numbers and other information in mobile phones, thus committing fraud.

55. Pick up the bank card with the PIN attached

The criminals deliberately discard the bank card and attach a password to it, indicating the "phone number of the opening bank", to trick the person who picks up the card to call "activate" and deposit money into the scammer's account.

56. There is an abnormal change in the funds in the account

Criminals first steal the victim's online banking account and password, and create the false impression of capital inflow on the bank card through operations such as purchasing precious metals and converting current accounts to fixed deposits. Then pretend to be customer service to deceive the user's trust, saying that if you need to refund the money, you need the victim to provide the verification code received, and once the victim provides it to the other party, all the money in the online banking will be transferred.

57. Replace your SIM card

The criminals first bombarded the user's mobile phone with spam text messages and harassing calls to cover up the card replacement business reminder text messages sent by the official customer service, and then took the temporary ID card with the victim's information to the business hall to reissue the mobile phone card on the spot, so that the owner's mobile phone card was invalid, so as to receive the bank SMS verification code, so as to steal the money from the bank card.

58. Change numbers

Criminals impersonate the owner of the phone to send text messages to the contacts in the mobile phone, claiming to have changed the new number, and after gaining trust, they commit fraud.

There are many telecom fraud routines, and I learned not to take the blame after reading it

Let's teach you again

A few iron rules to prevent telecom fraud

"Six laws", as long as you remember it, no matter what kind of liar you have, you can't do anything.

1. As long as the bank card is mentioned, it will be hung up

2. As long as you talk about winning the lottery, you will be hung up

3. As long as it is mentioned that "telephone transfer public procuratorate law" is mentioned, it will be hung up

4. All text messages, let click on the link, all deleted

5. Links sent by people you don't know on WeChat will not be clicked

6. When it comes to "safe accounts", it is a fraud

Source: Dongping County Public Security Bureau