
Washington grabbed the little Indian girl by the neck, put an iron hook into her chin, and hung it on a stripping stake

author:Barnyard officials on history

On December 14, 1799, Washington, the founding father of the United States, suddenly woke up in his sleep, and then shortness of breath and sore throat, and he was about to die. His personal doctors, in accordance with his favorite and most trusted treatment, pressed him to the bed, stabbed him in the throat four times a day and bled out, and nearly half of the blood in his body was drained.

Not surprisingly, after a painful day, at 10:10 p.m. that night, Washington completely stopped breathing and could never move again.

Washington grabbed the little Indian girl by the neck, put an iron hook into her chin, and hung it on a stripping stake


There have always been different theories about the cause of Washington's death, some say that it was this treatment that caused him to die of hemorrhagic shock, and others say that it was because of diphtheria, acute epiglottitis, acute pneumonia and so on, which were refractory at that time. The cause of his death is not unusual, but there is another cause that is little known, and that is about a curse 20 years ago!

It was 1778, and Washington had been cursed by a group of people who were frustrated by feudal superstitions, but the two curses of the group were fulfilled, they scolded him, said that he would die miserably, that he would lose his children. Washington died a painful death, and died without children for the rest of his life.

The curse on him is said to be related to one of his special fetishes!

As early as the autumn of 1620, a ship named "Mayflower" set off from England, carrying 102 homeless people, and finally arrived in the rich and beautiful North America after more than two months of adrift on the sea.

Washington grabbed the little Indian girl by the neck, put an iron hook into her chin, and hung it on a stripping stake

Restoration of the Mayflower

These people, with their hypocritical faces, professed to be believers in God when they opened and closed their mouths, gained the trust of the local indigenous Indians to help them. After the so-called greedy hands were full of food and drink, these people began to find a way to occupy the magpie's nest, and while they gave blankets and clothes stained with smallpox virus to the Indians, provoking their tribal conflicts, they also flew pigeons to spread the word, calling for more European villagers to come-----

It was during this process that Washington's ancestors arrived, and by the time Washington was born in 1732, Britain had completed its early expansion into North America, acquiring 13 permanent colonies. After several generations of accumulation, the Washington family, which had been unable to mix in Britain, also became a big slave owner on the rich side, in charge of a large estate and more than 300 black slaves.

Washington grabbed the little Indian girl by the neck, put an iron hook into her chin, and hung it on a stripping stake

Although his family has a lot of money, Washington can't feel at ease to be a rich second generation, he has two dreams, one is to become a British officer, and the other is to inherit the family craft. His father and even his ancestors were cobblers, relying on this craft to survive for a hundred years, so this craft must not be discarded, he has perfectly peeled the fur of all kinds of animals, but what he likes to be obsessed with the most is human skin.

Because he was good at business, inherited a high inheritance from his father and brother, married a richer widow, and accumulated military merit and prestige by joining the army, Washington's life began to rise step by step.

In 1775, he also became commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, and led his team to fight the Revolutionary War, which they wanted to end the British colonial oppression, and at the same time, take the opportunity to eliminate the Indians and completely take possession of North America.

Washington grabbed the little Indian girl by the neck, put an iron hook into her chin, and hung it on a stripping stake

American Revolutionary War

Since they are all going to be destroyed, why not make their deaths more valuable? Washington's subordinates revealed in their book that the reason for this was because Washington had heard that human skin is the best leather, especially when made into leather boots, which is both warm and beautiful, which is very important for the United States, which is preparing to stand on its own.

For a long time, as colonies, their task was to farm the land, and there was no industry at all. Now they are going to set up their own doors, but when they leave England, they are poor and have nothing, and they can't even make a piece of cloth. And invention and creation on the road of industry is not something that can be achieved overnight, so they hope that the Indians can make this contribution to them before they die, and help them survive the long cold winter in North America.

Such a cruel and technically demanding thing is naturally set an example by a family of leathersmiths in Washington. They drove the Indians in droves, erected a row of skinning piles, and taught the craft to the soldiers on the spot in Washington.

One day, in the midst of a group of Indians, a little girl was pulled over, she was trembling with tears in her eyes, although she was not yet 10 years old, she also understood what was going to happen to her.

Washington grabbed the little Indian girl by the neck, put an iron hook into her chin, and hung it on a stripping stake

Little Indian girl web picture

Washington stretched out his big bloody hand and pulled the little girl to hang her, but the little girl suddenly mustered up her courage and cried and said to him: "Uncle, I beg you one thing, I have a special scar on my chest, can you expose the skin on my chest when you make leather boots?" That way, maybe my mom will be able to see me again-------"

No matter how much the girl prayed, Washington was unmoved, and in his eyes, it was no different from slaughtering a cow or sheep. He carried the girl by the neck, pierced her chin with an iron hook, hung her up, and began to move. The sharp blade cut through the skin on the top of the girl's head, and blood flowed all over her face, but even if she was angry, a stubborn voice came out of her mouth: "Please let my mother find me." ”

While demonstrating his skills, Washington explained to the soldiers: "Skinning must be done alive, because when you die, it will become cold and stiff, and the skin and flesh will stick together, and it will be difficult to get rid of, and it will be easy to rot." It's from the top of your head, and if you want boots and leather pants, just strip from the hips. ”

Washington grabbed the little Indian girl by the neck, put an iron hook into her chin, and hung it on a stripping stake


In the surrounding numb, fearful, trembling Indian crowd, finally someone couldn't bear it anymore and let out an angry roar, anyway, they all died in the same way, what's the use of being afraid? So a shout and curse came:

"Washington, you don't die well, you are ungrateful-----"

"Even if you kill your children, you will cut off your children and grandchildren-------"

In order to gag them, the soldiers went into action, but after only three or two hours, the crowd was completely silent, and they became a pile of leather stacked together, and could no longer make a sound.

In just five years, 28 of the 30 towns owned by the Indians were destroyed, more than 10 million Indians were turned into leather, and only about 200,000 survived.

Washington grabbed the little Indian girl by the neck, put an iron hook into her chin, and hung it on a stripping stake

No one spoke of the curse of the Indians anymore, and Washington, the cobbler, became a hero and a father of the nation in their eyes because he had won the benefits of the Americans. After Washington's death, the American pastor Weems, who thought that the United States in its infancy must be in great need of a spiritual leader's guidance, used his imagination to make up a book that put Washington on the altar. In order to live comfortably on other people's land, Western history has also attributed the genocide of the Indians to infectious diseases such as smallpox and tuberculosis. To put it simply, they didn't create it, and the virus became extinct at a moment's notice, and the land was picked up by us, and we are all good people.

In 1776, the United States was founded, so the Indians quickly decreased to a rarity, in order to exterminate them all, in 1814, the United States also issued a bounty decree, whoever can hand in an Indian's skull, can get a reward of 50 to 100 dollars, which at the time, is a considerable amount.

In recent years, because of the maturity of DNA technology, scientists have made astonishing discoveries through the analysis of the genetic map of Latin American residents, the Indians are obviously about to become extinct, but in the genes of Latin Americans, 90% of the maternal genes are from Indian women, and the paternal line is basically white European males. Could it be that the smallpox virus only infects Indian men? Such a clumsy lie, is it embarrassing to take it out to deceive people?

The truth is like the stars in the night sky, even if it is obscured by dark clouds for a while, there will be a time when the sky will reappear. On March 2, 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the mainland released a 10,000-word long article, which used a large amount of evidence to prove that the genocide of Indians by the United States did exist, and the evidence could not be refuted.

Washington grabbed the little Indian girl by the neck, put an iron hook into her chin, and hung it on a stripping stake

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a document

The tender grass is afraid of frost and frost, and the wicked have their own wicked grinding. The land that was snatched by the massacre was only two hundred years of glory before it was taken away by the Jews, and the madness of the Jews in Gaza today is exactly the same as the cruelty of the Ansars to the Indians in those days.

Author's WeChat public account: Barnyard official on history, welcome to follow.