
Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities

author:New fingertips

"I swear: cherish life, stay away from drugs, and resolutely fight against drugs! Start with me, be proud of resisting drugs, and be ashamed of taking drugs and selling drugs! Clean and self-love, never get involved in drugs!" The sonorous oath of more than 500 participating cadres, teachers and students pushed the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activity to a climax, and also deeply imprinted the awareness of anti-drug and anti-drug in the hearts of every participant.

Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities

It is reported that in order to implement the relevant arrangements of the superiors on the publicity work of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day and solidly promote the drug prevention education in Huolianpo Town, on the morning of June 26, the Party Committee and Government of Huolianpo Town, Li County, held a grand launching ceremony for the anti-drug publicity month with the theme of "preventing young people from abusing addictive substances such as narcotics-related drugs" in the town's middle school. More than 500 people participated in the event, including all cadres and volunteers of Huolianpo Town, teachers and students of middle schools, county education bureaus, anti-drug workers of Ganxitan Town, Wharf Pu Town, Jinluo Town and Wangjiachang Town, and Qin Pengfei, deputy director of the county government office, director of the county bureau of letters and visits, and director of the county drug control office, was invited to attend the ceremony and delivered an opening speech.

Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities
Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities
Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities
Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities
Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities

Qin Pengfei pointed out that it is necessary to maintain a high degree of vigilance at all times, deeply understand the importance and urgency of anti-drug work, and take this activity as an opportunity to actively participate in drug prevention education and drug problem management, so that the rejection of drugs will gradually become a conscious action of all sectors of society.

Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities
Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities
Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities
Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities
Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities
Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities

At the ceremony, Liu Xiaojie, secretary of the town party committee, expressed her heartfelt thanks to people from all walks of life who have long cared, supported and participated in the anti-drug work in her speech, and put forward requirements for the development of anti-drug work. It is necessary to make concerted efforts to strengthen the implementation of anti-drug responsibilities; It is necessary to prevent and cure the problem by the masses and form a joint anti-narcotics force in society. Student representative Zhou Sichen said in his speech that he would start from the small things around him and consciously resist the temptation of drugs. Subsequently, all the participants signed the signature board of "Voluntary Resistance to Drugs" and visited the anti-drug exhibition board to learn more about the types and harms of drugs, as well as the achievements of anti-drug work in recent years. The students said that through this activity, they had a deeper understanding of the harm of drugs and enhanced their awareness of drug prevention.

Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities
Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities
Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities

The launching ceremony is an important measure of the county's anti-drug propaganda work, and it is also an important part of the anti-drug propaganda month activities, aiming to stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in the anti-drug struggle. In the next step, Huolianpo Town will continue to publicize in the Shanhe Market on the edge of Lisong Village, create a strong national anti-drug atmosphere, and make every effort to lay a solid foundation for escorting the healthy growth of young people, reducing the social harm of drugs, and maintaining social harmony and stability.

Source: Huolianpo Town, Li County

Author: Zhao Bin

Huolianpo Town, Li County, successfully held the launching ceremony of the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity activities

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