
Xiaosu "The Door"

author:Qi Lu Qingwei is gone


Yinfeng Building is located in the best area of a university in Wuhan, surrounded by green trees and red flowers, and is a townhouse built by the school in order to recruit high-end talents. Professor Niu Jian lives in the opposite door of Professor Kangzhuang. In other words, Professor Kang Zhuang lives in the opposite door of Professor Niujian. Although the two professors lived opposite each other, they had not had any intersection before, and they had not even spoken a word. Because, Professor Niu Jian has only been transferred here for half a month.

It wasn't until the fifteenth day when Niu Jian lived on the opposite side of Kangzhuang that the two professors began to communicate. That evening, when it was about to be dinner, Niu Jian and his wife Yin Jie suddenly quarreled violently. It is precisely because of this frame that the tip of the cow has attracted the attention of Kangzhuang.

Niu Jian is a professor of logic who is quite influential in the academic world, and was named a Changjiang Scholar in his early forties. Born in Harbin, he grew up in Beijing and later taught at a university in Tianjin. In the north, whether it is work or life, he can be called like a fish in water. When people are middle-aged, the reason why Niu Jian resolutely went south is mainly because of his wife Yin Jie. Yin Jie is a native of Wuhan, and has never been able to adapt to the dry and cold climate in the north, and she dreams of returning to Wuhan. Of course, the 500,000 annual salary offered by the school to Niu Jian is also very attractive. In addition, this spacious and comfortable Yinfeng Building also made him excited.

The cause of the quarrel stemmed from Niu Jian acting as a matchmaker for Yin Jie's cousin. On the evening of the third day of her transfer from Tianjin to Wuhan, Yin Jie's cousin Yang Guan hosted a banquet at the Playboy Hotel in Hankou to wash the dust for her cousin and cousin-in-law. Yang Guan is in the steel business, not only wealthy, but also talented. It's a pity that he is too demanding in choosing a mate, and he always wants to find a woman who looks like a movie star as his wife, but he is dazzled and dragged on until he is thirty-seven years old and is still alone.

That night, after three rounds of drinking, Yang Guan suddenly grabbed the tip of the cow with both hands and said, Brother-in-law, you have many beauties in Harbin, help me introduce one. Niu Jian has always been not interested in such things as talking about the media, so he didn't answer Yang Guan's words. Yin Jie took it seriously, and hurriedly patted Niu Jian's knee, and begged while being coquettish, you can introduce one to your cousin, who made you his brother-in-law! Seeing that Yin Jie was so concerned, Niu Jian asked Yang Guan, what are the conditions? Yang Guan replied like an endorsement, one must have good facial features, two must have a good figure, three must have good skin, and four must be sexy.

As long as the above four criteria are met, nothing else matters. Before Yang Guan's words fell, Niu Jian's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly remembered the sister of one of his middle school classmates. The classmate's sister is called Hu Jiao, born a beauty, tall, with a straight chest and hips, bright eyes and bright teeth, all kinds of charms, and everyone loves her. It's a pity that she has no intention of studying since she was a child, and after graduating from high school, she didn't even get into three universities, and naturally she couldn't find a stable job. Last summer, Niu Jian went back to Harbin to meet the classmate, and when he talked about his sister Hu Jiao's marriage, his face was full of helplessness.

Yang Guan listened to Niu Jian's introduction, and couldn't help but be very excited, and immediately begged Niu Jian to help him match, and swore that he said, brother-in-law, you let Hu Jiao take a plane to Wuhan as soon as possible, I want to finalize the marriage with her in person. Niu Jian asked curiously, is it so urgent? Yang Guan said, without further ado, let's say that we are not young anymore. Niu Jian hesitated for a moment and said, I can let her come to Wuhan, but what if you can't negotiate? Who is responsible for the cost of her back and forth? Yang Guan patted his chest and smiled and said, please rest assured brother-in-law, no matter what the outcome is, all Hu Jiao's expenses are covered by me. Yin Jie also said to Niu Jian that my cousin has money, and he will not be untrustworthy. Niu Jian said, okay, I'll hurry up and get in touch with my classmates.

Things went well, and a week later, Hu Jiao flew from Harbin to Wuhan. It is a bit unfortunate that in the past few days when Hu Jiao came to Wuhan, Niu Jian was going to Shanghai to attend a national annual conference of logic, and he would also give a keynote speech at the meeting. It would have been decided a few months ago, and he had to go. However, out of courtesy, Niu Jian still accompanied Yang Guan to Tianhe Airport to greet Hu Jiao in his busy schedule. Hu Jiao is indeed beautiful, especially sexy. When she appeared in front of Yang Guan in a beautiful windbreaker, Yang Guan's two eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets. Ah, we seem to have seen it! Yang Guan said excitedly, handing a bouquet of bright roses to Hu Jiao as he spoke. Hu Jiao took the roses with both hands, smiled and asked, have we met? Where is it? Yang Guan thought about it and said, in a dream. After speaking, the two couldn't help but look at each other and smile.

After coming out of the airport, Yang Guan took Hu Jiao directly to the Shangri-La Hotel with his BMW. He had invited Niu Jian to join them for dinner, but Niu Jian was going to fly to Shanghai early the next morning, so he politely declined. When they broke up, Niu Jian also sincerely wished Yang Guan and Hu Jiao all their wishes come true.

Niu Jian did not expect that the situation would change suddenly within two days. The Shanghai conference had just ended, and Niu Jian received a call from a classmate from Harbin. As soon as the classmate opened his mouth, he asked Niu Jian, what is that cousin of yours? It's so deceitful! Niu Jian was blindsided for a moment, and asked in confusion, what's wrong? The classmate said indignantly, you should ask my sister. She was called to Wuhan by you, and you must be responsible for her. Niu Jian immediately dialed Hu Jiao's mobile phone and asked her what trouble she was in. Hu Jiao first shouted Brother Jian, and then cried silently and said that Yang Guan is a liar! Niu Jian anxiously asked, what the hell is going on? Hu Jiao suddenly fell silent and didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, she sobbed violently and said, Brother Jian, I don't want to say anything superfluous, I think I'm unlucky. You let the surnamed Yang fulfill his original promise and pay me 3,000 yuan. This is the cost of my round-trip trip, including airfare, food and accommodation. After getting this money, I will go back to Harbin immediately. After speaking, Hu Jiao sobbed again. Niu Jian wanted to comfort Hu Jiao a few words, but he didn't know what to say for a while, so he had to hang up the phone.

Back in Wuhan, Niu Jian originally planned to go to Yang Guanxing as soon as he got off the plane to ask for the guilt, but when he thought of Xiucai's encounter with the ancient admonition of soldiers, he changed his mind and took the subway directly from the airport back to his home. He thought that as long as he saw Yin Jie, everything would be revealed, and Hu Jiao's 3,000 yuan expenses would be solved.

When Niu Jian entered the door, Yin Jie had already carefully prepared dinner. The dinner is very rich, all of which are like to eat by Niu Jian, including pork ribs and simmered lotus root soup, steamed Wuchang fish, and hairy crabs from Tangxun Lake. However, in the face of this table full of delicacies, Niu Jian had no appetite at all. After entering the door, Niu Jian threw down his luggage and asked, what happened to Yang Guan and Hu Jiao? Yin Jie sighed and said, alas, they have no fate. Niu Jian snorted with his nostrils and said, what fate is not fate, you have something to say. Yin Jie simply said that Yang Guan thought that Hu Jiao's quality was problematic and didn't want to talk to her.

Niu Jian was stunned and asked, is there a problem with the quality? Why did Yang Guan say this about Hu Jiao? Yin Jie said that Yang Guan went to Harbin five years ago to run business and met Hu Jiao in the sauna city. Niu Jian was stunned for a moment, as if he had been beaten on the head. After about five minutes, Niu Jian woke up like a dream and said, "In that case, I don't want to say anything more." You tell Yang Guan to let him pay Hu Jiao 3,000 yuan for the round-trip expenses immediately, and send her back to Harbin as soon as possible. After Niu Jian finished speaking, he sat down at the table and prepared to eat. In his opinion, the matter of Yang Guan and Hu Jiao has almost come to an end. Besides, he didn't want to bother with this anymore.

However, as soon as Niu Jian picked up the chopsticks, Yin Jie suddenly spoke. She said that Yang Guan did not agree to pay Hu Jiao that money. Niu Jian asked in surprise, why? Yin Jie muttered and said that Yang Guan thought that Hu Jiao had been an escort and was not worth paying for her. Niu Jian suddenly became angry, slapped the chopsticks on the table and said, how can this be reasonable! What does Hu Jiao's presence as an escort have to do with him paying? Yang Guan patted his chest and swore to me that day, saying that no matter what the outcome was, Hu Jiao's round-trip expenses would be covered by him. A big man can't go back on his word! Yin Jie whispered, I persuaded Yang Guan, but he was very stubborn and resolutely refused to give this money. Hearing Yin Jie say this, Niu Jian's lungs exploded. He suddenly got up, stretched out his hand and pointed at Yin Jie's face and said, Hu Jiao's 3,000 yuan, if your cousin can't cheat, then you will pay it. Yin Jie glared and asked, why let me out? Niu Jian said, you vouched for Yang Guan that day, and promised that he would not be untrustworthy. If you don't come forward to vouch, I will definitely not let Hu Jiao come to Wuhan. Yang Guan regrets it now, you have to pay this money for him, you have to pay it!

Yin Jie didn't expect Niu Jian to be so serious. She glared at Niu Jian a few times, and then sneered twice and said, What if I don't come out? Niu Jian saw Yin Jie's expression, and immediately turned his face. He let go of his voice and shouted, if you don't pay this money, I'm not done with you! Niu Jian said as he opened his hands and lifted all the bowls and plates on the table to the ground, beating them to pieces. Next, Niu Jian simply smashed the fish tank in the living room. The sound of the fish tank cracking was deafening, which made Kang Zhuang and his wife Yu Fengru on the other side of the door thunder.


Kangzhuang lived in Yinfeng Building half a year earlier than Niujian. He was also introduced by the school as a high-end talent, although he is not a Changjiang scholar, but his popularity far exceeds that of the other side. Of course, this is not unrelated to the academic field of Kangzhuang. His study of Tang and Song literature is obviously more interesting than the traditional logic of Niu Jian's study. Moreover, there are more than a dozen monographs on Tang and Song poetry, among which the most influential is "Liu Yong's Commentary", which has been reprinted more than 20 times by the publishing house. It stands to reason that it is more than enough for Kangzhuang to comment on a Changjiang scholar. The disadvantage is that when he was about to make the final evaluation, someone suddenly reported that he had beautified the relationship between Yoo Yong and the prostitute in class. As a result of this paper report, his Changjiang scholars were in the soup.

Before moving to Wuhan, Kangzhuang worked at a university in Chongqing. Regarding Kangzhuang's transfer, there is a theory that the whistleblower is one of his colleagues in Chongqing. Can't be provoked, can afford to hide. So he came to Wuhan in a fit of rage. However, Kang Zhuang denied this claim. He said that the reason why he left Chongqing was entirely for his wife's body. Yu Feng suffers from severe rheumatic heart disease and has long suffered from the smog and humidity of Chongqing. Comparatively speaking, Wuhan is much drier. Kang Zhuang's explanation may be true, because Yu Feng is indeed sick. In people's impressions, she has never been to work since she came to this school, lying at home all day to recuperate, and occasionally going out to the hospital to seek medical treatment and buy medicine.

According to people who are familiar with Kangzhuang, he was very cheerful and even a little extroverted when he was in Chongqing. In class, he has bronze teeth and iron teeth, and his mouth is like a river, and he talks endlessly; In life, he is fast-talking, laughing and scolding, and humorous. However, after coming to Wuhan, he completely changed as a person, silent, withdrawn, indifferent, and did not talk much when he met people, often keeping his head down and taking detours. He seems to only care about two things, in addition to his own academic research, and then his wife Yu Feng's illness. Most of the time, Kang Zhuang stayed at home, closed his door, and took care of Yu Feng while writing books and talking.

That night, when the sound of the fish tank cracking came from the opposite door, Kang Zhuang and Yu Feng had just finished dinner. In the past, dinner was usually cooked by Kang Zhuang, but he had to rush to write the conclusion of a paper that day, and after writing it, he had to send it downstairs to the printing shop to ask someone to record it, so Yu Feng forced his body to rush to the kitchen. Hearing the sound, Kang Zhuang and Yu Feng were both taken aback. In contrast, Yu Feng's reaction was much stronger. She couldn't help but snort, showing a panicked expression. Kang Zhuang was only stunned for a moment, calmed down after a while, and then went to clean up the dishes and chopsticks as if nothing happened.

When Kang Zhuang came out of the kitchen, Niu Jian and Yin Jie had not stopped arguing, and the noise seemed to be getting worse and worse. However, Kang Zhuang did not bother to care about their quarrel. He went straight to the study, wanting to send the paper downstairs as soon as possible to record, and it was best to print it out overnight.

However, Kang Zhuang was about to walk out of the living room with the manuscript when suddenly there was a shrill argument at the door, accompanied by a woman's scream. The scream sounded very poignant and made the scalp tighten, obviously coming from Yin Jie's mouth. Maybe because she is also a woman, Yu Feng suddenly felt compassion. She grabbed one of Kang Zhuang's hands and said in a pleading tone, Lao Kang, you go to the other door to persuade them, or pull them away. But Kang Zhuang said, is this necessary? Yu Feng said, after all, they are neighbors. Kang Zhuang thought about it and said, I want to go to you, I don't want to be nosy. Yu Feng frowned and said, I'm sick and crooked, so let's go! At this moment, another scream came from the opposite door. Yu Feng hurriedly said, Lao Kang, you hurry up and persuade them, I beg you! Seeing that Yu Feng was so anxious, Kang Zhuang didn't say anything more and quickly went to the opposite door.

After about five minutes, Kang Zhuang came back from the opposite door, followed by Niu Jian. The cow's glasses had a broken left leg, and there was a bloody mark on the right side of his face from a fingernail. It is conceivable that he and Yin Jie not only quarreled, smashed bowls and plates, smashed fish tanks, but also beat people. In addition, it can also be seen that Yin Jie is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The tip of the cow looks very generous, or a little bit big. As soon as he entered, he sat calmly on the sofa in the living room, as if he had returned to his own home. Out of the habit of treating people, Yu Feng served Niu Jian a cup of tea. He took it with one hand and drank it immediately. Kang Zhuang stood near the gate, holding the manuscript in his hand, looking absent-minded, as if he was ready to go downstairs at any moment. However, he was about to reach out to open the door, but Niu Jian took the initiative to talk about his quarrel with Yin Jie. So, Kang Zhuang quickly retracted his outstretched hand, and turned around and walked to Niu Jian's side, putting on a posture of listening to his ears.

Niu Jian bluntly told the ins and outs of the matter. He was eloquent and concise, but also clear. After speaking, he paused, took a sip of tea, and then waved a hand and said, in fact, the three thousand yuan is a trivial matter, the key is that they don't talk about logic. We live in a world where everything must be done according to basic logical principles. If the basic principles of logic are violated, everything will be thrown out of order. So, we should unswervingly defend logic. He spoke in a subdued voice, impassionedly, and with emotion. Yu Feng nodded again and again when he heard this, and Kang Zhuang involuntarily slapped his slap a few times.

After talking about the quarrel, Niu Jian suddenly stretched his eyes into the kitchen. Although the glass door of the kitchen was closed, he could faintly see the kitchenware inside. After looking at it for a while, Niu Jian couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, then turned his head and asked Yu Feng, have you had dinner? Yu Feng said, I have eaten it. Niu Jian swallowed another mouthful of saliva and said, I haven't eaten yet, and my stomach is hungry. Yu Feng heard Niu Jian's words, and didn't know how to answer for a while. Kang Zhuang hurriedly grabbed the conversation and said, It's a pity that our dinner is very simple, only some leftovers are left, and there is nothing to satisfy your hunger. Niu Jian said, "If there is leftover juice, let it be leftovers, so that Hanako is not too cold." When Yu Feng heard Niu Jian say this, he felt ridiculous and pitiful, so he went to the kitchen and brought out the unfinished half plate of dumplings.

Niu Jian took the dumplings with both hands, said sorry with a red face, and then devoured them. Kang Zhuang looked at him with strange eyes, as if he was looking at a monster. Niu Jian found Kang Zhuang's curiosity, so he asked bluntly, you must think I am incredible, right? Kang Zhuang frankly, a little. Niu Jian swallowed a dumpling and said, under normal circumstances, I would not ask for food at your house, but today's situation is special. Kang Zhuang was stunned for a moment and asked, how do you say this? Niu Jian said, today I was dragged to your house by you, and it can be said that I was invited by you, so you should be responsible for my food and drink. When Kang Zhuang heard this, he couldn't cry or laugh, and couldn't help but widen his eyes and ask, is this also the logical principle you are talking about? Niu Jian said, exactly. He said as he ate another dumpling.

When there were only three dumplings left on the plate, Niu Jian suddenly asked Kangzhuang, do you have beer at home? Kang Zhuang said, no, no one in our family has ever drunk beer. Yu Feng said that there is liquor. Niu Jian said, liquor hurts the stomach, I have never drunk liquor. Kang Zhuang said, then you can bear with it. Niu Jian smiled bitterly and said, I've endured it for a long time, but I can't help it. I can't help it, I'll just take this bite.

Kang Zhuang didn't pay attention to Niu Jian anymore, thinking that this person was too much. He threw down the tip of the bull and turned to walk out the door. However, just as Kang Zhuang was about to go out, the cow screamed and stopped him. Where are you going? Niu Jian asked. Go downstairs to the printing shop and find someone to record. Kang Zhuang replied. Niu Jian asked strangely, what? Don't you know how to use a computer? Kang Zhuang said, I don't like computers, I always use pens. The bull-tipped monster laughed and said, "That's a lot of trouble." Yu Feng interjected and said, it was okay before, I recorded all the articles he wrote for him. Later, when I got sick, he felt sorry for me and wouldn't let me record it. Niu Jian sighed when he heard it, Mr. Kang is really a loving and righteous person!

Kang Zhuang still didn't pay attention to Niu Jian, and strode out of the door and went downstairs. However, he had just descended two stairs when Niu Jian suddenly chased him to the door. Mr. Kang, wait a minute. Niu Jian said hurriedly. What's the matter? Kang Zhuang looked back and asked. Niu Jian said, you just be a good person to the end, help me buy a can of beer, preferably from Cordon Bleu. Kang Zhuang said unceremoniously, you can buy it yourself. Niu Jian smiled and said, I didn't bring my mobile phone when I went out, I was penniless, what to buy? Besides, I was pulled out by you, and you must be responsible for me, this is the minimum logic. As soon as Niu Jian said this, Kang Zhuang was speechless, so he had to shake his head vigorously, shaking and saying, alas, I have hit a ghost today.

After Niu Jian finished drinking the beer, it was almost ten o'clock. Yu Feng was weak and went into the bedroom to rest in advance. Niu Jian sat firmly on the sofa, his eyes fixed on the TV, and he had no intention of leaving. Kang Zhuang kept looking at his phone, suggesting that it was time for Niu Jian to go. But Niu Jian turned a blind eye and was indifferent. Later, Kang Zhuang simply issued an eviction order, and said with a gloomy face, Mr. Niu, it's not too early, you should go home. Niu Jian spread his hands and said, I want to go home too, but I'm too embarrassed to go back. Kang Zhuang asked, why? Niu Jian said, I said the reason a long time ago, I was pulled out by you, if my lover doesn't invite me home, how can I have the face to go back? It's a logical question.

Kang Zhuang completely obeyed the tip of the cow. He stared at him with round eyes, shook his head and smiled bitterly and said, It seems that you are relying on me today! With that, he stepped out of the door with his legs open and walked straight towards the opposite door. Looking at the back of Kangzhuang, Niu Jian said humorously, if you had done this earlier, you could have saved half a plate of dumplings and a can of beer.

Fortunately, Kangzhuang's trip was not in vain. Ten minutes later, Kang Zhuang returned, followed by Yin Jie. Seeing Yin Jie, Niu Jian couldn't help but be secretly happy, and asked proudly, is Mrs. here to invite me home? Yin Jie glanced at him and said, you are really thick-skinned! Niu Jian suddenly lowered his face at this time and asked, what about the three thousand yuan? Yin Jie said angrily, isn't it just three thousand yuan? I came out for my cousin! Niu Jian said, that's right, everything must abide by the principle of logic. After a pause, Niu Jian said again, in fact, 3,000 yuan is a trivial matter, and the key is to talk about logic. If you don't follow logic, the world will be chaotic.

When he said goodbye and went out, Niu Jian gently patted Yin Jie's back and whispered, Hu Jiao's 3,000 yuan, I should pay it. Yin Jie asked in surprise, why? Didn't you insist that Yang Guan and I go out? Niu Jian said, I have repeatedly emphasized that money is a trivial matter, and the key is a logical problem.


After Niu Jian paid 3,000 yuan to Hu Jiao, he didn't let her go back to Harbin immediately. He asked her to stay in Wuhan for a few more days to see East Lake and the Yellow Crane Tower. For convenience, Hu Jiao was arranged by Niu Jian to live in the academic exchange center on campus. This is actually a hotel, and it is also very close to Yinfeng Tower.

On this morning, Niu Jian went to the hotel to have breakfast with Hu Jiao, which happened to be attended by Kangzhuang at an academic salon here, and the two met unexpectedly. They met in the western restaurant on the first floor, and in fact, they ate Chinese food, because the Chinese restaurant on the second floor was not open in the morning, and both Western and Chinese food were eaten in the western restaurant. However, Hu Jiao eats Western food, coffee, bread, grilled steak, and caviar. She has lived in Harbin since she was a child, and her diet and clothing are relatively fashionable, or a little westernized.

Niu Jian and Hu Jiao sat on a booth by the window. Before this, although Kang Zhuang had never met Hu Jiao, he still guessed her at once. This beauty is Hu Jiao, right? Kang Zhuang turned his head to ask Niu Jian, but his eyes were fixed on Hu Jiao's face. Yes, she is the sister of my classmate. Niu Jian said lukewarmly. Kang Zhuang looked at Hu Jiao with blazing eyes, and said a little excitedly, I thought you went back to Harbin, but you were still in Wuhan! Hu Jiao said, Brother Jian left me to play for two days, and he will leave soon. Kang Zhuang said, don't be in a hurry, there are many interesting places in Wuhan, such as the Guqin Terrace in Hanyang, where the story of mountains and rivers takes place. Hu Jiao said that I had already been to Qintai yesterday and watched a performance at the Qintai Grand Theater. Kang Zhuang was slightly depressed, stunned for a moment and asked, have you ever been to Mulan Mountain? It is even more famous than the piano table. Hu Jiao said truthfully that she had never been there. Kang Zhuang hurriedly said, I just want to accompany two foreign scholars to Mulan Mountain today, why don't you go with us.

Regarding Kangzhuang's invitation, Hu Jiao did not comment. She looked up at Niu Jian, as if waiting for him to make a statement. But Niu Jian ignored it and got up and went to the bathroom. When Niu Jian went to the bathroom, Kang Zhuang proposed to add WeChat to Hu Jiao. Hu Jiao hesitated, and then added Kangzhuang.

According to the plan in advance, Niu Jian would invite Hu Jiao to go out to eat Wuchang fish at noon that day. Hu Jiao was about to return to Harbin the next day, and Niu Jian decided to make a trip for her, which was regarded as fulfilling the friendship of the landlord. In any case, Hu Jiao is the sister of his classmate, and she screams one by one. At first, Niu Jian planned to buy a few Wuchang fish to cook at home, thinking that the family banquet was more solemn. But Yin Jie resolutely objected, saying that Hu Jiao had been an escort girl, and it was not worth inviting her to dinner at home. Niu Jian couldn't resist Yin Jie, so he had to invite Hu Jiao to eat outside.

The sunlight outside the window is already very dazzling. Niu Jian raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and said to Hu Jiao, it's time for us to go, we can go around for a while when we get to Guishan, and then go to the river to eat Wuchang fish. Hu Jiao immediately got up and said, let's go. Kang Zhuang saw that Hu Jiao was leaving, and he looked a little flustered. He was stunned for a few seconds, his eyes rolled suddenly, and he said reluctantly, Miss Hu, can you please wait for a while? Hu Jiao blinked and asked, is there anything else wrong with Mr. Kang? Kang Zhuang said, I'll go to the room to get a book, and ask Miss Hu to correct it. Hu Jiao blushed and said, at my level, where can I understand Professor Kang's masterpiece? Kang Zhuang said, my book is very popular, Miss Hu will definitely be able to understand it.

After speaking, Kang Zhuang left the restaurant quickly. After walking out of the restaurant, he deliberately turned around and told Hu Jiao, Miss Hu, you must wait for me. Hu Jiaozheng didn't know how to answer, Niu Jian sneered and said, these people who are engaged in literature are always sour.

As soon as Niu Jian's words fell, Kang Zhuang trotted all the way back to the restaurant, holding a copy of "Liu Yong's Commentary" in his hand. Hu Jiao asked, who is Liu Yong? Kang Zhuang said, you will understand it as soon as you read it. Although Niu Jian has not studied literature, he still knows a little about Liu Yong. He is a representative lyricist of the Northern Song Dynasty's graceful school, suave, amorous, and well-behaved, and there are countless prostitutes. It is said that on the day of Younaga's funeral, prostitutes in the city of Tokyo poured out of their nests and gathered in groups to dress him in linen and filial piety, crying loudly. Niu Jian looked at the cover of "Liu Yong's Commentary" and pondered for a long time, wanting to say something to Kang Zhuang, but after thinking about it, he couldn't help it. However, when it was time to say goodbye, Niu Jian still took the initiative to say hello to Kangzhuang. However, Kang Zhuang was a little cold to Niu Jian, and his attention seemed to be all focused on Hu Jiao. He said affectionately, Miss Hu, I hope we will have a date in the future! With that, he also stretched out a hand to her and shook it like a Western gentleman.

At ten o'clock in the morning of the next day, Niu Jian drove to the hotel on time according to the appointment time of the previous day, ready to send Hu Jiao to the airport. It stands to reason that before Niu Jian arrived, Hu Jiao should have brought her luggage and waited in front of the hotel. The strange thing is that Niu Jian hasn't seen Hu Jiao for five minutes. After another five minutes, before Hu Jiao appeared, Niu Jian dialed her phone. What about people? Niu Jian asked. Hu Jiao said hesitantly, Brother Jian, the situation has changed somewhat, and I won't go back to Harbin for the time being. Niu Jian was taken aback and asked, what's wrong? Is something wrong? Hu Jiao said in a hurry, one or two sentences are not clear, I will find an opportunity to explain to you.

Niu Jian was dumbfounded. He felt that Hu Jiao had suddenly changed into a different person, strange and mysterious. At the same time, he also vaguely felt that Hu Jiao deliberately hid something from him. Therefore, Niu Jian felt very angry and didn't want to care about Hu Jiao anymore. He quickly raised the glass on the door and was about to walk away. However, Niu Jian's heart was very entangled, full of contradictions, and he just started the car and turned off the engine. He thought that after all, Hu Jiao was the sister of her classmate, and she was called to Wuhan by him, so she had to be responsible to the end, otherwise she would not be able to explain to her brother at that time. Thinking like this, Niu Jian dialed Hu Jiao's mobile phone again and asked seriously, where are you now? Hu Jiao hesitated for a long time and said, I'm in the hotel room. Niu Jian said, I want to talk to you. Hu Jiao asked, when? Niu Jian said, right now, I'll go to your room right away. Hu Jiao hurriedly said, not now, I haven't gotten up yet, it's not very convenient. Niu Jian froze suddenly, and his hands were lying on the steering wheel, as if he had been struck by lightning. That day, Niu Jian didn't know how he drove the car back to Yinfeng Tower.

Two days later, in the evening, Niu Jian went out for a half-hour walk after dinner, and when he returned to the small garden in front of Yinfeng Tower, he unexpectedly met Kangzhuang. At that time, the night was hazy, everything was shadowy, and everything seemed plausible. When he first met, Niu Jian didn't recognize Kangzhuang, and it wasn't until Kangzhuang came over to say hello that he found out that he lived in Kangzhuang on the other side.

Niu Jian said, Mr. Kang also came out for a walk? Kang Zhuang said, no, I went out to meet someone. He pronounced the words very strongly, and he pronounced the words with extra force, as if he was emphasizing something to the tip of the cow. Niu Jian didn't care, showing that he was in a hurry to go home. Kang Zhuang didn't let him leave, and asked, do you know who I went out to meet? Niu Jian said coldly, I don't know, and I'm not interested. Kang Zhuang suddenly took a step closer to Niu Jian, increased his voice and said, This person I saw, you should be interested. Niu Jian was stunned and asked, is it? Kang Zhuang said, of course, otherwise I wouldn't have taken the initiative to mention it to you. Kang Zhuang's voice fell, Niu Jian's mind suddenly fluttered, and his eyes swelled a round. It can't be Hu Jiao, right? Niu Jian couldn't wait to ask. Kang Zhuang said that exactly.

There was no moon or stars that night. A few dim street lamps blinked in the cracks of the trees, looking like ghosts. It took ten minutes for Niu Jian to come back to his senses. He asked Kangzhuang weakly, did Hu Jiao not return to Harbin because of you? Kang Zhuang said frankly, yes, I let her stay in Wuhan. After a moment of silence, Kang Zhuang continued, Hu Jiao was going to tell you directly, but she was a little difficult to talk about for a while, so I will explain it to her first.

Niu Jian's heart couldn't turn around all of a sudden, and he didn't speak for a long time. He felt that things were changing too fast, too fast to accept. It took a long time for Niu Jian to figure out a clue. He looked directly at Kang Zhuang and asked solemnly, how do you plan to arrange Hu Jiao? Kang Zhuang said that I decided to hire her as my family secretary. Niu Jian blinked and said, "You'd better be specific." On the one hand, she can assist me with some academic work, help me type, proofread, and print manuscripts. You know, I don't use a computer, it's always handwritten. In the past, Yu Feng could still help me record, but then she got sick, and I couldn't bear to let her work anymore. On the other hand, she can also help us with some household chores as much as she can, such as cooking, laundry, and mopping the floor, which is equivalent to a part-time job. Niu Jian thought for a while and asked, how much salary are you going to pay her? Kang Zhuang said that 8,000 per month, including food and shelter. After a pause, Kang Zhuang added that she herself was originally only six thousand, and I proposed to add it to eight thousand. Niu Jian said that the salary is not low, and it is considered a high salary in Harbin.

When they broke up that night, Niu Jian said sharply, a gentleman's words, the horse is difficult to chase, Hu Jiao was introduced to Wuhan by me, you can't be like Yin Jie's cousin who is not trustworthy. I study logic, and I talk about logical principles in everything, you know that. I mean, everything you promised to Hu Jiao must be fulfilled, and if there is fraud, I will let you go around without food. Kang Zhuang nodded frequently and said, don't worry, I will do what I say.

In the afternoon of the next day, at about half past two, Niu Jian received a call from Hu Jiao. Hu Jiao said on the phone that she was about to go to work at Kangzhuang's house, and hoped to meet Niu Jian and report the situation to him. Niu Jian was still angry with Hu Jiao, and said indignantly, you have already cooked raw rice into cooked rice, what else is there to report, and there is no need to meet. Hu Jiao said with some sadness, Brother Jian, don't talk like that, in Wuhan, you are my only relative, and it will all depend on you in the future. When Niu Jian heard this, his heart immediately softened again, and then he inquired about Hu Jiao's current residence. Hu Jiao told Niu Jian that she had moved from the hotel to the Mandarin Duck Residence, less than five minutes away from the Yinfeng Tower, and she could hear the birds of the Yinfeng Building standing on the balcony of the Mandarin Duck Residence.

Mandarin Duck House is a batch of transitional houses built by the school for young teachers in those years, because they are all two-bedroom houses, so they are called Mandarin Duck Residence. Later, many people bought commercial houses outside the school, and Yuanyang Ju was used for rent. Although this house is in disrepair, the surrounding environment is good, and there are four seasons of osmanthus everywhere, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and osmanthus flowers are fragrant.

When Niu Jian arrived at the Mandarin Duck Residence, Hu Jiao was already waiting at the door. After not seeing her for a few days, Niu Jian found that Hu Jiao was completely new from top to bottom, and it looked like all imported high-end clothes. Kangzhuang bought it for you, right? Niu Jian asked. Hu Jiao replied, yes, he said as an advance to my salary. Entering is a small living room with a new pair of sofas and a coffee table. Niu Jian asked again, this house is also rented by Kangzhuang for you? Hu Jiao said, yes, he originally let me live in their house, but I didn't feel free, so I ...... After sitting down, Hu Jiao first made a cup of jasmine tea for Niu Jian, and then whispered, Brother Jian, I think Wuhan is better than Harbin, so I stayed. Niu Jian frowned and said, Kang Zhuang told me, you don't need to bother talking anymore. Hu Jiao said uneasily, you may have misunderstood me. Niu Jian said, it's too early to talk about misunderstandings, I'm worried that you will be deceived. Hu Jiao said that Kangzhuang is sincere and will not lie to me. Niu Jian smiled and asked, have you only known him for a few days? Why believe him? Hu Jiao raised her voice and said, with his book. Niu Jian asked, is it "Liu Yong's Commentary"? Hu Jiao said with a red face, yes.

Hu Jiao said and went into the bedroom, and quickly took out "Liu Yong's Biography". The book was open, and the margins were filled with dense notes, and the notes had been inserted to the end. Hu Jiao held the book in both hands and said, how can someone who can write this book be a liar? Niu Jian said, I hope so, good luck!


Less than half a year after Kang Zhuang hired Hu Jiao as his secretary, his wife Yu Feng's condition deteriorated sharply, and she was pulled to the hospital by ambulance in the middle of the night. In all fairness, Kang Zhuang has feelings for Feng. Especially after Yu Feng fell ill, he was even more considerate, caring and loving to her. That night, Kang Zhuang did not leave after sending Yu Feng to the hospital, and he was always accompanied by the ward, and his eyelids did not close.

Before Yu Feng was admitted to the hospital, Hu Jiao always lived in Mandarin Duck Residence. Since the second day of Yu Feng's hospitalization, Hu Jiao has lived in Yinfeng Building from Mandarin Duck. She lived in it unknowingly, and she didn't even know that the cow tip who lived across the door from the house. Of course, Niujian's wife Yin Jie was even more unaware. It wasn't until half a month had passed, by chance, that Kangzhuang found that Hu Jiao lived at the opposite door. That night, Niu Jian waited for a very important intra-city express delivery, and there was no rest. It was almost eleven o'clock when there was finally a knock on the door outside. Niu Jian hurriedly opened the door and went out, but saw the courier brother knocking on the door of Kangzhuang. He was about to remind the courier brother when he gently opened a crack in the door. With the help of the light in the corridor, Niu Jian saw a white hand exposed through the crack in the door, and a diamond ring was also wearing on the hand.

Niu Jian recognized the diamond ring at a glance. It was Hu Jiao's, and it was obviously given by Kangzhuang. When I went to Mandarin Duck House for the first time, Niu Jian saw it on Hu Jiao's hands. Seeing the diamond ring again, Niu Jian was very puzzled. He thought, it's so late, how could Hu Jiao be in Kangzhuang's house? He originally planned to ask Hu Jiao directly, but Hu Jiao closed the crack in the door in a panic.

At eight o'clock in the morning of the next day, as soon as Yin Jie went out to work, Hu Jiao knocked on the door of Niujian. After opening the door, Niu Jian didn't let her in immediately, and said in a weird tone, you are so early today! Hu Jiao said unabashedly, I wanted to come over to see you early in the morning, but I was afraid that your wife would not let me in, so I waited until she went to work. Niu Jian said, she doesn't eat people, why are you afraid of her? Hu Jiao sighed and said, Brother Jian, don't ask knowingly, I am a tainted person, and Teacher Yin looks down on me at all. Before Hu Jiao's words were gone, Niu Jian suddenly used the topic to play and said, it doesn't matter whether others look up to you or not; The important thing is that you should value yourself, which is what we often call self-respect. Hu Jiao heard Niu Jian's words, her expression suddenly dimmed, and she said a little sadly, what does Brother Jian mean? If you have something to say, just as I am your own sister. Niu Jian suddenly raised his voice and said, Okay, then let's go into the house and talk.

As soon as he sat down in the living room, Niu Jian said straight to the point, If I guessed correctly, you have already lived in Kangzhuang's house. Hu Jiao said, you guessed it right, I did live in the opposite door, and I slept in the study of Kangzhuang. Niu Jian asked, when did you move in? Hu Jiao said that the day after his wife was hospitalized. Niu Jian asked, why do you want to live in their house? Hu Jiao said that Kang Zhuang said that he often had to go to the hospital to accompany Yu Feng, and I would naturally do more things, such as watering flowers and plants, thinking that it would be more convenient for me to live in their house. Niu Jian suddenly asked in an aggravated tone, Kangzhuang's wife is hospitalized, and only Kangzhuang is left in the family, do you think it is appropriate for a pair of lonely men and widows to live under the same roof? Hu Jiao blushed and said, I didn't think it was appropriate at first, but Kang Zhuang said to me......

Hu Jiao wanted to speak and stopped, as if there was something difficult to say. Niu Jian hurriedly asked, what did Kang Zhuang say to you? Hu Jiao's eyes widened, her two eyes looked at Niu Jian motionlessly, and stammered, Kang Zhuang said to me...... She still only spoke half a sentence, and swallowed the second half back into her stomach. Niu Jian said unhappily, since you don't want to tell me, then you can go, the flowers and plants on the other side are still waiting for you to water. As soon as Niu Jian said this, Hu Jiao immediately panicked, and immediately got up and said, Brother Jian, this is already the case, and I won't hide it from you. I'll tell you everything that Kang Zhuang told me. Niu Jian asked, what did he say to you? Hu Jiao said that he said that Yu Feng was suffering from cancer, which was at an advanced stage. He also said that he liked me very much, which meant that he would marry me after Feng left.

In fact, what Kang Zhuang said to Hu Jiao, Niu Jian had already guessed. However, when Hu Jiao repeated it again, he was still shocked. After being stunned for a long time, Niu Jian came to his senses and asked, do you believe Kangzhuang's words? Hu Jiao nodded and said, I believe. Niu Jian asked again, why do you believe him? Hu Jiao said, intuition. Niu Jian buried his head in silence for a while and said, I hope your intuition is right.

About a week later, Niu Jian unexpectedly received a call from Harbin. It was late at night, and Niu Jian was almost asleep. The call was from Hu Jiao's brother, and he called his old classmate as soon as he opened his mouth. Niu Jian asked strangely, are you calling at this time, is there anything urgent? The classmate said on the other end of the phone, there is indeed an emergency, otherwise I would not have alarmed you in the middle of the night. Niu Jian asked, is it related to Hu Jiao? The classmate said, yes, I have been looking for Hu Jiao all day from early morning to now, but she just doesn't answer my phone and doesn't reply to messages.

The classmate then told Niu Jian that his parents were old, and the only thing he couldn't worry about was Hu Jiao's marriage, and hoped that she would find someone as soon as possible, start a family, and live a quiet life. Two days ago, a relative who works in the Songhuajiang community introduced Hu Jiao to a person who is older, but he is loyal, has a stable income, has a house and a car, also works in the community, and also serves as the deputy director of a department. The parents were more satisfied with this person and urged Hu Jiao to go back on a blind date as soon as possible. However, Hu Jiao received a call but refused, saying that she didn't want to go back to Harbin, and said that she would stay in Wuhan forever for the rest of her life.

After listening to his classmates' explanations, Niu Jian said unhurriedly, as far as I know, Hu Jiao already has a heart. The classmate couldn't help but be surprised and said, really? Niu Jian bluntly said that she had gotten along with a teacher who lived across the door from me. My classmate said, no wonder she keeps avoiding me. After pausing for a while, the classmate suddenly changed his tone and said, old classmate, my sister is too simple, you must help check the major events in life! Niu Jian said, you don't need to remind her, I will be responsible for her. The classmate was silent for a moment and then asked, the teacher who lives opposite you won't deceive Hu Jiao, right? Niu Jian said, based on my feelings, his attitude towards Hu Jiao should be serious. My classmates said, with your words, I am relieved.

After answering the call from his classmates, Niu Jian couldn't sleep for a long time. He knows that the feeling is unreliable after all, who can guarantee that Kang Zhuang will never change his heart for Hu Jiao? Thinking of this, Niu Jian became more and more sleepy, always worried that he would live up to the trust of his old classmates. Later, he simply got up and went to the opposite door.

After entering the opposite door, Niu Jian found that Hu Jiao and Kang Zhuang had lived together. The door is open. He was wearing a flowered nightgown, with an untied belt, and he dragged a long stretch to the ground, looking like a rattlesnake. The bedroom door was open, and Hu Jiao soon came out, also wearing a pajamas. She didn't look at the tip of the cow head-on, as if she was a little embarrassed. Niu Jian stood in the middle of the living room, cleared his throat and said, I came to disturb you so late because I received a long-distance phone call just now. The phone call was given to me by Hu Jiao's brother, urging Hu Jiao to go back to Harbin immediately for a blind date. I know you've made a private decision for life. Now, I need Mr. Kang to make a statement and ensure that you will not deceive Hu Jiao's feelings. The reason is very simple, Hu Jiao was called to Wuhan by me, and I should be responsible for her to the end, which is a minimum logical principle.

Before Niu Jian's words fell, Kang Zhuang patted his chest and said loudly, Mr. Niu, I assure you, or swear to you, Hu Jiao is a gift from God to me for the rest of my life, no matter what the situation is, I will not play with her feelings. If there is deception, I will not be able to do so

Good death! Niu Jian was very moved when he heard this, and arched his hands and said, Okay, then I don't have to say anything, farewell!


Time flies, and Yu Feng stayed in the hospital for three months. Kang Zhuang was chagrined that her illness had not improved, and she had already started chemotherapy and almost lost all of her hair. When she was first admitted to the hospital, Yu Feng only asked Kang Zhuang to go to the hospital to accompany her. Hu Jiao proposed to take turns on duty with Kangzhuang, but she didn't agree. Later, Kang Zhuang couldn't bear it alone, so Yu Feng reluctantly agreed to Hu Jiao to go for him every once in a while.

Summer vacation is coming. On the first day of summer vacation, Kang Zhuang suddenly received a call from the university's scientific research office, informing him to attend a meeting in the small conference room of the administration building at half past two in the afternoon. Kang Zhuang was going to go to the hospital to accompany Yu Feng that afternoon, but because of his lack of skills, he had to let Hu Jiao go. In fact, Yu Feng was reluctant to go to the hospital for Hu Jiao. She didn't want to see her more and more, as if she saw something. Once, several graduate students from Kangzhuang went to visit Yu Feng in the hospital, and happened to meet Hu Jiao who was also there, so they couldn't help but turn their heads and ears, and their eyes were strange. Yu Feng was angry and drove Hu Jiao away from the hospital on the spot.

There were very few people who went to the administrative building for the meeting that day, and there were only five professors in the whole university, except for the staff of the Research Office. The Vice President in charge of research presided over the meeting in person. There was only one topic on the agenda of the meeting, which was to ask five professors to apply for Changjiang Scholars. The vice president said that a new round of application for Changjiang Scholars has started again, and after careful research, we have decided to recommend the five powerful professors present to participate in the application. This is a big deal and has a bearing on the long-term development of the school. The vice president also said that the time for this declaration is very urgent, and everyone is required to complete the form within two days.

As early as in Chongqing, Kangzhuang was already disheartened and vowed not to ask for this title again, but he didn't expect to come to Wuhan and meet the opportunity to participate in the evaluation, so he revived, and suddenly he was ready to move. He decided to try again.

After the meeting ended that day, as soon as Kang Zhuang got home, he began to fill out the form, and he was so busy that he didn't even have time to eat dinner. He originally told Yu Feng that he would boil pork rib soup and send it to the hospital as soon as the meeting ended, but later he couldn't take care of her, so he had to call Hu Jiao to go to the hospital cafeteria to buy something. Filling out the form is a hard job, not only mentally draining, but also physically demanding. In the second half of the night, he was sleepy and hungry, his eyelids were fighting, his mouth was sour, if it wasn't for a little wind oil essence, he nibbled on half a pack of instant noodles, and he wouldn't have been able to support it at all. Fortunately, when the light rose, he finally filled out the form.

The application form for Changjiang Scholars was quickly sent from the university to Beijing. According to the feedback information, Kangzhuang ranked high this time and almost won the game. At about four o'clock in the afternoon of that day, Niu Jian went to the administrative building to run errands, and was in a hurry to come out of the building. After the two met, Niu Jian just said a word of foreflight, and Kang Zhuang said with a wry smile on his face, Don't mention this matter soon. Niu Jian was stunned and asked, why? Kang Zhuang said that he was reported again. Niu Jian widened his eyes and asked, what is the matter? Kang Zhuang didn't answer, and left with a heavy heart.

At noon the next day, Niu Jian was asked by Hu Jiao to go to Mandarin Duck House again. Because Yin Jie objected, he didn't want to go, but Hu Jiao was obviously crying on the phone, so he still went desperately. When Niu Jian entered the door, Hu Jiao was packing up her things, and the tears on her face had not yet dried. There was a torn book on the coffee table, but the cover was still there, and he saw the word Liu Yong at a glance. Niu Jian asked in surprise, what happened? Hu Jiao choked up and said that Kangzhuang was reported and accused him of taking a concubine by recruiting a secretary. Niu Jian was stunned for a moment and asked, is he going to break up with you because of this? Hu Jiao said that he didn't say anything about breaking up, but only said that he would temporarily cut off the relationship with me for a while, and wait for the rumors to pass before continuing.

Niu Jian asked eagerly, did he mean what he said? Hu Jiao shook her head and said, I can't say it well, it happened too suddenly, and my head was confused. After pondering for a long time, Niu Jian asked, what are you going to do next? Hu Jiao said, alas, I'm really in a dilemma now, go back to Harbin, I don't have the face to see my parents and sister-in-law; Stay in Wuhan, but you don't even have a place to live. After a pause, Hu Jiao said again, Brother Jian, to tell you the truth, so far, I even have the heart to dance the Yangtze River. When Niu Jian heard this, he was shocked, and hurriedly dissuaded him, Hu Jiao, don't do anything stupid!

The latter is complex and simple, although unexpected, but reasonable, so there is no need to elaborate, just a brushstroke. In mid-July, Niu Jian and Yin Jie went through divorce procedures, and Xuan even held a wedding with Hu Jiao. It was the hottest day of the summer vacation, and Wuhan was really like a furnace.