
If the blood is not smooth, it is easy to have problems! Teach you a way of thinking, dissolve blood stasis and smoothly pass through middle and old age

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Wang Yaofeng

People say that the smooth blood vessels are the blessing of the middle-aged and elderly. Because of the blockage of blood vessels, a serious illness will come knocking on the door. Why?

If the blood is not smooth, it is easy to have problems! Teach you a way of thinking, dissolve blood stasis and smoothly pass through middle and old age

When the blood is blocked in the head, it is easy to have cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, etc.; If the blood is blocked in the heart, it is coronary heart disease if it is blocked less, and if it is blocked with more blood, it is a myocardial infarction; Blockage in the abdomen can cause polyps, hyperplasia, cysts and other problems. There are too many problems that blood stasis can bring, and I can't say enough about it.

If the blood is not smooth, it is easy to have problems! Teach you a way of thinking, dissolve blood stasis and smoothly pass through middle and old age

First of all, we must know how blood stasis comes from, the meridians on the human body are like highways, which can transport qi and blood to all parts of the body and maintain normal life activities. If blood stasis occurs, congestion will occur, and the problem will come.

Today, Dr. Wang will teach you a trick to promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and smoothly pass middle and old age.

If the blood is not smooth, it is easy to have problems! Teach you a way of thinking, dissolve blood stasis and smoothly pass through middle and old age

1. Blood stasis in the head

First of all, the blood stasis of the head is mostly manifested as tingling pain in the fixed part of the head, mostly migraine, hearing loss in the ears, hair loss, blue face and other manifestations, which are mostly due to the lack of qi and blood in the brain and the loss of nourishment of the organs, resulting in these situations.

If the blood is not smooth, it is easy to have problems! Teach you a way of thinking, dissolve blood stasis and smoothly pass through middle and old age

2. Cardiothoracic blood clotus

And if you feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, tingling, shoulder and back pain, usually go up the stairs or move, you feel breathless, breathless, this is mostly blood stasis blocked in the heart and chest, qi and blood flow is not smooth, resulting in mental dystrophy, vein paralysis, you can refer to the blood fu stasis decoction plus or minus.

If the blood is not smooth, it is easy to have problems! Teach you a way of thinking, dissolve blood stasis and smoothly pass through middle and old age

3. Epigastric blood clotus

Blood stasis in the abdomen is mostly related to the spleen, stomach, liver and gallbladder. It is mostly manifested as fixed abdominal pain, feeling a hard lump in the abdomen, poor appetite, poor mood, frequent sighing, etc., liver qi is depressed and not passable, which restricts the transportation function of the spleen and stomach, resulting in phlegm, dampness, stasis and blood congestion.

If the blood is not smooth, it is easy to have problems! Teach you a way of thinking, dissolve blood stasis and smoothly pass through middle and old age

The above ideas are only shared, and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. If you are unwell, please find a professional doctor to distinguish the syndrome, and do not blindly use the medicine, so as not to delay the condition.