
How can insomnia and dreaminess be improved? Say goodbye to tossing and turning, and a good night's sleep begins

author:Dr. Zhou Haibin

On a silent night, Li Ming lay in bed, but his brain was constantly running. The faint street lamps outside the window cast a soft light, but his eyes couldn't close. This was the third week he had been like this - tossing and turning, unable to fall into a deep sleep.

Li Ming didn't know when he started insomnia. Maybe it's the increased pressure at work, or maybe it's some uncertainty in life. Regardless, insomnia and frequent dreams have become part of his daily routine. Lee understands that this situation not only affects his mental state, but also poses a potential threat to his physical health.

Once upon a time, Li Ming was a person with good sleep habits. Every night, he can always fall asleep in just a few minutes, until he wakes up naturally in the morning. Now, however, he is plagued by the restlessness of the night and tries to find a way to regain that distant time of sleep.

How can insomnia and dreaminess be improved? Say goodbye to tossing and turning, and a good night's sleep begins

Recognize insomnia and dreaminess

Insomnia and dreaminess are sleep problems that many people experience, especially in middle-aged and elderly people. Insomnia is often defined as difficulty falling asleep, not sleeping deeply, or waking up early, accompanied by daytime tiredness and difficulty concentrating. Dreaminess refers to the frequent occurrence of complex and vivid dreams during sleep, resulting in a decrease in sleep quality and a feeling of exhaustion when you wake up.

The causes of insomnia and dreaminess are complex and varied, and are influenced by both physical and psychological factors. Physiological factors include irregular lifestyle, improper eating habits, chronic diseases or medications, etc. Psychological factors may involve work stress, emotional anxiety, personal life changes, etc. In Li Ming's case, it may have been a combination of work stress and mood changes that caused his insomnia and dreaminess problems.

Scientific studies have shown that insomnia and dreaminess not only affect an individual's quality of daily life, but can also have long-term negative effects on health. Long-term sleep deprivation and dreaminess can lead to impaired cognitive function, increased mood swings, decreased immune system function, and may even increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

How can insomnia and dreaminess be improved? Say goodbye to tossing and turning, and a good night's sleep begins

The relationship between sleep quality and health

Good sleep quality is essential for physical and mental health. Sleep is not only a time for the body to rest, but also affects our quality of life and health to a large extent. Studies have shown that adults need about 7-9 hours of sleep per night to maintain optimal health, while older people may need a little less.

Lack of sleep or poor quality can lead to a variety of health problems. First, chronic sleep deprivation can affect the normal function of the immune system and increase the risk of infection. Secondly, sleep deprivation is also strongly associated with problems such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, and decreased mood and cognitive function. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, due to the relatively weak recovery ability of the body, good sleep quality is even more important.

Insomnia and dreaminess are common sleep problems, especially among middle-aged and elderly people. Insomnia can be caused by a variety of factors, such as anxiety, depression, chronic illness, or medication side effects. Dreaminess often reflects an individual's response to emotional stress or subconscious problems, and while it does not affect the duration of sleep, it affects its quality.

In order to improve sleep quality, it is first necessary to have an in-depth understanding of an individual's sleep problems. The self-assessment tool can help middle-aged and older people identify and quantify their sleep problems, so that they can take targeted measures. For example, recording sleep duration and quality, dream characteristics and influencing factors, etc., can help identify the underlying problem and find a solution.

How can insomnia and dreaminess be improved? Say goodbye to tossing and turning, and a good night's sleep begins

Develop healthy sleep habits

Developing healthy sleep habits is essential to improving sleep quality. Here are some practical suggestions:

Regular sleep schedule: Maintain a sleep schedule that is roughly the same every day, even on weekends or holidays. This helps to regulate the biological clock and improve sleep performance.

Create a comfortable sleeping environment: Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and cool. Make the most of curtains, eye masks, and earplugs to reduce outside distractions, and maintaining a comfortable temperature can help promote falling asleep and staying asleep.

Avoid irritating substances: Avoid caffeine and alcohol at night, which can interfere with sleep cycles and depth. At the same time, avoid drinking plenty of water before bedtime to reduce frequent waking up at night.

Relaxation: Use relaxation techniques such as warm baths, meditation or deep breathing exercises before bedtime. These activities help to reduce tension and anxiety levels, creating the conditions for a state of deep sleep.

Limit long daytime sleep: Try to avoid sleeping for long periods of time during the day to avoid affecting the quality of sleep at night. If needed, choose short nap times and stay active during the day to promote better nighttime rest.

It takes time and patience to develop and stick to healthy sleep habits, but by gradually adjusting their lifestyle and sleeping environment, middle-aged and older adults can significantly improve their sleep quality and thus improve their overall health.

These recommendations are not just theoretical, but are based on a number of studies and practical experiences, through practical operations, middle-aged and elderly people can gradually improve their sleep problems and enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life.