
A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"


The master bedroom with bathroom has always been the choice of many buyers, because it greatly satisfies people's pursuit of comfort, convenience and privacy, and has also been hyped by many developers as the highlight of the real estate.

However, in fact, this type of room is not perfect, but there are many shortcomings, and even many friends will "turn around and leave" when they encounter this kind of master bedroom with bathroom.

A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"

So, what exactly makes a house with a master bedroom bathroom unpopular? Coming over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"!

Disadvantage 1: The bedroom is prone to moisture

Nowadays, many multi-storey houses are designed with independent sewerage within the first floor, and a pipe is used to connect the second floor and above. But even when the bathroom is not in use, there is still a strange smell coming from the bedroom.

A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"

And after taking a bath, the room will become cloudy and damp, and if there is no window, the moisture in the bathroom will penetrate the entire bedroom, and it is easy to breed bacteria.

If the master bedroom has a bathroom, the ventilation is generally poor and the lighting is not ideal, which will cause the master bedroom to be very humid and affect the sleeping environment of the occupants.

A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"

It must be noted that the sound insulation of the toilet sewer pipe is also not good, for example, we can hear the sound of flushing upstairs. If the bathroom is in the master bedroom, it is even more troublesome, and the sleep quality of the occupants will definitely be seriously affected.

In particular, young people have more work pressure and more demanding requirements for sleep quality, which will cause serious damage to their health in the long run.

A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"

Therefore, when buying a house, if you need to choose a master bedroom with a bathroom, you must choose some high-performance materials and decoration solutions to ensure the tightness of the interior of the house, so as to improve the comfort of the occupants.

Disadvantage 2: Bedrooms are prone to odors

The master bathroom is usually darkened, so it is less lit and ventilated. In addition, the toilet is one of the most odor-prone areas, and the main source of odor is the toilet and floor drain in the bathroom: the toilet is generally poorly ventilated, and the odor is difficult to dissipate.

A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"

Usually when we use the toilet or when we do not do it in time, we will produce odors, especially on cloudy and rainy days, floor drains will produce odors, and these odors usually cannot be quickly dissipated.

Even if the exhaust fan is turned on, it is difficult to completely clean up these odors. It is important to note that there is only one door between the master bathroom and the bedroom, so these smells can also spread through the cracks in the door into the bedroom, leaving the whole bedroom with an unpleasant odor and affecting sleep.

A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"

Disadvantage 3: Mosquito breeding

If there is an odor in the bathroom, it can breed mosquitoes in the drains and beyond, and these mosquitoes can also have a huge impact on our lives and even interfere with our rest.

A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"

Most mosquitoes love light, so if the mosquitoes in the bathroom fly out at night when the bedroom lights are turned on, they will land near our beds and mobile phones, which will affect our lives.

In addition, these small insects may also carry some bacteria. So, if these mosquitoes land on our pillows or bedding, there are adverse effects on our health. As a result, it is easy to cause skin irritation, which makes us feel uncomfortable during sleep.

A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"

Disadvantage 4: The frequency of use is low, which is easy to cause waste of space

Before moving in, we all thought it would be convenient to have two bathrooms in our home, but after moving in, we found that the master bathroom was not used very often, it was often empty, and we still had to spend a lot of time cleaning it.

A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"

Even if there are many family members, in many cases, the bathroom in the bedroom will only be used when everyone needs to use the toilet when they go out at the same time. In fact, one bathroom is enough for a family of four or five.

If there is only one person or a couple, the master bathroom will be used less frequently, and one bathroom can be omitted, so there is no need to have two bathrooms at the same time.

A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"

Disadvantage 5: Difficult to transform

Since the decoration of the bathroom will involve multiple links such as plumbing, water and electricity, many owners often want to transform the master bedroom bathroom into a study, cloakroom or powder room after moving in for a period of time.

A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"

However, in reality, the transformation process is extremely complex and presents a number of challenges. Due to the large number of pipes in the bathroom, even if it can be blocked during the renovation process so as not to affect the aesthetics, in daily life, the sound of the upstairs neighbor flushing the toilet can still cause interference to the life of the occupants.

A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"

Even if the bathroom is not used frequently, it cannot be easily removed to expand the size of the bedroom, otherwise the removal of the wall of the bathroom will cause greater noise disturbance.

Restrooms are difficult to transform into other spaces, and with that comes a waste of space. In today's high housing prices, even just a bathroom can cost a lot. If the master bathroom is not used for a long time, it will be a huge waste of space.

A house with a master bedroom bathroom is not popular? People who have come over: 5 shortcomings make people "miserable"

Written at the end of the article

Therefore, the master bedroom with bathroom is not perfect. Only when the family has a large number of people, this type of house can be fully superior.

However, if you have fewer family members, spending more money on this type of apartment will be a bit more than worth the loss. Therefore, when you are considering buying a house, you must pay attention to your own demographic factors, choose carefully, and strive to leave no regrets.