
"National first-class athletes" enlisted in the army, and just got off the company, they were on the list of dragons and tigers!

author:Dongming County Rong Media Center

At the age of 15, he was selected for the provincial wrestling team

At the age of 17, he won a provincial victory

Obtained the certificate of "National First-Class Athlete".

After enlistment

Year 1

It's in the brigade stage lottery

Won the first place in the specialty of the battalion

Talking about the weekly calculation of a private in a brigade of the 73rd Group Army

I can't help but give people a thumbs up


"National first-class athletes" enlisted in the army, and just got off the company, they were on the list of dragons and tigers!

Born in 2005

He began learning wrestling at the age of 13

At the age of 17

He was at the 16th Jiangxi Provincial Games

Won the fifth place in the 60kg wrestling event


Participated in the Jiangxi Provincial Youth International Wrestling Championship

Won the first place in the 60 kg class

And obtained the qualification of "National First-class Athlete".

Grow into a professional athlete

"National first-class athletes" enlisted in the army, and just got off the company, they were on the list of dragons and tigers!
"National first-class athletes" enlisted in the army, and just got off the company, they were on the list of dragons and tigers!

Heavy medals

Thick certificate of honor

It's just the "highlight" of the weekly calculation

After the college entrance examination

With a strong desire to serve the motherland

He enlisted in the army at the age of 18

Put on a military uniform

"National first-class athletes" enlisted in the army, and just got off the company, they were on the list of dragons and tigers!

Zhou Suan took a photo with his father when he enlisted in the army

Throw yourself into the barracks with "a body of martial arts".

Zhou Suan soon made a name for himself among his comrades-in-arms

became the training leader of the new barracks

The final assessment is underway

He took three kilometers in 11 minutes

48 pull-ups

124 sit-ups

Achieved a good result of fourth place in the boot camp

"National first-class athletes" enlisted in the army, and just got off the company, they were on the list of dragons and tigers!

After the next connection

Zhou Suan still maintains a high fighting spirit

Especially at the stage of professional training

Faced with many complex and cumbersome subject points

He was not intimidated by the difficulties

On the contrary, they rose to the challenge and tackled the problems one by one

Find ideas from professional theory books

Learn the method from the hands of professional coaches

Step by step, steadily

Zhou Suan quickly stood out in the company

Participate in the company's monthly military examination

He took first place

In the professional lottery organized by the brigade

He also won the first place in his battalion

Listed on the brigade "Dragon and Tiger List"

"National first-class athletes" enlisted in the army, and just got off the company, they were on the list of dragons and tigers!

A single tree does not make a forest, and it is difficult to line up alone

Between trainings

Zhou Suan will also take the initiative to share professional knowledge of military training

Improve your skills with your comrades

He said:

"Clenching your fingers makes a fist

Unity is strength

I will use my youth with my comrades

Forge a sword to defeat the enemy"

"National first-class athletes" enlisted in the army, and just got off the company, they were on the list of dragons and tigers!

A strong army never stops


The weekly calculation has been made for itself

Military physical fitness "special level 3" preparation plan

In this way, a new road to the top is opened

Come on, count every week!

Source: People's Front

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