
The new work of the rabble unicorn has ripped the fig leaf of the United States to the ground

author:Look at current affairs


The new work of the rabble unicorn has ripped the fig leaf of the United States to the ground


According to reference news reports, on the day of the "International Anti-Drug Day", the famous network artist "Uhe Kirin" recently launched a new joint work "The American Dr***", just looking at this title, we know that he once again ripped the fig leaf of the United States clean.

The new work of the rabble unicorn has ripped the fig leaf of the United States to the ground

(《The American Dr***》)

First of all, the title is very interesting, "Dr***" is a pun, which can refer to both "Dream", which means "American dream", and "Drug", which means "drugs, narcotics"; So it is obvious that this work is a satire on the drug problem in the United States on the day of the "International Day Against Drugs".

In fact, there are two levels to the drug problem in the United States: One is the epidemic of drugs in American society, and even Americans themselves feel that this problem is out of control. How serious is the problem? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration reported a few years ago that the number of people in the U.S. who "used illicit drugs in a month or within a year" was about 33 million, or about one-tenth of the total U.S. population; In contrast, we were poisoned by opium in the late Qing Dynasty, when the total population was more than 400 million, and the population of opium smokers was about 18 million - it can be said that the problem of drug abuse in the United States is much more serious than that of our late Qing Dynasty, for example, Kensington Street in Philadelphia is full of all kinds of "strange species", which is a microcosm of the drug epidemic in the United States.

The new work of the rabble unicorn has ripped the fig leaf of the United States to the ground

(Kensington Street is full of addicts)

In addition, there is another dimension to the drug problem in the United States, and that is at the federal level. In his new work, "Ubi-unicorn" mentioned the "Fentanyl Sanctions Act" passed by the U.S. Congress, which is ostensibly aimed at the problem of drug abuse in American society, but in fact it is to shirk its own responsibility and blame the black pot on China's head.

Such an act of the United States has had a destructive and bad impact on international anti-narcotics cooperation. Drug crimes are crimes that all mankind has jointly combated, but certain politicians in Washington have used them as a tool to gain votes and political interests, and have used them as a geopolitical tool to take the opportunity to sanction China's anti-narcotics judicial organs.

The new work of the rabble unicorn has ripped the fig leaf of the United States to the ground

(The American Dr***)

Therefore, this new work of the rabble unicorn still reflects the essence of the drug problem in the United States very comprehensively, that is, there is a problem in the entire social system of the United States, that is, "fixed body question". In fact, the drug problem in the United States began to emerge very early, starting with Purdue bribing doctors and drug regulators and placing a large number of false advertisements to encourage doctors to abuse narcotic drugs.

Many Americans take drugs, probably starting with a marijuana cigarette and an opioid painkiller. Marijuana is a legal recreational narcotic in many states in the United States, but it is banned in many other countries, such as China. The proliferation of opioid painkillers in the United States is related to the collusion of American drug regulators and pharmaceutical groups, and another name for opioids is familiar to everyone, it is called "opium".

The new work of the rabble unicorn has ripped the fig leaf of the United States to the ground

(Washington is thinking of dumping China)

The United States is full of drugs, but China is responsible, a typical "I want others to take medicine when I am sick"; Some people say that drugs are the business of the United States itself, so why should we care? That's right, that's the business of the United States, why did it come to sanction China? Since Washington is the first year of junior high school, don't blame us for doing the fifteenth, tear its fig leaf clean!

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