
One of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", hanging on the cliff tree and escaping death, his later life is touching

author:Chen Chen said history

On September 25, 1941, a thrilling scene was staged on Langya Mountain. Five Chinese soldiers, in the face of the fierce attack of the Japanese army, resolutely jumped off the cliff. This feat shocked the world and became one of the most tragic chapters in the history of the Chinese nation's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. However, what is less known is that two of the strong men miraculously survived. How did they find a chance to survive in a desperate situation? And who reached out in a critical moment? What's even more curious is what kind of vicissitudes did this surviving hero experience in his subsequent life? What was so touching about his later life?

One of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", hanging on the cliff tree and escaping death, his later life is touching

1. The Battle of Langya Mountain: The Heroic Choice of the Five Heroes

In the golden autumn of 1941, Langya Mountain in Yi County, Hebei Province ushered in an earth-shattering battle. At that time, the Japanese army was carrying out a large-scale "sweeping" operation in North China, in a vain attempt to completely eliminate the main force of the Eighth Route Army. On September 25, the 6th Company, 2nd Platoon, and 6th Squad of the 1st Regiment of the 1st Army Subdivision of the Jinchaji Military Region of the Eighth Route Army received an arduous task: to cover the transfer of the main force.

This six-member team is led by squad leader Ma Baoyu, and its members also include deputy squad leader Ge Zhenlin, soldiers Hu Delin, Hu Fucai, Song Xueyi and Sun Desheng. Shouldering the heavy task of luring the Japanese army and delaying time, they resolutely retreated in the direction of Langya Mountain.

The terrain of Langya Mountain is dangerous, surrounded by cliffs on three sides, and there is only one sheep intestine trail that can be passed. The six warriors took advantage of the terrain and fought to the death against the Japanese army, which was several times their size. Taking advantage of the terrain, they adopted guerrilla tactics and constantly harassed the enemy, successfully attracting the attention of the Japanese army.

The battle lasted a whole day. In this unequal contest, our soldiers showed amazing courage and wisdom. They skillfully used the terrain and set up traps to lure the enemy, causing heavy losses to the Japanese army. Each exchange of fire made the enemy mistakenly believe that he had encountered the main force of the Eighth Route Army, thus further intensifying the offensive.

One of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", hanging on the cliff tree and escaping death, his later life is touching

However, as time went on, the situation of our soldiers became more and more dangerous. The bullets gradually ran out, the supply lines were cut off, and the retreat was blocked. Seeing that the Japanese encirclement was shrinking smaller and smaller, the six warriors had to retreat to the top of Langya Mountain.

By this time, it was nearly dusk. On the top of the mountain, six warriors face a life-and-death decision. They ran out of ammunition, and the Japanese artillery fire became more and more intense. At this critical moment, the squad leader Ma Baoyu made a decisive and surprising decision.

He unscrewed the last grenade and gathered around the rest of his comrades. At first, everyone thought that the squad leader was going to die with the enemy. However, Ma Baoyu's next move surprised everyone.

At the moment when the Japanese army was about to rush to the top of the mountain, Ma Baoyu suddenly threw the grenade at the enemy group. Immediately after, he rushed to the edge of the cliff with an arrow and jumped without hesitation. Seeing this, other comrades-in-arms also followed the footsteps of the squad leader and jumped off the cliff one after another.

This scene shocked everyone present, including the attacking Japanese army. The feat of the five soldiers not only embodies the indomitable fighting spirit of the Chinese people, but also shows their unyielding patriotic feelings of preferring to die.

However, fate has left a glimmer of hope for this tragic story. Among the five fighters, the deputy squad leader Ge Zhenlin and the soldier Song Xueyi miraculously survived. As they were falling, they were stopped by a large tree halfway up the mountain. Although they were seriously injured, the two were blessed with misfortune and escaped the clutches of death.

This astonishing turn of events adds a touch of hope to the story of the five heroes of Langya Mountain. The survival of Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi not only allowed this tragic history to be completely recorded by future generations, but also left us with valuable spiritual wealth.

The heroic deeds of the five heroes of Langya Mountain soon spread throughout the country. Their feat has become an important force that inspires the military and people across the country to rise up against Japan, and has also become a vivid portrayal of the Chinese nation's indomitable and unremitting spirit of self-improvement. Although this battle is not large in scale, the national integrity and patriotic feelings it displayed have left a strong mark in the history of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

2. Escaping from death: Ge Zhenlin's miracle

The moment Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi fell from the cliff, fate seemed to have played a joke. They were ready to sacrifice, but they were unexpectedly blocked by a large tree halfway up the mountain. This tree has become a lifesaver for them, but at the same time, it has also brought them great pain.

Falling from a cliff tens of meters high, even though cushioned by tree branches, the two still suffered serious injuries to their bodies. Ge Zhenlin's right leg was fractured, his left arm was dislocated, and he suffered multiple abrasions all over his body; Song Xueyi's condition was even worse, with several broken ribs and severe contusions to his internal organs. The two were hanging from a tree, scarred, bleeding and dying.

At this critical moment, a 19-year-old young man Yu Yaofu passed by. Yu Yaofu is a villager from a nearby village, and he happened to go to the mountains to collect medicine that day. Hearing a faint moan from the woods, he followed the sound to find it, and only then did he find Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi who were dying.

One of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", hanging on the cliff tree and escaping death, his later life is touching

Facing the two seriously injured soldiers, the young Yu Yaofu did not hesitate at all. Although it was a period of "sweeping" by the Japanese army, and rescuing the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army might bring disaster to himself and his family, Yu Yaofu still resolutely decided to help. He first carefully rescued the two from the tree, and then carried them down the mountain one by one with the basket he used to collect medicine.

Considering the safety of the wounded, Yu Yaofu did not take them back to the village, but chose an ancient temple called Qipantuo nearby. This ancient temple is located in the middle of nowhere, and is an ideal place to hide the wounded.

However, placing the wounded in the temple was only the first step. Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi are seriously injured, and if they are not treated in time, they are likely to die. In this remote mountainous area, how easy is it to find a doctor with excellent medical skills?

Just when Yu Yaofu was at a loss, an old Taoist priest appeared. This old Taoist priest practiced in the ancient temple of Qipantuo all the year round and was proficient in medical skills. After he learned what happened to the two soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, he began to treat them without saying a word.

The old Taoist's medical skills are really extraordinary. He used a series of earthy methods, such as applying herbs to stop bleeding, immobilizing broken bones with wooden planks, and applying homemade ointments to wounds. These seemingly rudimentary methods miraculously saved the lives of two warriors.

Under the careful care of the old Taoist priest, Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi's injuries gradually improved. However, they did not have time to wait for a full recovery. Fearing that the Japanese would search the area, the two decided to leave after their injuries had improved slightly. Before leaving, they didn't even have time to ask for the name of the savior because of the urgency of the situation.

One of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", hanging on the cliff tree and escaping death, his later life is touching

In this way, Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi embarked on a difficult journey back to the army with scars all over their bodies. They traversed behind enemy lines, evaded Japanese searches, and after many hardships, finally found their team again.

After returning to the army, Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi truthfully reported the battle of Langya Mountain. Their return not only confirms the heroic deeds of the five heroes who jumped off the cliff, but also adds first-hand testimony of survivors to this history.

However, Ge Zhenlin always had a regret in his heart, that is, he failed to know the name of the life-saving benefactor. This regret has lasted for 45 years. It wasn't until 1986 that Ge Zhenlin, who had retired, finally learned the name of the 19-year-old young man by chance - Yu Yaofu.

Ge Zhenlin, who learned the name of his benefactor, was very excited. He immediately set out to find Yu Yaofu's whereabouts, hoping to express his gratitude in person. After some twists and turns, Ge Zhenlin finally found the 64-year-old Yu Yaofu in Yi County, Hebei Province.

When the two old men saw each other, they wept excitedly. Ge Zhenlin held Yu Yaofu's hand tightly and expressed his deep gratitude. Yu Yaofu, on the other hand, humbly said that saving people is the duty of every Chinese, and what he does is just what an ordinary person should do.

This reunion not only fulfilled Ge Zhenlin's wish for 45 years, but also gave the story of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" a more complete ending. It showed the world that in that era of extreme hardship, there were not only heroic soldiers who regarded death as home, but also ordinary people who made selfless sacrifices. It is precisely this national spirit that supported the Chinese people through the difficult years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

3. Post-war life: Ge Zhenlin's bumpy life

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Ge Zhenlin's life was not smooth sailing. As one of the Five Heroes of Langya Mountain, he has experienced the transformation from a hero to an ordinary person, a process full of twists and turns.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, Ge Zhenlin continued to serve in the army. He participated in the War of Liberation and once again showed extraordinary courage and wisdom on the battlefield. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Ge Zhenlin was assigned to work in Yi County, Hebei Province, and began his local work career.

However, fate always seems to play tricks on this hero. In 1958, due to some mistakes in his work, Ge Zhenlin was sent to work in the countryside. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to a former anti-Japanese hero. But Ge Zhenlin was not deterred, he devoted himself to agricultural production with the same enthusiasm, and soon became a model local worker.

One of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", hanging on the cliff tree and escaping death, his later life is touching

In 1962, Ge Zhenlin was finally rehabilitated and returned to work. He was appointed deputy secretary of a commune in Yi County, responsible for managing local agricultural production. In this post, Ge Zhenlin gave full play to the organizational and leadership skills he had honed in the army, and led the local peasants to greatly increase agricultural output.

However, the good times were short-lived. In 1966, the "Cultural Revolution" broke out. As a hero of the "old society", Ge Zhenlin once again became the target of criticism. He was labeled as a "bourgeois military line" and subjected to years of criticism and persecution. This experience caused great physical and mental damage to Ge Zhenlin, but he still maintained a strong will and never gave up hope for life.

In 1976, the Cultural Revolution ended. Ge Zhenlin finally ushered in a turning point in his life. In 1978, he was officially rehabilitated and resumed his work. Soon after, he was appointed as the administrator of the Yixian Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery.

In this new position, Ge Zhenlin found a new value in life. He not only carefully managed the cemetery, but also often told the story of the Anti-Japanese War to the visiting masses and spread the spirit of patriotism. His vivid and touching narration was loved by the masses and soon became a well-known "living history" in the local area.

In 1986, by chance, Ge Zhenlin rediscovered the benefactor Yu Yaofu who saved his life. This reunion not only fulfilled Ge Zhenlin's wish for many years, but also gave the story of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" a more complete ending. The news spread quickly and attracted widespread attention from the society.

Subsequently, Ge Zhenlin began to appear frequently in various public occasions, giving interviews and participating in commemorative activities. His story was known to more people, and the heroic deeds of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" once again became a hot topic. However, with that came some skepticism. Some people began to question the details of the "Five Heroes Jumping off the Cliff" and even doubted the authenticity of the whole incident.

One of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", hanging on the cliff tree and escaping death, his later life is touching

In the face of these doubts, Ge Zhenlin has always remained silent. He just told his own experience as always, restoring that history in unpretentious language. His attitude has won the respect of many people and made more people believe in the authenticity of this history.

In 1998, Ge Zhenlin, who was 78 years old, was named "National Advanced Individual of Retired Cadres". This honor is an affirmation of his life's ups and downs, and it is also a tribute to his indomitable spirit.

After entering the 21st century, Ge Zhenlin's life gradually settled down. Despite his advanced age, he is still in good spirits. He was often invited to participate in various patriotic education activities, telling stories of the Anti-Japanese War to the younger generation and spreading the patriotic spirit.

In 2005, 85-year-old Ge Zhenlin gave an in-depth interview. In this interview, he looks back on his life in detail for the first time. From jumping off a cliff in Langya Mountain to escaping from death, from being sent to labor to being criticized, and finally being rehabilitated and recognized, Ge Zhenlin's life has experienced too many ups and downs. But no matter what difficulties he encountered, he always maintained a patriotic heart and never wavered in his faith.

Ge Zhenlin's later life is the best interpretation of the spirit of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain". With his actions, he proves that heroes exist not only on thrilling battlefields, but also in ordinary daily life. His tenacity, bravery, and loyalty to the country have influenced generation after generation and become a vivid portrayal of the spirit of the Chinese nation.

4. Controversy and questioning: Ge Zhenlin's later years

With the passage of time, the story of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" has sparked more and more discussions and controversies in society. As the only living client, Ge Zhenlin's later life became complex and challenging.

In early 2000, an article titled "The Historical Truth of the Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" circulated on the Internet. The author of the article claims that through field research and interviews with local elders, some details that do not match the official narrative have been discovered. The article quickly sparked widespread discussion and put tremendous pressure on Ge Zhenlin.

In the face of doubts, Ge Zhenlin chose to remain silent at first. He believes that there is no need to justify his own experience, and history has its own justice. However, as the controversy continued to ferment, Ge Zhenlin realized that it was necessary to stand up and state some facts.

In August 2001, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the deeds of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", Ge Zhenlin accepted an exclusive interview with the People's Daily. In this interview, he recalls in detail how the battle took place and explains some controversial details.

Ge Zhenlin explained that when he jumped off the cliff, he and Song Xueyi did not intend to find a way out, but were caught by trees halfway up the mountain in the process of falling. He stressed that the five-person cliff jump was the last choice made when the ammunition was exhausted, and it was by no means a deliberate "performance".

The interview calmed the controversy to some extent, but the skepticism did not completely disappear. In 2003, a Japanese veteran who claimed to be a member of the Japanese army at the time published a reminiscence article in the Japanese media. The article said that there was no large-scale battle in Langya Mountain that year, let alone Chinese soldiers jumping off the cliff. This article has once again sparked heated discussions.

One of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", hanging on the cliff tree and escaping death, his later life is touching

Faced with this new question, Ge Zhenlin chose to respond head-on. He extended an invitation to the Japanese veteran through the Chinese Embassy in Japan, hoping to have face-to-face exchanges and clarify the facts. Although the meeting ultimately failed to materialize for various reasons, Ge Zhenlin's move won the respect of many.

In 2005, in order to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, CCTV filmed a TV series called "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain". The crew specially invited Ge Zhenlin to serve as a historical consultant to ensure the authenticity of the plot. During the filming process, the 85-year-old Ge Zhenlin personally went to the crew many times to guide the actors, explain the situation of the year to the actors, and strive to restore the historical truth.

The broadcast of this TV series once again aroused the society's attention to the deeds of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain". However, a new round of questioning ensued. Some people pointed out that some details in the play did not match the historical record, and questioned whether the crew distorted history for the sake of dramatic effect.

In the face of these doubts, Ge Zhenlin stood up again. He said in a public lecture that although the TV series has been artistically processed in details, the main plot is in line with historical facts. He called on everyone not to dwell too much on the details, but to pay attention to the spirit of the five heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country.

In 2007, a book entitled "Revisiting the War of Resistance Against Japan" was published, in which new questions were raised about the deeds of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain". The author believes that according to the terrain and environment of that time, it was simply impossible for five people to jump off the cliff. The publication of the book sparked a new round of controversy.

In the face of this question, Ge Zhenlin, who is 87 years old, stepped forward again. At a focus group, he described in detail the scene of the cliff jump and invited the skeptics to go to Langya Mountain for a field trip. Although the field trip ultimately failed to take place for various reasons, Ge Zhenlin's move once again demonstrated his attitude of responsibility to history.

In 2010, the 90-year-old Ge Zhenlin said in an interview with the media that he had become accustomed to these doubts and controversies. "History is history, and no matter how many people question it, the facts will never change," he said. The five of us did fight there back then, and we did jump off the cliff. It's not about being famous, it's about defending the country. "

Despite the controversy in his later years, Ge Zhenlin always stood his ground. He has said many times that no matter what the outside world says, he has no regrets about his choice. He said: "Our choice back then was for the sake of the country and the people. Even if I had to do it all over again now, I would make the same choice. "

5. Historical influence: the inheritance of the spirit of Ge Zhenlin and the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain".

As the only survivor of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", Ge Zhenlin's life experience and perseverance have had a profound impact on later generations. The story of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" has not only become a classic case in the history of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, but also a spiritual monument that inspires future generations.

In 1956, the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army decided to compile the deeds of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" into the teaching materials of the army. This decision allowed the story of this group of heroes to begin to spread throughout the army. As the only living party, Ge Zhenlin has been invited to the barracks to give lectures many times, and his personal experience has added a sense of reality and persuasiveness to this history.

In 1958, Yi County, Hebei Province built the "Monument to the Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" in Langya Mountain. The monument has not only become an important local landmark, but also an important base for patriotic education. Every year, a large number of students and tourists come to visit and pay tribute to the martyrs. Ge Zhenlin often recounts the stories of the past to visitors in front of the monument, and his unpretentious narration has deeply touched many people.

In 1964, the famous writer Huang Zongjiang wrote the novel "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain". The publication of this novel further expanded the influence of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", making the story spread to a wider audience. After the novel's publication, Ge Zhenlin was invited to attend a number of readers' meetings, and his testimony added authenticity to the novel and gave readers a deeper understanding of this period of history.

One of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", hanging on the cliff tree and escaping death, his later life is touching

In 1975, Bayi Film Studio filmed the movie "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain". The release of this movie brought the deeds of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" into the public eye and became a well-known heroic story. Ge Zhenlin participated in the filming of the film as a historical consultant, and his suggestions added many realistic details to the film. After the release of the film, Ge Zhenlin attended the premiere and viewing activities many times, and his appearance made the audience feel the authenticity of history.

In 1982, the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution was completed and opened in Beijing, and a special exhibition area was set up for the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain". Ge Zhenlin donated some of the precious items he kept, including fragments of weapons used in the past and personal diaries. The exhibition of these physical objects allows visitors to understand that period of history more intuitively. Ge Zhenlin has been invited to the museum many times to give lectures, and his personal experience has added a vivid footnote to the exhibition.

In 1995, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, CCTV produced a large-scale documentary "The Main Battlefield of the East", which dedicated one episode to tell the story of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain". As the main interviewee, Ge Zhenlin reviewed the experience of the year in detail. His narration provided first-hand information about this period of history, and also gave the audience a deeper understanding of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

In 2005, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, China Post issued a commemorative stamp entitled "The 60th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War and the World Anti-Fascist War", one of which was themed "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain". The issuance of this stamp has made the story of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" spread in another form. Ge Zhenlin was invited to attend the launch ceremony, and his presence added special significance to the event.

In 2010, China began to implement the protection of the "National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project", and the "Spirit of the Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" was included in it. This decision demonstrates the importance that the country attaches to this spiritual legacy. As the inheritor of this spirit, Ge Zhenlin has participated in related protection and inheritance activities many times, and has made important contributions to the continuation of this spiritual heritage.

In 2015, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese government awarded Ge Zhenlin the "Medal for the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan". This honor is not only an affirmation of Ge Zhenlin personally, but also a tribute to the group of "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain". At the ceremony, the 95-year-old Ge Zhenlin delivered a short but powerful speech, in which he called on the new generation of young people to remember history and cherish peace.

One of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", hanging on the cliff tree and escaping death, his later life is touching

In 2018, the deeds of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" were compiled into primary and secondary school textbooks. This means that the story of this group of heroes will be known and passed on by more young people. Although Ge Zhenlin is already old, he still insists on participating in the consultation work of compiling the textbook, which provides an important guarantee for the accuracy of the content of the textbook.

In 2020, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, CCTV produced a series of commemorative programs, including a special feature film about the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain". At the age of 100, Ge Zhenlin was interviewed again, and his account added valuable details to this history.

From the 50s of the 20th century to the present day of the 21st century, the story of the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" has been preached, and its spirit has been continuously inherited and carried forward. As the only survivor, Ge Zhenlin used his life to interpret the true meaning of this spirit. His experience is not only a personal life trajectory, but also a microcosm of an era, and an important part of the history of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

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