
The chef rescued the girl in the mountain, and she was not born for seven years after marriage, and the Taoist priest: was eaten by her


Oh, folks, let's talk about this strange thing today, which happened in the big ravine to the south of us. There is a cook named Wang Er in our village, whose craftsmanship is called a stick, and he is very sincere, and he is a well-known good person in our village. It is said that one day, Wang Er went into the mountains to get some game, and wanted to make a soup for the old lady of the family. As he walked and walked, he suddenly heard a woman's cry, and the cry made people's hearts furrile when they heard it, as if it had come from under the ground. Wang Er's heart tightened, so he followed the cry to find it, guess what? He found a girl in white in the col, squatting there wiping her tears. This girl looks like she came out of a painting. Wang Eryi inquired, only to learn that she was a foreigner, lost, hungry and thirsty. Wang Er's heart was kind, and he quickly took out dry food and water for her. After a few bites, a smile appeared on the girl's face, and she thanked her repeatedly. Wang Er saw that she was alone, and in this wilderness, so he asked her if she would like to go home with him. The girl hesitated, nodded and agreed. In this way, Wang Er took the girl home. When the people in the village saw him, they all praised him for his good fortune and picked up such a beautiful daughter-in-law. Not long after the two got along, they worshiped the church and became husband and wife. Wang Er's heart, not to mention how beautiful it is, hehe's happy all day long.

But the good times didn't last long, the couple had been married for seven years, and they didn't have any children. Wang Er's mother was so anxious that she urged them to see a doctor every day. But after seeing the doctor and taking medicine, my stomach still didn't move. There began to be gossip in the village, saying everything, and Wang Er's face was red. One day, Wang Er met a Taoist priest in the town. This Taoist priest, at first glance, is not an ordinary person, a fairy wind and bones. He stared at Wang Er for a long time, then suddenly sighed and said, "There are unclean things in your house." When Wang Er heard this, he chuckled in his heart and hurriedly asked what was going on. The Taoist priest shook his head and said, "You have to find out for yourself about this matter." When Wang Er got home, he thought about it, but he didn't come up with a reason. He looked at his daughter-in-law's white face, and muttered in his heart: Why is this daughter-in-law so strange? The more he thought about it, the more wrong it became, and he decided to secretly observe and observe at night.

That night, the moon hung high, and Wang Er lay on the bed and pretended to sleep. He pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the movements in the room. After a while, he heard the sound of rustling from his daughter-in-law's side. He got up lightly, and looked through the moonlight, oh my, his daughter-in-law turned into a white fox! Wang Er was so frightened that he almost screamed, he quickly covered his mouth and hid behind the door to peek. I saw the white fox spinning around the house a few times, then jumped on the bed and lay down in the position of the second king. It closed its eyes, began to exhale, and in a few moments, it became a human being. Wang Er was dumbfounded, and he understood a little in his heart. As soon as the white fox snored, he dared to creep back onto the kang. There was a mess in my heart, and I couldn't figure out what this daughter-in-law was about. As soon as it was dawn the next day, Wang Er hurried to find the old Taoist priest. He told the Taoist priest about the scene of the previous night. When the Taoist priest heard this, he nodded like pounding garlic and said, "She's a fox spirit." To marry you is to suck your yang energy. Your yang energy is about to be sucked out by her, no wonder you don't have children. When Wang Eryi heard this, he almost didn't cry. He begged the Taoist priest to save himself. The Taoist priest sighed and said, "This is a difficult thing to do. That fox spirit is deep, and I don't have a problem with her. However, you can try to go to the Guan Gong Temple and ask Guan Gong to manifest himself, maybe it can help. When Wang Er heard this, he immediately ran to the Guan Gong Temple. He knelt in front of the statue of Guan Gong and poured out his experience one by one. He begged Guan Gong to appear and save himself, a miserable man. It's strange to say, as soon as Wang Er finished kowtowing, he heard a rumbling sound in the temple, like thunder. When he looked up, Guan Gong's eyes lit up, and two golden rays of light shot out, soaring into the sky. Wang Er was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, the golden light had disappeared without a trace. Wang Er knew in his heart that this matter must have nothing to do with Guan Gong. He hurried home and told his daughter-in-law about it. When the daughter-in-law heard this, her face turned green. She said hesitantly: "You, don't listen to that Taoist priest's nonsense. I—How could I be a vixen? Wang Er looked at his daughter-in-law's panicked appearance, and was a little more convinced. He asked with a cold face, "What the hell are you?" Why are you hurting me? When the daughter-in-law saw that she couldn't hide it anymore, she cried and told the truth. It turned out that this daughter-in-law was really a vixen. She fell in love with Wang Er's yang energy, so she turned into an adult to approach him. I was going to leave after inhaling yang energy, but I didn't expect Wang Er to be so good to her, and she was moved by her true feelings. She didn't want to harm Wang Er, but she was afraid that Wang Er would leave her if she knew the truth, so she kept it a secret. But the fox spirit's Taoism is limited after all, and after absorbing Wang Er's yang energy for so many years, the fox's tail is still exposed. When she changed back to her original form to cultivate at night, she was bumped into by Wang Er. After the daughter-in-law finished speaking, tears flowed in her eyes. She looked at Wang Er and said pleadingly, "Er, I am sincere to you. I know I was wrong, can you forgive me? When Wang Er heard this, he had mixed feelings in his heart. He looked at his daughter-in-law's face and remembered the bits and pieces of the two over the years, and his heart softened. He sighed and said, "Daughter-in-law, my second king is a rough man who doesn't understand any big truths. But I know you're good to me. I—I'm willing to forgive you. When the daughter-in-law heard this, she was so excited that she threw herself into Wang Er's arms and cried so much. Gee, that's a pretty upsetting thing. Our eldest sister swore that she wouldn't suck Wang Er's yang energy in the future, she had to live a good life with Wang Er. But how can this matter be said and settled? Although Wang Er was soft-hearted and forgave his daughter-in-law, he still couldn't let go of the stone in his heart. He was always worried that his daughter-in-law's vixen identity would cause trouble for him, and he was even more afraid that his children would be implicated in the future. No, he slapped his head and decided to go to the Taoist priest to see if he could solve this once and for all.

The chef rescued the girl in the mountain, and she was not born for seven years after marriage, and the Taoist priest: was eaten by her

The Taoist priest listened to Wang Er's intention, touched his gray beard, and said slowly: "If you want to completely end this matter, there is only one trick - let your daughter-in-law re-cultivate and turn back into a fox." In this way, she can continue to cultivate and no longer absorb people's yang energy. As soon as Wang Er heard this, the coolness in his heart came up. He couldn't bear his daughter-in-law, but he didn't want to see her suffer that sin. He struggled for a long time, and finally decided to listen to the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest gave Wang Er a charm and asked him to go home and stick it on the head of his daughter-in-law's bed. said that as soon as the daughter-in-law sleeps, the spell will take effect and make her turn back into a fox. Wang Er returned home and did as the Taoist priest said. That night, the daughter-in-law really turned back into a fox, with white hair and smooth oily eyes. Wang Er looked at it, and his heart was mixed. He sighed, carried the fox into the yard, and released it. Before leaving, the fox glanced back at Wang Er, and his eyes were full of gratitude and reluctance. It screamed and disappeared into the night. Wang Er stood in the courtyard, looking at the direction in which the fox had disappeared, and his heart was empty. He knew that his fate with his daughter-in-law was cut off like this.

Wang Er returned to the house, lay on the bed, tossed and turned, and couldn't sleep. He thought about those days with his daughter-in-law, and his heart was so uncomfortable. Just a few days later, Wang Er found that he seemed to be a different person. He was no longer wilting like before, but full of energy. When I looked in the mirror, my face was also ruddy. He was overjoyed and hurried to find the Taoist priest. As soon as the Taoist priest saw Wang Er, he smiled and said, "It seems that your yang energy has almost recovered." Your daughter-in-law is gone, and she no longer sucks your yang energy, and your body will naturally get better. When Wang Er heard this, his heart was happy and sad. I am happy that my body is better, but I am sad that my daughter-in-law is gone. He sighed and asked the Taoist, "Dao Chief, can my daughter-in-law come back?" The Taoist priest shook his head: "She has turned back into a fox, and if she wants to become an adult again, she has to cultivate again." It's a long and difficult road. Besides, she can't absorb people's yang energy in the future, otherwise her efforts will be wasted. When Wang Er heard this, he felt even more uncomfortable. He thought about his daughter-in-law's appearance, thinking about their days together, and his heart was so sour. He sighed and said to the Taoist priest, "Dao Chief, thank you for saving your life. "Our second brother, don't look at his appearance, his heart can be open, and he knows what it means to be grateful. He said to someone, "If we need help, just say hello." But the Taoist priest waved his hand and said, "Don't mind, don't mind, you should hurry home and live a good life." When Wang Er heard this, he said goodbye to the Taoist priest and walked all the way home.

The chef rescued the girl in the mountain, and she was not born for seven years after marriage, and the Taoist priest: was eaten by her

When I got home, I saw that the house was empty, and Wang Er's heart was empty. He knows that his daughter-in-law can't come back, but life has to go on, right? He sighed and thought to himself, "Oh, we're going to have to start over."

A few years passed in a flash, Wang Er found a virtuous daughter-in-law, and the two worked hard together, and the days became more and more prosperous. There is also a big fat boy in the family, and the family is harmonious and happy. Wang Er occasionally thinks of the daughter-in-law who turned into a fox, but he understands in his heart that it was all in the past. He knows that cherishing the people in front of him and living every day is the most important thing.

As for the fox daughter-in-law, I heard that she cultivated in the deep mountains and finally became an immortal. From time to time, she will return to the mountains and forests near Wang Er's house, watching the happy life of Wang Er's family from a distance, although she feels a little uncomfortable, but she is also very relieved, after all, Wang Er has found his happiness.

The chef rescued the girl in the mountain, and she was not born for seven years after marriage, and the Taoist priest: was eaten by her

But things in this world are always a little strange. One day, Wang Er met a Taoist priest in the town, and as soon as the Taoist priest glanced at Wang Er, his eyes lit up, and he took the initiative to talk to him. The Taoist priest said to Wang Er mysteriously: "Wang Er, I see that your Yin Hall is shining, but there is a trace of worry between your eyebrows. Is there something strange going on at home? When Wang Er heard this, his heart tightened, and he couldn't help but get nervous when he remembered the past. But when he thought about it, it had been so long since that incident, the Taoist priest shouldn't have known, right? So he pretended to be calm, shook his head and said, "The Taoist chief said that he laughed, everything is fine in our family, nothing strange." ”

The Taoist priest smiled slightly, stroked his beard, and said, "Oh? Is it? Then I have to ask you, did you ever have a vixen daughter-in-law at home? When Wang Eryi heard this, his face changed, and he almost didn't stand firm. He stammered and asked, "Dao, Dao Chief, you, how do you know?" The Taoist priest looked at Wang Er's surprised expression, smiled and said, "Poor Dao travels all over the world and is well-informed. The breath of your body can't hide from my eyes. The vixen may be gone, but her breath remains in your home, affecting your fate. When Wang Eryi heard this, his heart became even more nervous. Oh, this thing is really disturbing, as soon as Wang Er's kid heard that the fox spirit would not come back, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. He scratched his head and pondered, "The place where the fox cultivates, I estimate that it is in the mountain behind our village. I remember that I rescued her, and I met her there. When the Taoist priest heard this, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's go now, I'll seal that place for you, so that the breath of the fox spirit will harm you again." When Wang Er heard this, he was so happy in his heart, and followed the Taoist priest to the mountain.

When he arrived at the cave, the Taoist priest took out the charm, muttered something in his mouth, and then pasted the charm to the entrance of the cave. Hey, there was a puff of white smoke coming out of the hole, and it looked like something had been sealed. Wang Er looked at this scene, and was so excited in his heart, thinking that he could live a solid life now. The Taoist priest looked at Wang Er's satisfied appearance and said with a smile: "Wang Er, you have to treat your family well in the future, don't let the outside world of flowers and flowers be blinded." Wang Er nodded vigorously, and was grateful to the Taoist priest in his heart.

The chef rescued the girl in the mountain, and she was not born for seven years after marriage, and the Taoist priest: was eaten by her

After sending off the Taoist priest, Wang Er returned home, and since then, he has worked hard with his daughter-in-law and son to live a prosperous life. As for the fox spirit, some people say that she has become an immortal, and some people say that she is still cultivating, waiting for one day to return to the world. But no matter what she says, she has become a story in Wang Er's heart, a memory that can never be forgotten.

This matter spread in the village, and everyone admired Wang Er's family very much. They feel that Wang Er, a person who can let go of the past and cherish the present, is really a good man with affection and righteousness. Every time Wang Er thought of the words of the fox spirit and the Taoist priest, he would be full of emotion. He knew that his fate had changed because of the vixen, but he was also glad that he had met the Taoist priest, got rid of the influence of the vixen, and lived the happy life he is now.

As the days passed, the life of Wang Er's family became more and more prosperous. With their hard work and wisdom, they have created a warm and happy family and become the envy of the people in the village. The story of the fox spirit and the Taoist priest has also become a legend in the village, and it has become a topic of conversation after dinner.

The chef rescued the girl in the mountain, and she was not born for seven years after marriage, and the Taoist priest: was eaten by her

This is today's story, I hope you can get some inspiration from it: cherish the people in front of you and live every day, this is the most important thing. We all hope that we can face the stumbles in life like Wang Er, and we have to show courage and use our hands and wisdom to fight for a happy world of our own. Don't underestimate yourself, we Northeast people have never seen any strong winds and waves, and it is not a matter of difficulties, we just want to use our strength to create a good life of our own. Don't be afraid, let's go together, we Northeast people, when were you afraid? We just have to have that energy, to break through, to fight, to do a career.